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Kittycat Black

How old is your company and how did you get your start?

I started making my own jewelry in 2003, and when it got a lot of interest from other people everywhere I went, I decided to start making some to sell. They all sold. From there, I just made and sold more and more over the years. I never borrowed any money to start my business which I think is the best way to go if you can manage. I just poured profits back into the business, which wasn't too… Continue

Added by Suzzi Homewrecker on October 29, 2008 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Artists, Photographers & Companies!

I would love to collaborate! I feel like this site is going to be a great tool for us. So I'd like to ask all artists to please consider me for your next inspiration! All (local) photographers to feel free to hit me up about your ideas! And of course, all companies to talk to me about modeling your product! Clothing, accessories, etc, I'd love to work with more people!
Thank you so much!

Added by Cassie Wanda on October 29, 2008 at 10:18am — No Comments

Halloween Costume: TADA!!

I finished! I was sick the past 3 days, and stayed home from work.. and yesterday felt well enough to get out of bed and sew my fingers off! I finally finished my costume.. t turned out EXACTLY as I hoped!!

I haven't been able to take pictures of it ON myself.. those will come after halloween.. for now, though, heres a few pics of it on my dressform..

Creaturette from the black lagoon: …


Added by PunkGirl_Inc on October 29, 2008 at 7:34am — 6 Comments

Lots of Updates : Burlesque Vixens, Voodoofest, and Vampy Girls!

Lots of updates, so bear with me here, most recent first!

Bella Blue of Fleur de Tease fame just completed her first formal (posed) photoshoot with myself 10/27/08, with male model Derek, and makeup by Natalie. I went for flesh-colored with minimal background, after all, typical Vampire shoots are all black-and-white, uninspired clothing, and usually only one decent-looking model of the two. That's not what I did.

I wanted it WARM, because, well, passion… Continue

Added by Jian Bastille on October 29, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

Thank you so much..

I wanted to say Thank You to all of you on here who wished me a Happy Birthday,it really means a lot to me that ya'll took time out of your day to say it,especially because this was the "big" one..So again Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart
Big hugs and Kisses to you all,

Added by Vanessa Vixen on October 28, 2008 at 11:49pm — No Comments

What The World Needs Now...

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

~Mother Teresa

Added by Betty Red {PL Team / Madam} on October 28, 2008 at 8:37am — 2 Comments

Updates for those that care.

WooHoo! I'm finally getting some of these pictures on here professionally beautified! I can't wait to see what I look like with special airbrush and little tweaks!

I also got a job yesterday. I was actually offered two jobs in one day. It was a tough choice. I start Monday at a place close to home with great opportunities, benefits and chance to grow. We can finally breath. We were down to our last $100.00. Not a good feeling.

Here's something else that is blowing my mind!… Continue

Added by Raven Foxx on October 28, 2008 at 7:52am — No Comments

This website

Is making me swoon! Everyone is so pretty and so nice! I've had no Creepy McCreepersons! I've chatted with people I've only adored from afar before!
A big thank you to all involved for making the Pin Up World smaller!

Thank you!!!

Added by Cassie Wanda on October 27, 2008 at 10:13pm — 2 Comments

Daddy Like!!

(I do a weekly pop culture review blog on my myspace page - comic books, movies, bands, cds, restaurants, bars, whatever grabs me. So, I decided to try to re-post it over here, as a way to get more people into my writing in general. Please let me know what you think, and I if enough people are into it, I will re-post here every week. Thanks!)

War, Inc. - John Cusack's "little satire that could" has been compared to films like "Dr. Strangelove", and "Wag The Dog", but it… Continue

Added by Gary Rabuzzi on October 27, 2008 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Christmas Care package for Soldiers

I saw some rumblings about this in the forum and I have wanted to do something like this! I have been sending some of my prints to the troops for a while, but I would love to assist in doing more. I would love it if we could get a care package together for Christmas with pin up prints and other unique goodies for the soldiers. We could talk to Jonathan (the one who started the thread in the forums) and get some ideas on how we could go about it and what he thinks would be best to… Continue

Added by NolaChick™ {Madam} on October 27, 2008 at 5:20pm — No Comments

Kustom Retrophilia II

(3 of these left: XL, L and M...all signed by Asis DeVinyl and $10 a… Continue

Added by Ellie Retrophilia on October 27, 2008 at 4:40pm — No Comments

Kustom Retrophilia Shoes and Purses

Added by Ellie Retrophilia on October 27, 2008 at 4:36pm — 2 Comments


Hello pretty babies! I am putting up new items all day today on our web site, etsy, ebay, you name it!

All of my items are handmade, some handpainted, and if they have bling, each crystal is hand-placed by yours truly! So each piece has some Torture LOVE put into it-plus, they're affordable!


Ebay: Vixen_Girl


If you are local-Torture Couture is going to…

Added by on October 27, 2008 at 2:01pm — 1 Comment

Pin up course Germany

There are a few places left in the course we´ll be holding at the 1rst of November in Essen/NRW.

If you wanna join to learn how to style, pose and to have your picture taken just let me know and I´ll tell you the details.

Added by RetroModelSari on October 27, 2008 at 1:08pm — No Comments

she'll remember.

so, in the middle of november my dear friend beckylee and i will go to stockholm. will be great with burlesque and shopping on the schedule. can't wait.

right now am i home at moms place waiting for her to come home with some candy and pastries. i love to be home, at least for a couple of days.

Added by odetobetty on October 27, 2008 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

New Burlesque Inspired Flowers!

Today something inside me sparked and I knew I had to make new flowers for DINOfleur, so I went out and created these.

Hope you enjoy!…


Added by Cassie Wanda on October 26, 2008 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

Viva Las Vegas get together?

Since VLV is the great rockabilly/swing/retro/vintage/burlesque/pinup exodus, maybe we should decide on a place and time to all meet up there? It might be the only chance we have to meet each other in person. Just a thought...

Added by Gary Rabuzzi on October 26, 2008 at 9:55pm — 7 Comments

Fitness blog---Good Snacks

Nowadays it is almost common knowledge that you should eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of the 3 traditional meals. I can go into more detail as to why later. Right now i am going to list suggestions for good snacks to keep our blood sugar stable and keep you at your best mental capacity and keep you healthy and fit.


Aim for snacks in between 100-200 calories.

Meals should be roughly around 300-500 calories.

Your snacks… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on October 26, 2008 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

Hiking in Riverside

I got back last night from my camping trip. We went to Hurky Creek off the 74 in Riverside, California. Let me start by saying that it was a great campground! There was a little bit for everyone. Including, hiking, fishing, bird watching and bike/horse trails. I didn't sleeping most of the night. It was alot colder at night than what it was suppose to be. It was suppose to be 45 degrees, but what it actually turned out to be was 27 degrees. Needless to say, I was a bit stiff getting out of… Continue

Added by Raven Foxx on October 26, 2008 at 6:21pm — No Comments

AZ Pinups Event-Aftermath

...was awesome! Thanks to all who showed up and I finally got to meet!

Everyone was gorgeous, super nice, and endearing!

I was very happy with the models we worked with: Spyder Baby, Bindi Baby/Dominique, and Azure :-)

They were sweethearts, complete professionals, and they rocked their Torture items on stage!!

We set up booth next to the fabulous Lila-Jo's Shana-check her & the models out in our top friends @ and keep… Continue

Added by on October 26, 2008 at 1:56pm — No Comments

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