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insomnia the she beast

i loooove to curl up in bed get cozy and sleep,to bad insomnia the shebeast decided to rear her ugly head. so here i am......

Added by Carrie[pure]Chaos on November 8, 2008 at 3:11am — 1 Comment

Get your Barracuda Calendar Now!!!

Added by Dayna DeLux on November 7, 2008 at 8:44pm — 1 Comment

Get your Barracuda Calendar Now!!!

Added by Dayna DeLux on November 7, 2008 at 8:43pm — No Comments

Happy to be here......

just wanted to say how happy i am about being a member of the site!!!! This rocks!!!

Added by Carrie[pure]Chaos on November 7, 2008 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Write Up In Dec. Issue Of Car Kulture Deluxe!

Pick up the latest issue of Car Kulture Deluxe Magazine (Dec Issue No. 31) and you'll find a great article about band written by Anna Marco entitled "The Chop Tops Rock Billy's Ass Off!" You won't be disappointed. It's some excellent reading!

Head out to your local 7-Eleven now, pick up a Big Gulp and the mag and have some fun for a change! Doctor's orders!…


Added by The Chop Tops on November 7, 2008 at 9:38am — 1 Comment

Busy,busy bee!

The weather here is so wretched right now! Raining and cold,yuck. I've been trying to get busy and finish up my website to be able to sell online.I've got some many great local designers in the shop,it would be wonderful to showcase them to a much larger crowd.

I think I just need about ten more hours in the day....

Added by Kara on November 6, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Don't it make your red state blue?

THE NEW BLUE AMERICA: VOTING SHIFTS: The NY Times breakdown of how the country voted compared with 2004. The redder the area, the more people shifted towards republicans. The bluer the area, the more people shifted toward the Democrats.

Added by Christine Elise McCarthy on November 6, 2008 at 11:55am — 1 Comment

ohie, will you ever shape up baby, ohie.

okey, i will probably move to LA in june. don't ask me why. do you know any good hostels or apartment services, please send me an email. it's pretty hard to find good information. kisses.

Added by odetobetty on November 6, 2008 at 7:03am — No Comments

Obama Victory Party - One Eyed Jack's, New Orleans

...and I got there late (had to work.

) Dirty South gave away the last of the shirts I desperately wanted, and only got a few shots out before, well, before everyone's multiple toasts really kicked in.

Here's what I got, if you weren't there!…



Added by Jian Bastille on November 6, 2008 at 12:27am — 2 Comments

Political Traffic

Monday morning I woke up very early to go to class. I left SLO at about 6:30AM I had class at 10 in Northridge. Should've made it on time. I was three hours late.


I got to Santa Barbara at about 8, right on time! and hit crazy traffic. An hour later I hadn't moved an inch. Flipped on the radio and found out a guy was with a gun on a freeway overpass about a mile ahead of me.

Sooo, 2 hours after that, I was walking around in the traffic with everyone wondering all the… Continue

Added by Cassie Wanda on November 5, 2008 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

I'm so excited...

that I just can't hide it. GOBAMA!!

I'm proud of America, but not so proud of California (I'm an LA native).

Hate and ignorance are not modern values. Shame on everyone who voted YES on Prop H8TE. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Hopefully the protests that are being organized and the lawsuits that are occurring against this proposition will educate more people.

Added by June Fontaine on November 5, 2008 at 7:59pm — 1 Comment

Why Is Rockabilly & Psychobilly The Music Of Choice For The Kustom Kulture Crowd?

Seriously I am not an such an avid Rockabilly fan (so what- right?). I do love Johnny Cash, Eddie Cochran, Carl Perkins, Patsy Cline, Jerry Lee Lewis and Roy Orbison from the early days. Cramps and Reverend Horton Heat from the not so early days. Being a bassist- I really dig upright bass and I can appreciate the revival of the instrument, but I also use drum machines and computers to make my music (not always) and prefer Double Bass in Be-Bop Jazz most of all. My band Kill Switch...Klick was… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 5, 2008 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Where to buy Fuss Face Accessories

online: on my page, or on e-bay

23 Skidoo in downtown Campbell CA
342 E Campbell Avenue,
Campbell, CA 95008

The Bubble Lounge in downntown Santa Cruz CA
110 Cooper Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Added by Fuss Face Accessories on November 5, 2008 at 4:32pm — No Comments

I'm disappointed in you California!

I can not believe that Prop 8 PASSED ! I'm just in awe that this happened. I want to yell at someone [and maybe throw a few things].

For those that don't know Prop 8 bans same sex marriage in the state of California.

I think many people didn't really know much about it and might have fallen for those decisive ads made by the proponents of Prop 8.

California took a step BACK in allowing such a discriminatory law to pass.

Obviously this is… Continue

Added by Dottie Darling on November 5, 2008 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

***Shop Torture Couture for the HOLIDAYS!! ***

HOLIDAY SHOPPING!!! Shop and avoid the ruckus in stores!

2Tone Rose in Pink/Black, Nightmare Necklace

Model: Alamilla!! , Photo: RP Photography

Available at:

<Bowtique Skelehand, Hair Clip

Model: Alamilla <3, Photo: RP Photography

Available at:…

Added by on November 5, 2008 at 3:05pm — No Comments

Another Friggin' Elections

People Lemme Tell Ya!

Well this year was an easy one (at least election counting wise) and I actually picked a winner this time around. I have been cursed ( I knew I shouldn't have cut that damn gypsy lady off in the grocery store all those many years ago) since I first started voting back in the 80's- I'm 44 now. My track record is Dukakis, Perot, Perot, Nader, Kerry and now Obama. The curse is broken! Unless that lawyer cat (name?) I heard two nights ago on Coast To Coast AM wins his… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 5, 2008 at 11:55am — No Comments

Fitness blog---Fake Pumpkin Pie snack

This is a great snack for the holiday season when you are craving traditional foods without the fat and calories.

This makes a great snack during the day! This is perfect to keep your hunger at bay and keep you feeling satisified and without headaches!

1/2 C fat free or low fat cottage cheese

2 tbs pumpkin puree (not the pie mix, just the pumpkin)

a few dashes of Cinnamon

a dash of Nutmeg

1 packet or 2 of Splenda to taste

Stir it all up and… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on November 5, 2008 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Burldoir is having a petticoat sale. 1/2 price

Burldoir Petticoat sale

was £65.00 Now only £35.00 including delivery

Hey hunnies, just to give you early bird heads up. We have limited stock left of our gorgeous four layer elasticated waist, organdy petticoats in Red, Black and white.

These petticoats are perfect for added volume to christmas party dresses and skirts.

As a pre christmas special the petticoats are now on sale at only £35.00 including… Continue

Added by Burldoir on November 5, 2008 at 4:33am — No Comments

Many of you may know me as Meagan Merlot

Its been a hell of a year and I haven't done much modeling since my car accident in January. I've kind of shyed away from the scene entirely. However, I decided to join pinup lifestyle thanks to my dear friend Jason Holmes and i'm glad I did :) Perhaps I shall model again. As for the name, everything in my life has changed so dramatically that I thought my name needed changing too, so I've taken my boyfriend Eric Angel's name. Hope no one gets to mixed up over it.

Added by Meagan Angel on November 4, 2008 at 4:17pm — 4 Comments

I mean, really...I deserve shoes.

I'm a stay at home mom.

That's my first job.

I'm also a maid and a wife.

jobs 2 and 3.

On top of those "non-paying" jobs, I'm also a clothing designer (in my spare time, HA!) and an Administrative Manager for a Computer and IT Consulting company. I get to work from home, and I'm paid well, so that's awesome.

The bad part of all this? I have no time to do ANYTHING that I really want to do. Because I'm a stay at home mom, and because I also… Continue

Added by Honey B Hooligan {Madam} on November 4, 2008 at 3:25pm — 2 Comments

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