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Tiger Tiger's Blogs (15)

dieting goes on... and on... and on...

I'm struggling a bit with the diet at the moment. This past week I stayed the same, no loss, but thankfully no gain... Which is a good thing as I have spent the last week or two not doing incredibly well on the dieting front. I didn't realise how much crap I ate until I really wanted to start eating it all again. So I have been a little bit nuts. I think I needed the break from it for a while, let myself go before my brain exploded!

This week I can't make it to weigh-in as hubbie and… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on March 30, 2010 at 5:12am — 2 Comments

Making up for lost time - another dieting update...

Woot! After feeling rather bloated all week (but being a good girl diet wise) and shaking my caboose (which obviously helps weightloss :P), I lost 2.5lb this week, which takes off what I put on last week and that little bit more.


Though I am going to be bad now and have a pizza... eep!

Added by Tiger Tiger on March 19, 2010 at 12:26pm — No Comments

Last night I performed for the first time...

and it was great!

To be honest I had been slightly worried about it. Not because of the performance, but the actual function. I had had my reservations at the beginning as I was sharing the bill with a magician and the event host had suggested I could also be the magicians assistant. I politely declined as that wasn't what I was there for and it was all cool.

However, a few days ago I was informed that the magician along with over half of the guests could no longer attend.… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on March 14, 2010 at 4:40am — No Comments


Despite now fitting back into jeans that I haven't for some years, I managed to put weight back on this week :(

It's a shame, but that is the way these things go now and then. In truth I've been not too bad this week, however the fat club leader said that it could be because of my meds. I am still on some serious meds for my back (which have some horrid side-effects but at least are keeping me almost completely pain free!). And she mentioned that some people find they put weight on… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on March 13, 2010 at 6:56am — No Comments

Week 7, could have been much worse...

So, I have a back problem - a swollen disc - and now this has started to push on a nerve and given me sciatica. So, I am now on lots of painkillers and waiting to see a specialist. Unfortunately it did mean that I couldn't be bothered to cook most of this week and may have accidently had 3 pizzas between weigh-ins... but I still managed to lose 0.5lb. Which in the case of this week I have to say is not only great, but ridiculous. I HAD 3 PIZZAS!!

Anyways, the painkillers are doing… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on March 5, 2010 at 7:43am — No Comments

Week 6... not as good, but ok...

This week wasn't anywhere near as good but still a loss. Only 0.5lb, but as it was Lunar New Year and I was pigging out big time on Chinese food for various work functions, etc, I think it could have been much much worse. In fact, I pigged out so much that I wouldn't be surprised if I don't do so good this week either as it may well carry over to this week and I do feel a bit porky. Ah well, there was bound to be the odd "bad" week and at the end of the day at least it still a loss and not a… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on February 27, 2010 at 4:28am — 2 Comments

late update 4...

Argh! Just wrote an update and accidently navigated away from the page :(

Long story short - I lost 2.5lbs this week, that's now a total of 9lb since starting the diet a few weeks ago.

I've started to notice the loss this week, whereas before it hadn't really showed. Definitely dropping off my face, it's weird, but exciting. And it's been scarily easy, I really recommend weight watchers!

Dreading weigh-in this week as I've been a bit bad. One of the reasons I… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on February 23, 2010 at 11:29am — No Comments

Week three belated update...

Only lost 1lb this week, so although I didn't reach my goal of 1.5lb which would have meant a loss of half a stone in three weeks, I am pretty happy with it. I pretty much stretched in last week and even practically pigged out some days, so losing anything at all is pretty great!

Oh, also....

It's been a bit of a week of SQUEE, as I have been asked by the Ministry of Burlesque to perform in their newbie slot at the High Tease in Bath in April. OH MY!!

Not sure… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on February 13, 2010 at 2:21am — 3 Comments

Second week update...

Despite feeling like I had snacked a lot on crap (though I still kept account of it all and was within my limit), I felt even less confident this week or losing weight, but did! I lost 2.5lb!!!! If I lose at least 1.5lb next week I would have lost half a stone in 3 weeks!!!

I am so happy, and I am feeling it. I don't think it's hugely noticeable outwardly yet, but there is a slight less wobble where wobbles usually occur.

Turns out that my cycling to work every day…


Added by Tiger Tiger on February 6, 2010 at 1:19am — 1 Comment

First week update...

Weighed in for the first time tonight at the end of my first week on the weight watcher's diet.

It's been going well, I've been sticking to the points religiously but have been snacking a lot (on healthy things) essentially grazing through the day rather than having a proper meal. But then it does mean I have more points and more freedom in the evenings.

I wasn't sure one way or the other how I was going to get on, whether I was doing it right, snacking too much, etc...… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 28, 2010 at 1:24pm — 2 Comments


The diet is going ok, and I'm sticking to it. Weirdly though I am getting cravings for foods I would never normally eat. And deep down, for some reason, I don't feel that I will have lost any weight this week - not sure why :(

Will see how it goes.

On a related note sugar will always taste so much better than fake sugar :( Needs must I suppose.

Have to commend the local sainsburys supermarket on my way to work - they have a bakery bit and it all smells so good.… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 26, 2010 at 12:33pm — No Comments

And thus it begins...

Today I started diet club, otherwise known as my fatty's anonymous support group.

I had a really nice time, met some nice people. Another lady started today so we've decided to become fat buddies, lol. The leader is also really nice and said to call her if we had any probs, etc... so I said I will call her at 4am when I get my craving to shoot up some pure chocolate! MWUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!!

I feel really positive about going through all the cupboards over the weekend and… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 21, 2010 at 12:52pm — 1 Comment

dieting, burlesque and coconuts...

Although I have been eating sensibly (cutting out snacks), I still haven't started a "formal diet" and looking at it I just can't see that I will be able to fit in getting to a diet club around my job. But the other option, an online diet, doesn't appeal - it seems very expensive and I've been reading some very mixed reviews for pretty much all of them.

At the moment, especially as I am still snowed in, I am wondering about doing something a friend of mine is doing... I know it… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 10, 2010 at 10:24am — No Comments

Evol snow!

I was meant to be going tonight to check out a local dieting group but I have been snowed/iced in... Ah well, at least it gives me a little time to read some more reviews of the different clubs.

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 7, 2010 at 2:43am — No Comments

Candy King is trying to kill me!

So I've decided to finally start using this blog. I already have my blog on MySpace and my own personal blog on LiveJournal, but I figure this is a good place to update about this side of my life 'n' such.

So first entry has to be about my 2010 diet!

It hasn't started formally yet... I am looking around for a fatclub to join.

I have an odd relationship with my weight. When I was a kid I was a normal size, into my teens I developed early and got me some gorgeous… Continue

Added by Tiger Tiger on January 5, 2010 at 11:52am — No Comments

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