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So, I've figured it out.

I'm just stressed. All my zen is just masking it. I've been irritable and cranky and antisocial but needy b/c I'm stressed.

My car still isnt' done, which is annoying, but manageable b/c my fantastic friend, M, has lent me his car. I would be in such a bind otherwise. so after finally hounding J I found out the part still isnt' there which is why he didnt' call. I'm irritated. This is just such a f*****' chore. I’m also irritated b/c I need to speak to him candidly about a few things that can't be done over the phone.

I’m taking deep breaths and relaxing. I have other things to worry about so I'll just be patient.

My move date may be pushed back a couple days b/c they still need to clean the apt. I'm moving next week but it may be the difference between Sunday and Thursday.

I still need to make an appointment to have my hair stripped of the red and taken back to my natural colour (or lack thereof.....I swear it's frickin' translucent!). I also need a trim.

My dress is in, but has minor flaws. The neck strap is too long, which in turn makes the plunge too deep, which in turn makes the bodice not line up with my breasts. It's a simple fix but irritating. Also, the dress wasn't made in the right color. I'd complain but this color is a much better match for my skin tone. I ordered royal blue; I got turquoise. Not a huge deal b/c I still am doing black and silver accessories, but it isnt' what I ordered. This is why I had it come to me a month ahead of time so I can deal with this minor snafus.

The corset's "steel" boning is flimsy. I'm looking into quick fixes for that.

I need to procure stay-put stage make-up to cover the tattoos. I've got the face make-up planned and all is going well except I'm breakin' out something fierce. I started using a new line of skin care products and it seems to be calming my skin a tad, but really until I'm less stressed it's not going to calm much.

I have ordered the gloves, stockings and garter belt. Stockings came in and I'm glad I ordered the lighter color now (they are color with black seam, welt, heel, and top band), I also got nude just in case. I have the shoes as well and I really should bring them to work to wear them around the office for "practice".

In other news, I'm getting a puppy. His name is Duchy, but I plan on changing that. Right now the name at the top of the list is "Lord High Fluffypants" but that's just b/c I told my soon-to-be-roommate F/M (she has 2 names) that I wanted something mildly pretentious sounding to compliment Ford Prefect (aka Tripod) and Hiroaki Protagonist (aka Fluffy bunbun face). we'll figure something... He's a Siberian Husky. Black and white with 3/4 blue eyes and 1/4 brown eye....that's 1 blue eye and one eye that's blue on the bottom and brown on the top.

I also bought a bed. I spent over one thousand dollars on a bed. List price was 1400-ish. I paid 899.99 plus 50 for the frame and 90 for delivery and 45 in taxes. total 1087 and change. It will be delivered on the first when I move if all things go well.

OK, so I just got a call from my HR dept. Seems as though the time I took off for the car accident was not approved under FMLA, which means my PTO bank is now depleted to cover the negative balance.

What this means is that I may have to take days off that are unpaid to cover camp. I'm not sure I can afford to do that if my roommate doesnt' find a job to cover her half of the bills soon. It also means I can't be sick any time soon.

I have called my car insurance company to see if, since my PIP is still open, I can be reimbursed for the time taken. If I can, my HR dept said they'd negate some of the time lost based on the amount the ins. company pays me.

So, we'll see.

Just F****** GRRRRRRR.

I get my new place on March 14th. Since he's pushed it back so munch he's not charging me any rent at all for March. I'm just irritated about the whole moving BS.

So, if anyone in the Metro West Mass area wants to help me move it would be greatly appreciated.


Update 2:
I get my car tonight...finally...thank the gods.

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