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So, we ran into a fave comedian of mine : *SMASH*

If you don't know who he is, and don't recognize the longest-standing member of MADtv and such, then quietly catch up here : >>> Bobby Lee < or >>> Myspace <

Basically, the girls and I were heading from Hollywood proper to the edge of West Hollywood, for Margarita night at El Compadre's. We were Southbound on La Brea from Franklin, and heading to the corner of Hollywood Blvd.

Some kid "this is my father's car, it's my father's insurance, waaaaaaaaaaaah," from Arizona wasn't paying enough attention to hit the breaks for a clearly red light (and three cars in front of him,) and hit us, we hit the car Bobby was in, and they hit a final car. Being #2 in a Manage a Quatre wasn't as fun as it sounds. However, I leapt out, and quickly assembled the camera, and took photos of the car order, license plates, and four corners of all the cars.

For once, this wasn't a hit-and-run, which Los Angeles is known for.

So, it turns out, Bobby was in the car ahead of us, needing to be on stage at The Comedy Store on the Sunset Strip in 20 minutes. We sped it along, and soon were enjoying flaming margaritas, while Bobby no doubt incorporated the event in his monologue.

We'll see him this week.

In my last month of living in Los Angeles, I've meant to attend, but haven't yet gone to, The Comedy Store, but perhaps I was waiting for both money in my pocket, and a comedian I really liked to be there?

Consider me alerted!

Well, this was a sign, wasn't it?

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