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Fitness blog---A great website to check your BMI, target heart rate, calories needed and more

On this website most of you know that the scale number is not the most accurate way to measure your health. Most people aren't sure where to start, how much to eat or where they lie on the healthy to obese scale. DO NOT TRUST MOST WEBSITES. Most websites do not accurately calculate this at all. It is impossible for a website to accurately calculate your BMI, you really need a person to take body fat tests on you. This website however, is the most accurate I have seen so far. Check this website out, and if you are confused about any of the results/advice it gives, talk to me and I will help interpret them for you.

Whether you are attempting to lose weight, gain fitness, stay where you are, whatever, you should know where you are and if you are healthy or not.

The WebMD BMI Plus Calculator will calculate:

* BMI – Body Mass Index BMI is used to find out if a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese
* Waist-to-Height Ratio Body shape (determined by Waist-to-Height Ratio) is often considered to be the best indicator of health related to weight.
* RMR – Resting Metabolic Rate The number of calories you burn per day at including whatever your current activity level is.
* Healthy Body Weight Range - The range with the least risk of weight-related health problems.
* Daily Caloric Intake - The recommended number of calories from food/drinks to meet your weight goals.
* Target Heart Rate - The heart rate needed to achieve maximum exercise results.

click here for the WebMd BMI and more Calculator

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Comment by Frenchie Stiles on February 28, 2009 at 2:35pm
Thanks for the links. Even the WebMD one, though it is thorough still puts me in the overweight category when my waist to hip ratio is healthy on the chart but their calculator comes out a different number. Not sure why.
I used to be able to lose weight. I've been trying to lose weight for a year and it seems like I start to lose it, then it stops, then I put it on again. It's kinda driving me nuts. I'm 39-30-45 measurement-wise and I'd love to get down to 150, I'm 163 now. Shouldn't be that hard right? It feels impossible now, I don't know if my metabolism has given up the ghost.
Comment by Marissa Lily on January 19, 2009 at 1:23pm
well it isnt based on desk monkeys, it is based on whatever you say your activity level is. if you give me all of your stats (look at my how many cals do you need blog) ill run my rather complicated calculation and see what comes up.

it you want to find out your RMR, you can get a body bugg which is a very fancy heart rate monitor and ill post about it later but it can find a pretty accurate rmr.

you really really really should never go below 1,200 cals a day. especially at your height and size. a lot of women try to get down to 800 a day to lose weight and lots of things suffer, you get sick, you lose energy, you get headaches. you lower your RMR, you lose muscle mass, etc.

what are you eating and what is your exercise like?
Comment by Poppy Fields on January 19, 2009 at 1:00pm
Thanks, Marissa! I like the charts they use. As you know, I'm using FitDay at the moment and working with their estimated RMR of 2,156. WebMD says 1,816 - I'm probably somewhere in between. Problem is, with the WebMD RMR I am restricted to <1,200 calories/day (to lose 1lb a week for 6 weeks), which I know is ridiculous! Without getting my basal rate properly tested, but based on the results I've had so far with a 1,342 calories/day diet, I'm guessing I run a little hotter than WebMD's estimation for lazy-ass desk monkeys ;D
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