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Fitness blog---8 Tips for Holiday Parties

It may be a little late, but you may have some more parties to attend. This post is an extension of the post "watch out for cold weather eating"

1. Eat throughout the day
Some people starve themselves during the day thinking they are saving up their calories for the party that night. Wrong! What they end up doing is consuming far more calories than they ever would have consumed because they are starving and end up not being able to control themselves. Not mention not eating all day will also lower your energy level which also makes you want to eat more.

2. Have something to eat before the party
I, personally, will actually eat a small meal before I go so that I don’t go crazy, you don’t want the holiday party to be your meal, you want it to be snacks. Depending on what you want to do and what type of party it is you can eat an apple beforehand, have a can of soup or even eat a lean cuisine or similar frozen meal averaging around 300 cals. Doing this will actually lower your calorie consumption during the party. Use the appetizers as appetizers, not your entire meal.

3. Don’t stand by the table
If you stand around the buffet table and talk, you are going to end up “grazing” at that table the whole time. Get a small plate, put a few you things you would like on it and then go into another room and sit down and talk if possible. This will help a lot, you will have to physically get up and excuse yourself from the conversation if you want more food. Most people are too embarrassed to do that!

4. Watch out for drinks
I mentioned this in a previous post, and I will continue mentioning it. Alcohol is a double edged sword, it raises your insulin levels, making you hungrier and it makes your body store most of what you eat because you already have the insulin in your blood to provide energy.
Calorie estimates
One ounce (a shot) of 80 proof alcohol is 90 calories!! An average drink has more than one shot in it. The higher the proof, the higher the calories in the alcohol.
Glass of wine 100 cals
Mai Tai 310 cals
Margarita 740 cals
Long Island 710 cals (that is more than a Big Mac!! A Big Mac has 540)
White Russian 425 cals (all that in such a tiny glass?!?!)
Mojito 160

5. Just because someone asks you to try their food doesn’t mean you have to
You have 3 options if you don’t really care for what the person is offering
a. Say you are stuffed right now but will come back later to try it out!
b. Lie and say you already tried it and it was fantastic
c. Say you are allergic to some ingredient in it.

Newsflash: You don't have to do what people tell you to do just to be polite! women are awful at this!!

6. Watch out for dips
Artichoke, cream cheese and Spinach dip are death in a bowl. Run away! Instead, opt for the salsa or hummus (if you are in California you will probably have that at a party at some point.)

7. Don't freak out if you do eat too much
Most people do eat too much, don't think you are ruined. Every minute is a chance to start over, you don't have to pick up that next brownie. It doesn't matter if you already overindulged, you can stop whenever you want. Just stop.

8. Workout before you go
You may think it will make you hungrier, but exercise temporarily lowers the appetite. It also will increase the efficiency of your calorie burning, especially if you lift weights, expect to have a raised metabolism for several hours afterwards)

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Comment by AbSINthia V. on December 23, 2008 at 10:22pm
so thought ful of you !
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