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Hello from queensland Australia

Hey All
What a fantastic place!!! Bri Von Boo recommended it to me. I'm on myspace. I should be in the workshop what with a club openeing and a gothic wedding to finish jewellery for. But I'm just not motivated today. After all it is a Sunday.
After being a foster mum to newborn kittens for a week, I'm exhausted. Brought back memories of my kids when they were bubs.
cheers and hope to meet more of you delovely people

Added by katy from How Meow on October 4, 2008 at 8:05pm — 1 Comment


i should be making pinch-pots right now, but i'm on PL instead! why? because i just joined! any tennessee or colorado folks, or anyone at all, let's talk!

Added by Nettie on October 4, 2008 at 5:13pm — 3 Comments

My current read

My current guilty pleasure at this moment is The Real Bettie Page by Richard Foster. It's a good biography and it has black and white and color photos of the Queen of Curves. The most shocking thing I've learn from reading this book is so many people in society today don't even know who Bettie Page is or what she did!

Added by Tesia on October 4, 2008 at 7:08am — 3 Comments

So I want to be amazing. Positively scintillating.

Of course, I should really try to be these things at some other time of the day....not 2:23 in the morning. No wonder I'm too lazy to get all dolled up when it's 'to go' time!

(My fingernails are currently glittergolddusty with a pinstripe of fruit punch and my toenails remind me of stain-glass window colors.)

Some inspiration:…


Added by Buffy on October 4, 2008 at 2:36am — No Comments

Moving to Sweeeeeeeden!

Hey there everyone. After 24 years in Southern California my boyfriend and I have decided to pick up and move to Sweeeeeden! It is a great opportunity for both of us. We get to travel frequently to new countries we have never seen, and meet new people from our work and travels. I have 1 month left, so those of you in southern California need to try and make it to my last shows here.

Oct. 16th @ Mr. T's Bowl for "Burlesque A GoGo"

Oct. 18th @ The Way Out West Fest in… Continue

Added by Tara Mi Sioux on October 3, 2008 at 11:55am — 3 Comments

Fleur de Tease's 'School of Rock' show photos now online!


Photos from September 7th's 'School of Rock' show at One Eyed Jack's are now up at

Featured performers were : Trixie Minx, Bella Blue, Lily Summers, Sarah the Bobcat (Aerialist,) Natasha Fiore, Andrea Gomez (Cellist,) Magic Mike, Madame Mystere, Special guest Angela Eve, and, of courst, emcee Chris… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on September 12, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Gustav - Quick Update

Left 1:30 am Friday, encountered NO traffic, and NO gas-station troubles, and went straight 15 hours to Des Moines, IA, arriving about 6:30 pm Saturday.

Parents (who live in Houma) left this Saturday, heading North as well.

Pals of mine that left Saturday at 11am took about 14 hours for the usual 6-hour ride to Auburn, AL, spending nearly 6 hours to make the usual '1st hour' worth of driving which put them at Biloxi, MS.

F***, I hope it doesn't hit my parents'… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on September 1, 2008 at 4:30am — No Comments

TATU photos finally published!

A little-known fact : Tatu has indeed played an American show, but only one, at the campus at Santa Barbara, on March 6th, 2008 (coincidentally, my birthday!)

After a smooth soundcheck, and a warm welcome from the Santa Barabara Russian Club, the band met a furiously excited, packed house, and the band gave that energy right back at them. Performing both singles and album-favourites, it was a landmark show for American fans.

Finally, here… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on August 10, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Going back to New Orleans

With a 24-hour delay from a Hurricane that swept through my exact path, I'm packed up, errand-free, and leaving within six hours of this message.

With a lot of work in New Orleans ahead of me, and burning CDs for the long (30-hour) trip ahead of me, I'm driving straight through.

Yep, STRAIGHT through.

See you in the Irish bars!

Added by Jian Bastille on August 8, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

1890 Miles, 31 Hours, L.A. to LA.

Mind you, my car's A/C had broken shortly before the trip, but couldn't get it fixed.

Highlights :

Had to delay the trip 24 hours, due to Hurricane Edouard (or YouTard, as I call it,) ending smack in the middle of the I-10, when, as scheduled, I'd be 6 hours from crossing it. The problem wouldn't be so much as the dying storm itself, as the residual flooding, debris on the highway, bad drivers in rain/water, etc.

Leaving after a 2-hour map and a huge dinner at… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on August 8, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

So, we ran into a fave comedian of mine : *SMASH*

If you don't know who he is, and don't recognize the longest-standing member of MADtv and such, then quietly catch up here : >>> Bobby Lee < or >>> Myspace br>

Basically, the girls and I were heading from Hollywood proper to the edge of West Hollywood, for Margarita night at El Compadre's. We were Southbound on La Brea from… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on July 20, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Khamera Shoot... Blessed and Cursed!

After the interest from Suicide Girls wanting Khamera and not knowing who in the hell I was, we figured to go ahead and shoot anyway.

I actually woke up early, one good scouted location led to several in the immediate area, and she showed up looking exactly as I'd have wanted, as if I'd given her a 10-page description beforehand.

Aside from the occasional passer-by car, and down-the-block surly vagrant, we were largely… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on July 14, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Nina Sparks!

Twenty-Four new Louder-than-Life photos of Nina Sparks!

Check her out in the models section!

Added by Jian Bastille on July 11, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Fleur de Tease! (Burlesque Group)

Fleur de Tease is a premiere Variety Burlesque Revue. This modern twist on a classic vaudeville show has something to please and tease every audience member. Magicians, fire eaters, comedians, aerialists and of course beautiful burlesque dancers all make up the core members of the troupe. Special guest artists such as sword swallowers, singers, and other circus acts make each show a unique and different experience so no two… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on July 7, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments

The Art of Dirty Tricks and Sabotage

We would sometimes call it 'cut-throat,' sometimes 'King of the Hill,' but let's face it, we thought, sabotage it was, 'Sabotage' it should be.

At the time, I knew Gio for about two decades, and the Library of Congress itself could not contain the blackmail we had on each other, the thick of it in our respective cortexes for quick filing, and easy recall, if necessary.

We never settled on who started it, we never settled on a winner, nor did we ever settle on so much as… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on June 13, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

New Fetish Model - June 08

Infamous S.W.O.P. activist, professional Domme/Submissive, and fetish model Yhenna is now on the site, with 17 new photos of her being nice, as well as being naughty! (any guess why she's a Domme and a Submissive?)

More to come very soon!

To see her whole set, go to Photos > Models >… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on June 5, 2008 at 5:00pm — No Comments

What I'm reading!

Money Shot (Hard Case Crime) Christa Faust

From Publishers Weekly

Retired from her life as a porn star, Angel Dare now owns Daring Angels, a high-class adult modeling agency. Life as a desk jockey is pretty predictable until an underfed foreign girl named Lia shows up asking to contact one of Angel's models. Before Angel can figure out what the girl really wants, Lia makes a hasty exit through the bathroom window. Next thing she knows,…

Added by Jian Bastille on April 17, 2008 at 4:00am — No Comments

What I'm reading!

Money Shot (Hard Case Crime) Christa Faust

From Publishers Weekly

Retired from her life as a porn star, Angel Dare now owns Daring Angels, a high-class adult modeling agency. Life as a desk jockey is pretty predictable until an underfed foreign girl named Lia shows up asking to contact one of Angel's models. Before Angel can figure out what the girl really wants, Lia makes a hasty exit through the bathroom window. Next thing she knows,…

Added by Jian Bastille on April 17, 2008 at 4:00am — No Comments

What I'm listening to...



(remember, folks, please purchase independent/small label music, otherwise, they won't make any more... download the major labels, I don't care, but please support indie ones!)


Modern Cubism Les Plaintes D'Un Icare


MODERN CUBISM is the… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on April 15, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Sketches Added


Four new sketches in the sketches section, now in chronological order, and by series. Most of these sketches are 15-20 years old! There'll be some new ones soon, for a project I'm currently working on.

Here's one of the four new ones.

"Bacchanalia," 1994

Added by Jian Bastille on April 15, 2008 at 5:30am — No Comments

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