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February 2009 Blogs (183)

Roadside (2)

It was the sound of a car like the rush of a faucet that brought her back to the road. Headlights arched off the eastbound exit. She plucked the coils in her hair, quickly flattening from the humidity of the fields. Three steps to the edge of the road. She pulled her petticoat straight and brushed along the skirt seams. She pressed the corners of her eyelashes. Perfect. The back line of her stockings bisected each leg from thigh to knee to calf, until disappearing inside her gold peeptoe heels.… Continue

Added by GT Jones on February 28, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments


these are lay outs of some of the previous magazine's that i have been published in:…




Added by Soda Shop Sue on February 28, 2009 at 7:35am — 1 Comment

Selling my WKD Pigalle Sophia corset - 24" -*SOLD*

It is with great reluctance that I am advertising this beautiful corset. It always was a tiny little bit on the small side as I could only just get the modesty panel to cover all the skin at the back, I had hoped maybe I would lose a couple of pounds, and I then gained weight before finding out I was pregnant. I don't realistically think I will be able to get into it again.

It has only been worn for a total of 7 photo shoots for about 1-2 hours maximum. It is in excellent condition… Continue

Added by Violet Ecstasy on February 28, 2009 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

Amateur who would like to step up...

I have been a avid photographer for some time. Mainly static scapes, cars, & trains. This on top of sketching and painting for about 20 years.

In an attempt to move in the direction of pin-up what suggestions could you provide?

I shoot with a Nikon D90[kit lens]. I have been considering a good fisheye, and possibly a wide angle to get up close to the subject while capturing most of it[A common problem when photographing trains]. Any reccomendations?

Is it… Continue

Added by Buckaroo on February 28, 2009 at 1:12am — 1 Comment

grace (n), gracious (adj)

grace |grās|


1 simple elegance or refinement of movement : she moved through the water with effortless grace.

• courteous goodwill : at least he has the grace to admit his debt to her.

• (graces) an attractively polite manner of behaving : she has all the social graces.


the ( Three) Graces Greek Mythology three beautiful goddesses (Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne), daughters of Zeus. They were believed to… Continue

Added by Wink Holliday on February 27, 2009 at 8:08pm — 1 Comment

Wedding Blog - Finding The Dress

Finding The Right Dress

Matt and I are not your "typical" couple - we love hot rods, pin-up girls, swing music and a typical wedding dress just wouldn't do. I started my search by googling Vintage Wedding Dresses, '50s Style Wedding Dresses, Old Hollywood Style Wedding Dresses, etc. and found some really fun dresses. Here are some fun sites to check out for everything other then "typical." or contact… Continue

Added by Betty Red {PL Team / Madam} on February 27, 2009 at 11:05am — 6 Comments

ER Rooms, Pain Killers & The U.S. Economy


So I'm sitting in the ER looking at a blank TV screen with the pain medication starting to take effect, wondering if I will need surgery. This was last Monday morning. Rewind. I had spent the whole evening tossing and turning with massive abdominal pains. It started shortly after my wife and I went to bed, as a strong stinging sensation just below my stomach. At first I thought it was some kind of constipation, but it… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 26, 2009 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Pretty Pretty Please!

I would be very appreciative if everyone with a myspace page would please go vote for me in this pin up contest. All you have to do it leave a comment with my name in it on their contest blog. Thank you sooooo much!

Added by Cody Brown on February 26, 2009 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Dignity (n)

dignity |ˈdignitē|

noun (pl. -ties)

the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect : a man of dignity and unbending principle | the dignity of labor.

• a composed or serious manner or style : he bowed with great dignity.

• a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect : it was beneath his dignity to shout.

ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French dignete, from Latin dignitas, from dignus… Continue

Added by Wink Holliday on February 26, 2009 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Bergamot Burlesque is born...

Thanks to the help of some amazing people and a venue that has taken a chance on me, I have the opportunity to host my first show!

Bergamot Burlesque will be a variety show featuring burlesque gals, comedians and maybe a juggler or two. Each show will have a theme and the acts will vary based on the theme...

Or at least that's the idea...

Our first show will be Bergamot Burlesque presents Rose City Shimmy. We'll be hosting 3 lovely gals from the group in Portland, along with a… Continue

Added by Infamous Nina Nightshade on February 26, 2009 at 4:01pm — No Comments

Heartbreaker - opening our doors just for you!

As some of you may know- we do not have a physical store front.
While getting stuff in the mail is tons of fun- we also know how important it is to have the opportunity to try garments on before purchasing them!

We are currently opening our doors on Saturdays by appointment. If you live local to San Dimas, CA and would like to set up an appointment, please contact Mandie at 909.599.0715
or e-mail

Added by Heartbreaker Fashion on February 26, 2009 at 3:51pm — 1 Comment

Mega*Con / Watchmen Post!

Hola Intrawebz,

I have to say that this week is gearing up to be exciting! First off, I'll be attending Mega*Con again this weekend (SAT&SUN - Feb 28th- March 1st @ the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL). I will be sharing a table with Jedi Pinup Master Joe Pekar so hold on to your socks! Hell I might even… Continue

Added by Amano Jyaku on February 26, 2009 at 1:15pm — 2 Comments

YAY for March!!!!

I am INSANELY excited for Ama and Victoria to get here in March! This is big for me. I am trying not to behave like a psychotic fan. You know, the kind that babbles incoherently and bubbles over with anticipation in the presence of greatness? Oh, WAIT..... I think I'm there already. Crap.

Anywho, thank you Betty Red for introducing me and helping make this a reality AND thank you for the generous donations from my dear ones. You are all AMAZING.

Added by Syd Valentine on February 26, 2009 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Digestive - aka life update...

So, I've figured it out.

I'm just stressed. All my zen is just masking it. I've been irritable and cranky and antisocial but needy b/c I'm stressed.

My car still isnt' done, which is annoying, but manageable b/c my fantastic friend, M, has lent me his car. I would be in such a bind otherwise. so after finally hounding J I found out the part still isnt' there which is why he didnt' call. I'm irritated. This is just such a f*****' chore. I’m also irritated b/c I need to… Continue

Added by LadyCyanide on February 26, 2009 at 10:39am — No Comments

Reptile Super Show in San Diego California

Hi All,
I will be at the San Diego Reptile Super Show June 27.28 2009 with my pets (Panther Chameleons) and lots of neonates to sell. I breed and raise Blue Barred and Purple Barred Panther Chameleons (Ambamja & Ambilobe). All are CB and healthy.
I hope to see you there.My company is
"California Chameleons"

Added by KrisTee Lane on February 26, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

KrisTee Lane is in print again

Look for issue #26 Dice Magazine

and also Vicious Bettys Magazine

out This month (March) with several lovely ladies, as well as Rockwell Devil (MUA) .She give many style tips and lifestyle tips that are sensible and well thought out. Take a look see... Vicious Bettys is a EZine and can be found on Myspace.

I will be at Viva Las Vegas this year in April with Mitzi & Co. Photography if you would like to stop by our booth. We will have many photos, posters, vintage ladies shoes… Continue

Added by KrisTee Lane on February 26, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Designing and making, designing and making...

So, I think I have ultimately decided that instead of spending all my time (and money) on cute pieces for my 1950s / rockabilly wardrobe, I am going to design and make my own. It would more than likely prove to be a lot less expensive, and I would be wearing original pieces that no one else has :)

By the way, Anna and I had our faerie shoot on the 15th. We designed and made 10 different costumes and wings (although two models didn't show up .. thanks guys), and got some outstanding… Continue

Added by Brittany on February 26, 2009 at 9:21am — No Comments

Manclothes, anyone?

When I use the term "manclothes" I refer not to macho ball caps, football jerseys, etc. I would simply like to go into a clothing store and find garments that could possibly be suited for an adult man that may have a modicum of taste. In other words, man clothes and not "I really want to be a hip-hop star" clothes or " I want to look like Ryan Seacrest or the Jonas Brothers" clothes.

For example, the other day I went into an establishment and saw a vest that at first glance seemed decent.… Continue

Added by Mike Duggins on February 26, 2009 at 4:47am — 2 Comments

I've entered a contest!

I RARELY ever do contests,but I entered this one for Viva.If you have a myspace please take a moment to add the link below,when they approve simply comment under my photo in the 2009 Contest album! Easy as pie..I appreciate everyones help <3

Added by Vanessa Vixen on February 26, 2009 at 12:59am — No Comments

Taking a stab again at poetry.......

Sipping hot tea

reminds me of

early morning chats


sharing common

knowing looks

these times were sacred

something real

Flocks of geese

a brisk breeze blowing over a frigid lake.

Freezing fingers close to frostbite

gripping a hot chocolate


maybe from the cold or

maybe from excitement

doesn't matter

A touch here and there


feels more than lust

a stroke of the collar… Continue

Added by Syd Valentine on February 25, 2009 at 4:14pm — No Comments

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