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December 2008 Blogs (154)

Daddy Like!!

Sin City Sinners - Demo EP - People complain about Las Vegas for a lot of reasons, but one thing they can never say is that our rock and roll scene sucks. We've got guys here in town that I would put up against any band on whatever channel still shows videos. And of course, my fave Vegas rockers are Brent Muscat and his Sin City Sinners. Not only do they rock me like a hurricane, but they let me get onstage and make fun of them sometimes! AND, the other night at the show (guest-starring Phil… Continue

Added by Gary Rabuzzi on December 12, 2008 at 10:29pm — No Comments


Let's go have one or two for Bettie, she will always kick ass. Have a good weekend y'all, Peace...

Added by ...Soggystella... on December 12, 2008 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Rest In Peace

We have lost an amazing icon,Bettie Page take a little time out of your day to honor her for everything she did for women and the art of pin up

Added by Carrie[pure]Chaos on December 12, 2008 at 11:41am — No Comments

Long live the Queen of Pin-ups, Long live Bettie Page!

The Queen of Pin-up has left us. She has returned amongst the angels for were she came from. The world is less brighter now since her passing. May she live forever amonst her fans and the fans to come. She will always be the queen, we moarn her passing, but we shall celebrate her life with rembering her. The Queens spirit will live as long as we see the Bettie style hair cut and all the recrations of picture that have been taken. Long live the Queen… Continue

Added by M.R. Borg on December 12, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

My first shoot!

My very first photo shoot is tomorrow and I am excited but very nervous! The photographers are fantastic and one of them is a local burlesque dancer which makes it even better! It looks like they can make anyone beautiful- I am hoping that is true!

RIP Bettie- you were my first inspiration!

Added by Anna Steasya on December 12, 2008 at 11:03am — 3 Comments

The day I shot a G-Man.

So I was on the lam. We just knocked over the First street bank and the coppers were hard on our tails. We were holed up in deserted brownstone off of Oak. The plan was to lay low while the heat cooled off, then we’d divvy up the take. A bank job would usually score us enough jack to keep us in dames and booze for a month.

But this time it wasn’t the dames on my mind, it was the law. We could hear them right outside the door. A there was a team of them. The shuffling of their boots… Continue

Added by Filmmonkey on December 12, 2008 at 9:46am — 1 Comment

A Zombie Is Forever...

We had our shoot this morning for "A Zombie is Forever...," our collection consisting of feathered pieces, swarovski crystal jewelry, and Miss Zombie hair glam! Here's a sneak peek! :-)

Models: Kandy, Bindi Baby

Make-up and Hair: KANDYFACE MAKEUP

Photographer: Nicolle Clemetson

Photos coming…

Added by on December 11, 2008 at 7:54pm — No Comments

Fitness Blog---Weights first or cardio first?

I like to mix my cardio and weights together in supersetting, but if you want to do both in one workout session, which do you do first? If your goal is weight loss...

Cardio then weights


1. Psychology-

If you do a hard weight routine, your muscles will feel worn out and you will feel like collapsing if you attempt cardio afterwards. Your brain and your body will both be tired, leading you to have a less effective weight workout and a less… Continue

Added by Marissa Lily on December 11, 2008 at 4:37pm — 4 Comments

Snow in New Orleans!!

This never happens!! :)


Added by NolaChick™ {Madam} on December 11, 2008 at 10:42am — No Comments


grrr i have some sort of cold! Plus I have a final a today, so wish me luck!

xo Darla Deville

Added by darladeville on December 11, 2008 at 9:09am — 1 Comment

What am I doing in Chicago

I hate the cold. But I live in Chicago. Born and raised actually. My friend tried to convince me to move to Vegas with her as a means of escaping the windy city. But I turn down every chance

Dont get me wrong. There are really great things about Chicago. The Lakefront. Deep Dish Pizza. Theatre (jERSEY bOYS is wildly popular, here) Even my great neighbor hood, Wicker Park. But I wanna see what else it out there.

I gotta say, I am really into this Pinup Lifestyle and i feel… Continue

Added by Darla Dynamite on December 10, 2008 at 6:42pm — No Comments


I love this time of year! I am so excited about the holidays and dressing up and going to parties. Just had to share the joy. LOL. :)

Added by NolaChick™ {Madam} on December 10, 2008 at 4:55pm — No Comments

Hot Rod Girls Save The World DVD's Are In Stock!

I just got (and almost sold out of) the first run of First Edition Hot Rod Girls Save The World DVDs. This is a single disc without special features- essentially the bare bones of the film. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with several smaller distributors grabbing up DVD's immediately to sell on their online stores. Hot Rod Girls Save The World will be in various film festivals next year, but if you can't wait to see it on a big screen you can buy a DVD now. The links… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 10, 2008 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Home Remedies

I'm sick at home with a horrible cold and was wondering if anyone had any home remedies on what might work to help me get better fast.

Added by Kitty on December 10, 2008 at 12:17pm — 1 Comment

December 10...counting down

I cant wait for finals to be over, I love to sew but have no time to sew with the amount of homework and studying I have been doing these past months. As soon as my last final on mon the 15th, I will dust of my sewing machine and bust out my needles and get to crafting. Its one month from my birthday, so I need to figure out what I am doing i want to have a fund raiser for my birthday but I need to ask a friend if I can host it at there venue, also I need to figure out what charity I will… Continue

Added by darladeville on December 10, 2008 at 9:16am — No Comments

There are TWO Ls in Holliday

That about sums it up. Two Ls. Wink Holliday. Thank you. ;)

Added by Wink Holliday on December 10, 2008 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Holiday Sale!

Amano is having a big online sale from December 10-17th, 2008!

Check out some of the new prints I've made available in my Online Shop!

All prints, calendars, sketchbooks are $10US or less! Give the gift of smexy Amano arts! The sale goes on till mid next week so my mail monkeys can get your orders out and to you before the holiday!

Christmas rums for all!

Added by Amano Jyaku on December 10, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments

I am having a Holiday photo shoot, message me if you are interested in Ventura County

Available for anyone in Ventura County, please tell all your friends!…


Photobucket Continue

Added by Victoria Ortega-Allen on December 10, 2008 at 12:23am — 1 Comment

My thoughts are with our gal, Bettie Page! I love you, Lady!

My prayers and thoughts go to Bettie and her family during this difficult time. She is such an inspiration to us all. Love to you, Bettie!!!!

Pin-up queen Bettie Page in hospital after heart attack


Bettie Page, whose magazine photographs in bikinis and see-through lingerie helped her become one of the most notable models of the 20th century, is in hospital in intensive care after suffering a heart attack,… Continue

Added by Infamous Nina Nightshade on December 9, 2008 at 9:34pm — 3 Comments

Buisness is slow!!!!!!!!!!

I'm about to go f****** insane :[
If you live in the WInston - Salem NC area come see me!
that would be rad.

BUT on a brighter note...
I get my car back tomorrow...
And then I'm gonna party like its 1999
only ten years later.
psh. I'm ridiculous.

Added by Buttons on December 9, 2008 at 9:32pm — 1 Comment

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