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Poppy Fields's Blogs (25)

Death Wears a Hair Bow or, The Beast Awakens

Preamble (and I do mean “amble”, with an “r”): For your consideration, I've *** the meat of this, 'cos Mamma likes to train-of-thought it like a dirty hippie when she's exhausted. Although you'll miss all the bits where I cuss and pick a fight and make sexual advances on your sister. So your loss. Whutevs.

When you hear the ::TING:: turn the page.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I've been a busy little beaver.

So busy, in fact, that winona's big brown is the… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on July 31, 2009 at 9:19pm — 4 Comments

A Diet Rich in Irony

This is something of a thinking-out-loud post. I appreciate any helpful input!

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As anyone who has seen my forum activity could tell you, I love food. I love it!

I love it in ways that are unnatural and maybe even illegal in 23 states.

It's got nothing to do with gluttony or deep-seated emotional issues because mommy didn't let me suck on her tit or anything interesting like that. I just enjoy the… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on July 8, 2009 at 2:35pm — 4 Comments

Helena Handbag: Pinup Hottie & All-round Badass!

Along with the ink drawing for HellInAHandbag, I also did a set of pinup sketches. HIAH had said she loved the Poppy Fields sketches and that was what I was intending to send to her. Then I sat down to draw and the other lot came out instead.

But once I got that out of my system, the sketches just flowed!

I pictured the character of Helena Handbag as a saucy badass; the kind of woman who would have been right at home in Russ Meyers' "… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 27, 2009 at 7:56pm — 1 Comment

The Creation of Clan von Handbaggen

A few months ago I received the most surprising - and flattering! - message from HellInAHandbag, she of the zombie lady awesomeness.

After seeing my Poppy Fields sketches, HIAH decided she needed an original piece of art from moi. From moi!

I… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 25, 2009 at 7:27pm — 9 Comments


5 Simple Steps to Happier Living:

1. Click this link: My Little Zombie.

2. Observe the obscene amounts of pure, distilled AWESOME. (And truly, the photos don't capture the full extent of gruesome, gory putrescence so lovingly sculpted and finely detailed.)

3. Suffer a major… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 18, 2009 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

When in doubt, quote Leonard Cohen

I love those dreams.

The ones that leave you wrecked for days, stranded in a place that can never be, with memories that never were.

Turned inside-out with longing, incomplete, desperately clinging to disintegrating shreds of... mmmmm and if you could just tear yourself wide open enough... mmmmm maybe. Maybe.

And all you want to do is go back, go back, call it back, drown in you own sub-conscience. Somehow wrap yourself up in that delicious cocoon of unreality where… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 12, 2009 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Vintage WTF-ery


What a wonderful place, full of treasures and inspiration and food-porn.

Also, fail.

So much loltastic FAIL.

Last night I squealed and flapped and crinkled my toes with delight when I found a collection of 103 vintage pinup embroidery transfers, in the style of Sailor Jerry. While I'm not a huge fan of the style (I know, HERESY.) I do like them as a period-accurate… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 3, 2009 at 11:28am — 4 Comments

Where in the goddamn hell is Poppy Fields?

You see that little ratings thing that says I'm a "Star"? I'm not. I'm a very bad girl.

The scourge of the forums (YARRR!) is in hiding.

Bad Poppy! BAD!

I've been doing a LOT of really great writing. Deep, insightful, life-altering stuff. I wake up at 4am and compose long treatises on life and inspiration and consciousness - I am remarkably eloquent at that time of the morning. Too bad it's all in my head D'OH!

There's a whole long boring explanation for my… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on June 3, 2009 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

A wee dram of self-indulgence. A barrel of LOLs.

There's been a lot of talk - by me, duh - about my personal style and how it's a weird mix of various decades and sub-cultures. Been a lot of soul-searching and personal growth posts too, by me - again - and others. While digging through my archives looking for this picture to post on Syd's comment wall today, I ran into a project I… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on March 26, 2009 at 10:00pm — 8 Comments

Introducing, Miss Poppy Fields!

While I was analyzing pinup art a while ago and trying to concoct my version of the genre, I did a lot of searching for reference material. I came across "Cartooning the Head and Figure" on amazon, which has the "Look Inside" feature. While the material didn't seem… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on March 8, 2009 at 2:09pm — 11 Comments

A Poppy by Any Other Name

Credits: “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” by Frank Cadogan Cowper, codeine molecule, Alice and the hookah-smoking caterpillar, Iceland poppies, Trent Reznor of NIN in “Perfect Drug” video, Johnny Depp in “From Hell”, antique laudanum bottles, Art Nouveau ode to absinthe, “Beata Beatrix” by Dante Gabriel… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 23, 2009 at 8:42pm — 6 Comments

Hand Painted Butcher's Knives

Oh, these are so much fun! Hand-painted miniature - 4" - butcher knives, complete with glitter and gift box. The attention to detail (rusted, signed, original sketch) is what puts these over the top. At $25, they are so worth it - I understand why most designs are currently out of stock. OMG - look at the bat Siamese twin… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 10, 2009 at 6:30pm — 10 Comments

Analyzing Pinup Art

Credits, l to r: Leigh Young, Wendy Chew, Shane Glines, Bill Presing click to embiggen

(I've been worried that, in slowing down… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 7, 2009 at 11:55am — 6 Comments

S***, or Get Off the Pot.

I am creatively constipated.


Let's start that over. I can see this metaphor going to very dark, inappropriate - tee hee hee – places.

I am creatively... backed up? Blocked? Impacted?

Hmm, not enough fibre... should eat a pencil or two...

Wait, wait, wait, starting over, right? Right. Okay.


I… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 3, 2009 at 8:23pm — 8 Comments

Guidebook for Awesomeness: How Not to Flirt

I like to laugh, even if it’s at myself. And I like to make others laugh too.

Not for praise or the attention, but because I find it genuinely satisfying on a cellular level to spread mirth. To this end, I am not above publicly displaying my horrible social failures for the benefit of others.

While commenting back-and-forth with Clay, the… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 2, 2009 at 4:00pm — 16 Comments

1st Photo Shoot and Discovering I'm Okay with Myself

I am not a model.

This body is not poised and graceful and perfectly arranged.

I am not photogenic.

This face is too expressive and honest and all-mouth-no-eyes.

But I jumped at the chance when asked if I would do a pinup shoot to help my photographer friend, Carlina, build the pinup side of her portfolio. I practically offered her my… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on February 1, 2009 at 1:16pm — 8 Comments

Pinup Artist: Enoch Bolles

Enoch Bolles (1883 - 1976) was an American pin-up artist of the Art Deco era and one of my Top 10 favourite artists of the genre. Maybe even Top 5. His work is more stylised and graphically-oriented than the 50's pin-up artists; it's very modern in it's execution and I can see Bolles working with… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on January 21, 2009 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Actually, the topic is corsets.

[click for bigification]

I know they're not even close to period accurate, but...

Are you even paying attention at this point? I know I'm having a hard time. Must. Avert. Gaze. IT'S NO USE! I am powerless in front of their double-laced magnificence!

Was just checking up on my regular corset… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on January 18, 2009 at 9:00pm — 10 Comments

Inspiration from Vintage Stock

Whether I'm in need of inspiration, figure reference for drawing or just plain something-yummy-to-feast-my-eyes-on, I am never disappointed with vintage stock images. Even though some of these images are 100 years old (or more!), there is something timeless about them. The women seem to be unfailingly beautiful - even the "plain" ones - graceful and poised.… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on January 15, 2009 at 8:25pm — 2 Comments

My shoes. Let me show you them.

I love shoes.

I know I'm not the first one to profess this love and it's awfully cliched, but I love shoes.

I love heels and boots and wedges and even flats. All are worthy in my eyes.

(Well, except for Uggs and Crocs. The less said about them, the better. I have a sneaky suspicion though that when the apocalypse comes, cockroaches will be making their homes in them. You mark my words.)

You know those shoes no one else will wear? The ones featured on… Continue

Added by Poppy Fields on January 12, 2009 at 2:34pm — 2 Comments

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