Kitschy Kitschy Cool will be at the Battleborn Showdown car show as a vendor as well as an Epic Salon who will be doing pinup hairstyles. Come to our booths and shop and get your hair done up!
This will be the first time for Kitschy Kitschy Cool to be at the Mugrosos and Dead End Cruisers car…
Added by Lesley Ward on February 10, 2010 at 10:08am —
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It's that time of year already? Yay! I'm ready for some springtime fun in Vegas and seeing old friends and meeting new ones.
Kitschy Kitschy Cool will be there again, as we have been for many years, with some cool stuff for Cads, Chicks and the Pad. Expect to see Dia De Los Muertos items, more hair accessories, vintage clothing and accessories, retro jewelry and much more!
At the car show you…
Added by Lesley Ward on February 10, 2010 at 9:43am —
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Exclusively at
Get Go Retro! The Drama Queen Swimwear Line. In stock and ready to ship!
The 2 piece scrunchkini completely handmade of high quality nylon lycra. The…
Added by on February 10, 2010 at 6:36am —
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Hi everyone!
I've been looking at a bunch of submissions for the Bettie contest. There are some great ones I must say! Some of you did an excellent job. However, there was one that got my attention. Darla Crane. I really am curious to know if that is actually embodying the spirit of Bettie?
The shot was incredible, the outfit dead on, but the picture wasn't of Bettie. Which brings me to my point and artist criticism. If you emulate someone, don't you have to emulate them…
Added by Scarlet Rayne on February 10, 2010 at 6:30am —
1 Comment
So I got the call today and I start "no skates" training and conditioning on Thursday. I am so pumped!! The only issue I can forsee currently is that practices run from 5-6:30 at night and they are held on the other side of the island, and I don't get off work until 4. Hopefully I will be able to work something out and maybe leave work a little eairler one day a week. I want to be a derby girl so bad, I can taste it!!
Today I think I am going to do a little online shoping for…
Added by Hollie-Mae on February 9, 2010 at 8:03pm —
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The race to the Ink-n-Iron Pinup Pageant has begun! Voting has started and will continue till May 15. The top 12 girls will go on to compete at Ink-n-Iron Sunday June 13th. I am entered as a contestant!
To vote go to: for up to 4 girls. One vote per email address!
Good Luck to everyone entered!
Ink-n-Iron is held in Long Beach, CA at the Queen Mary June 11th through…
Added by Becky Lee xoxo on February 9, 2010 at 8:00pm —
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Added by on February 9, 2010 at 6:02pm —
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Retro Lovely #1 Miss Missy
Click To Enlarge
- Availability:…
Added by Miss Missy Photography on February 9, 2010 at 4:00pm —
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A play on words ... Our favorite pin-up Bernie Dexter models this "The Big Red"sequined ribbed tank. It's a masterpiece in woven cotten. Grommeted for a metal sheen. Spin around and show your tail! So cute and by Evil Brand.…
Added by on February 8, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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Before I begin, let me give everyone a little backround on yours truly. I am almost 6ft tall and I currently weight 204lbs... in other words, I am a big girl. I have always been know as a tough chic, and have proved on more then one occastion that I can throw a mighty hard punch. About two weeks ago I was sent a recuritment e-mail from the Hawaii Pacific Roller Derby. I had shown intrest in joining a while ago but didn't really persue it. Well after talking with my husband last night, it was…
Added by Hollie-Mae on February 8, 2010 at 11:49am —
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Alright so..It is often the case during gift giving season or special occasions, gifts are loving bestowed upon us.
Gift cards, jewelry, maybe even a great gift certificate to get your
hair done or a massage. Whatever the gift, you usual act grateful
regardless if you like it or not.
However, when the gift given is on all levels - a full frontal attack
on you; when it's from a family member, how and what do you say?
Recently - I… Continue
Added by Vivacious Elizabeth on February 7, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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There are a few things in life I enjoy talking about.. Make-Up, Music,
WoW, Pop Culture and Trent Reznor. The number one thing I hate talking
about is Dating. Most of these conversations leave me feeling….
SO, “Why are you single?” The dating process is a complete
headache. Who’s driving? Who’s paying? Should I act like I like
ZombieNation? Does my breath stink? Is he staring at my chest? Why are
we discussing this?
The… Continue
Added by Vivacious Elizabeth on February 7, 2010 at 5:30pm —
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Some of the best clothes come from second hand stores. Don't get me wrong, new clothes are always great, but you can find some really awesome stuff! I found this hand knitted sweater jacket at the thrift store that was made in Equador. I kinda found it interesting a sweater was made in that specific country because it's always so warm there! Nonetheless, thrift stores rock. I don't have to walk around wearing Gucci or Prada to be happy. I just enjoy clothing with personality, good fabric, and…
Added by Scarlet Rayne on February 6, 2010 at 9:25am —
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Despite feeling like I had snacked a lot on crap (though I still kept account of it all and was within my limit), I felt even less confident this week or losing weight, but did! I lost 2.5lb!!!! If I lose at least 1.5lb next week I would have lost half a stone in 3 weeks!!!
I am so happy, and I am feeling it. I don't think it's hugely noticeable outwardly yet, but there is a slight less wobble where wobbles usually occur.
Turns out that my cycling to work every day…
Added by Tiger Tiger on February 6, 2010 at 1:19am —
1 Comment
Do you believe this? Incredible.
This is absolutely pitiful. Where people get their ideas, I'll never know. But, it does make me mad to even look at this. The stupid little bars look way to heavy fort his kitten's ears.
You know how some people like to dress their pets up like children in cute little sweaters and tshirts; or put antlers on…
Added by on February 5, 2010 at 6:30pm —
Added by Starla James on February 5, 2010 at 6:19am —
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found at Nifty Fifties
Added by Kawentzmann on February 5, 2010 at 4:17am —
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My boss and I are starting a new clothing line, and the first thing we will be selling are hair accessories.
We have flowers and bows, both with fun buttons in the center!
The flowers are $7.00 a piece, and the bows are $3.00 a piece.
email me at if you're interested in purchasing one!
here area couple of examples, you can browse them all at… Continue
Added by Maxwell Murder on February 4, 2010 at 2:35pm —
I recently did two photo shoots with the wonderful Bunni McLaughlin. A link to her website is below!
Hope all of ya'll enjoy our combined efforts!
Jamie B.
Added by Jamie Bahr on February 4, 2010 at 12:30pm —
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"It is we who are the measure of what is strange and miraculous: if we sought a universal measure the strange and miraculous would not occur and all things would be equal" -Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Added by Factor Twice on February 3, 2010 at 1:48pm —
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