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Fitness blog---Not getting the results you want?

Losing weight or being in shape require two things, eating well and exercising properly. Here is a simple way to help give you some results with your exercise. Our body adapts to whatever we are doing, so to see results, you need to change things up a bit.

24 Hour Fitness has this FITT model, which isn't exclusive to them, but the word "FITT" is. If you aren't getting results you want, this is the easiest place to start. This model applies mainly to cardio.

F-frequency How often are you working out? 3-5 times a week for cardio is usually the right amount. Any less and it isn't enough, any more and it can become damaging to your body.
Two simple options
1. Add a day of cardio
Does this mean you have to do the treadmill another time?? No. You can go on a walk, play a game, whatever, just do something.
2. Slip in cardio with your resistance training.
A good way to sneak in cardio is to do it with your resistance training. There are classes at the gym built exactly this way. No gym? Then at minimum never stand around only doing bicep curls. Do squats with bicep curls at the same time, this will keep your heart rate up while you are lifting so you can get more out of your workout.

I-intensity How hard are you working out? This is the FIRST thing you should change. If you can watch TV or hold a conversation with someone, you need to step it up a notch. Perfect way is to add intervals in. Warm up, then work out hard for 1 minute and slow it down for 2 minutes. Continue for at least 5 rounds then cool down.

How long are your workouts? Just adding one more interval round onto your workout will help a lot. if you are working out too long this is an issue too! About 45 minutes is a good place to try to stay. Those women that stay on the treadmill for 2 hours are not helping themselves any. Anything that long and your body will use your muscle as fuel.

T-type What are you doing? This is the SECOND thing you change. You can't just run on the treadmill every time. You need to change about every 4 weeks WHAT you are doing. Treadmill running, treadmill walking at a high incline, recumbent bike, stationary bike, rowing machine, stepmill, walking outside, running outside, soccer, basketball, swimming, taking cardio classes...these are all options.

If it isn't working first change your intensity, then type, then time, then frequency. Change the type of workout at least every 4 weeks, more often if you want. Change the intensity every time if you want.

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Comment by Liz Robbins on December 21, 2008 at 9:49pm
This is great. I have been exercising, but have plateaued. These are great tips for shaking things up. Thanks for the post.
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