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Marissa Lily's Blogs – December 2008 Archive (6)

Fitness blog---It's a New Year, what do you do now??

First and foremost, do not make your resolution to get on a diet!

No diets allowed!

Why? It's all the rage now to call it a "lifestyle change" but honestly, that is what it needs to be. You need to make a decision to be healthy forever. Not just so you can be whatever size you have stuck in your head. You need to look at this as an every day thing from now on. Make healthy choices daily. Does this mean you don't ever get to indulge again? No. It means use every time you… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 28, 2008 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

Fitness blog---Congrats to Cookie! She listened to me and it is working!

Everyone needs to congratulate Cookie for her fantastic job. We talked on Nov. 12th and she has lost 12 pounds since then! I hope her story helps motivate some of you and give me some credibility :) Here is what she wrote me:

Marissa Lily,

Thank you for all your great advice and wisdom. It has always been a struggle for me to lose weight having two medical conditions working against me ( Thyroid Disorder) and ( Glucose Intolerance) but your expertise really was a blessing… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 20, 2008 at 11:29am — 7 Comments

Fitness blog---Not getting the results you want?

Losing weight or being in shape require two things, eating well and exercising properly. Here is a simple way to help give you some results with your exercise. Our body adapts to whatever we are doing, so to see results, you need to change things up a bit.

24 Hour Fitness has this FITT model, which isn't exclusive to them, but the word "FITT" is. If you aren't getting results you want, this is the easiest place to start. This model applies mainly to… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 20, 2008 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Fitness blog---8 Tips for Holiday Parties

It may be a little late, but you may have some more parties to attend. This post is an extension of the post "watch out for cold weather eating"

1. Eat throughout the day

Some people starve themselves during the day thinking they are saving up their calories for the party that night. Wrong! What they end up doing is consuming far more calories than they ever would have consumed because they are starving and end up not being able to control themselves. Not mention not… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 16, 2008 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Fitness Blog---Weights first or cardio first?

I like to mix my cardio and weights together in supersetting, but if you want to do both in one workout session, which do you do first? If your goal is weight loss...

Cardio then weights


1. Psychology-

If you do a hard weight routine, your muscles will feel worn out and you will feel like collapsing if you attempt cardio afterwards. Your brain and your body will both be tired, leading you to have a less effective weight workout and a less… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 11, 2008 at 4:37pm — 4 Comments

Fitness Blog---Before and afters

As you may have noticed, I am in the Bachelor Pad Cheesecake contest. Being in this contest has made me wonder what some other people are thinking. Especially in a contest, girls can become catty, judgmental and vicious.

So here is the scoop on me...

My whole life I was just the nerd, really. Which isn't so bad, I worked a lot on my personality and my intellect because that was all I had going for me. I had crooked teeth, frizzy hair and was always overweight. When I was 9… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 2, 2008 at 8:05pm — 6 Comments

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