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Fitness Blog---A few sweet treats when a craving hits

You should never completely deprive yourself of something you want, in fact having a treat when are craving it is no problem--unless you start doing it everyday. so here are a few treats that help me get through

1. 100 cal packs of popcorn (not sweet but satisfying)
2. A couple ounces of juice (a tropical juice works well) with the rest of the glass filled with sparkling water. Tastes like a refreshing soda
3. A cup of sugar free hot chocolate
4. Fake pudding pie-In a small bowl place a sugar free pudding cup with a half a graham cracker on the bottom of it and a dollop of whipped cream on top
5. Jello/fruit pudding bowl-this turns out to be a large dessert. Take one cup of sugar free strawberry or cherry jello, combine with a cup of sugar free chocolate pudding and a couple scoops of whipped cream, stir it all together and place a cut up strawberry (optional) on top. You can also try it with cheesecake pudding. Super filling and only about 100 cals. (jello 10 cals, pudding 60 cals and cool whip 25 cals depending on how much you use)
6. Skinny Cow Ice cream cones and sandwiches- these are a little higher in cals, but still taste quite good
7. A tall skinny latte from Starbucks only 90 calories and you can get decaf and various sugar free syrups. Did you know Starbucks also makes a "short"? Order that if you are looking to cut even more calories.

Most importantly make sure you like whatever you have because if you just "settle for diet food" you will never be satisfied and end up still craving the high calorie option.

Feel free to chime in with a few of your favorite snack/dessert/late night craving items

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Comment by Marissa Lily on March 14, 2009 at 8:19am
Yes Ali, the sugar free Jello cups are great. Most of them are 10 calories each and then you can add the whipped cream without feeling too bad. You might like that Jello pudding thing i listed. it is a Jello cup, a sugar free pudding cup and some whipped cream all mixed together. Should end up as no more than 100 cals and it is a gigantic dessert.
Comment by Alibi Ali on March 13, 2009 at 11:36pm
My husband and I have sugar-free jello with light whipped cream on top for dessert a few times a week. It's under 50 calories, so you can even splurge and have two if you really need a treat.

He even found a recipe for sugar-free creme-brulée that is under 150 calories/serving. The only problem is that the top doesn't crust up perfectly, but otherwise you couldn't tell the difference.
Comment by Marissa Lily on March 9, 2009 at 4:28pm
thanks crowshop
I'm listing things that are low cal but still taste filling. everything i listed is in the 100 calorie range which is really ideal for a little quick pick me up.

flour tortillas are a no-no if you are trying to lose/maintain weight unless you go for the flour tortillas i listed in my fabulous food find
cottage cheese and fruit are good and are listed in my snack blog too, good for any time i guess
as far as nuts go a serving is about unless you are very disciplined be very careful with nuts (i do eat nuts most days but place them in individual snack bags for portion control)
crackers and milk, depends on the crackers, depends on the milk and how much you eat (go for crackers without enriched flour in them, look for whole grain and only eat what is the equivalent of maybe 100 cals. a cup of non fat milk is 90 cals.
Comment by C/S on March 9, 2009 at 11:12am
Cottage cheese and fruit ,
Crackers and milk,
Flour tortillas and jelly,
Un salted nuts and honey,
and Johnny cakes = corn meal and honey .....

Low fat or food for some hard times to make ends meet ....?
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