"We Are The New Vintage"
Dapper Day Spring 2014 in Orlando just so happened to fall on my 25th birthday! It was the perfect way to spend the day for me. I wore my PUG Birdie dress which I chose and purchased specifically for the occasion! I am completely obsessed with this dress.
It was really, truly my favorite birthday thus far. I can't deny that I do love attention and I certainly got a lot of it that day. I can't even count how many times I was stopped by people asking to take my picture. My favorite part of the day was walking through the park just before the parade started. Everyone was lined up on the sides shouting out things like "I love your dress!" and "You look so beautiful!". Seriously the most princess moment in the history of my life.... and I LOVED it. Who honestly wouldn't like that tho? But enough about me.. The fashion at Dapper Day is fantastic. It made me really feel like I was at Disney in the 1950 or that Magic Kingdom was some sort of time portal. I kept getting stopped and asked why everyone was all dressed up and the only good answer other than the obvious (which I grew tired of explaining over and over again) was WHY THE HELL NOT? I was absolutely drooling over the dresses and suits I saw. I am actually pretty shy so for the most part I swooned from afar but in retrospect I do wish I took more photos of my fellow Dans and Dolls.
It was a fantastically dapper day. I cannot wait until the next one!!
...And a very Dapper Day to you, too!!!
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