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that I just can't hide it. GOBAMA!!

I'm proud of America, but not so proud of California (I'm an LA native).

Hate and ignorance are not modern values. Shame on everyone who voted YES on Prop H8TE. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Hopefully the protests that are being organized and the lawsuits that are occurring against this proposition will educate more people.

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Comment by Donnie on November 8, 2008 at 11:30pm
Regarding P8: I understand that the Mormon church sent millions of $$ to the cause. ... because Mormons are known for marriage between ONE man and ONE woman... NOT!

but regarding Obama, I've been very happy this week, knowing that my President is now someone I can be very proud of; someone who I want to represent me to the world, someone who is intelligent, learned, and humble.
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