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Jimmy Buttcheeks
  • Male
  • Sacramento, CA
  • United States
  • Totally Gay!!!
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Jimmy Buttcheeks's Fans

  • Valerie Vagabond
  • Cat Dee Lishe
  • Haley Mae {★}
  • Ally Katt
  • DesignerJim
  • Lindsay
  • Loca Doll
  • Trevor Race
  • Lauren Luck
  • SSara xXx
  • Bridgette Jean
  • Mimi von Dutchess
  • Frankie Teardrop
  • Mrs. Cherry Garcia

Jimmy Buttcheeks's PinupLifestyle Page


What best describes your role in the industry?
Artist, Just a Fan, Performer, Photographer
What creative phrase would you use to describe your style?
Totally Gay!!!
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I’m an amateur photographer documenting Hot Rods, Car Shows, and Amateur Drag Racing along the West Coast. Living in Sacramento and spending free time in So-Cal affords me the opportunities to visit a lot of tracks and car shows along the way.

Born and (almost) raised in Northern Indiana, my mother first introduced me to photography at the age of 5 and the guitar at 6. My father introduced me to all things fast… Hot-Rods, Muscle Cars, Motorcycles, Music, and how to keep a clean and organized toolbox, because after all… “Cash is King, and an organized tool box will always get you paid.”

As far as music goes… I wont b******* you. I grew up listening to Cash, Cougar. Springsteen, Croce, Lightfoot, and Holly. I grew up playing in Punk Rock and Oi! bands as I wasn’t good enough to emulate my influences as a kid. I still play today, but most of it is locked in a room, writing and waiting for the day when Rock n Roll will make it’s glorious comeback.

So here I am now… 37 years old, still trying to build the Plymouth that I bought at 16, and no, my toolbox isn’t clean. Heck, half of my tools aren’t even in it!
I still think that I have what it takes to front a band, I still think that one day I’ll have a photograph published in an actual magazine that you can buy from a 7-11, I still think that my Plymouth will someday see the road, and I still think that if the rabbit hadn’t stopped to take a s***, the hound would never have caught him!

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Wink Holliday... that amazing Wink Holliday! :)

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Jimmy Buttcheeks's Blogs

That Haunted House Scared The S*** Out Of Me… Literally!

Posted on November 27, 2009 at 8:40pm 4 Comments

Ever lived in a house that was haunted?

Ever been so terrified that you lay under the covers hearing every creak and groan of that old haunted house, not being able to sleep no mater how hard you tried?

Ever been so scared of that house that you didn’t feel like going into it when you were alone, so you copped a squat on the front porch and took a dump there, rather than risking being screwed with by ghost while you were trying to poop inside??

Ha! I got you… Continue

BEST SONG EVER!!! Seriously. (Even better than “Jesus is my Friend”, which was tough to beat)

Posted on August 2, 2009 at 3:15am 1 Comment


For those of you who know me, you know that my life has pretty much been centered around music for the last 20 years. Because nothing has ever come of my musical intentions, it has left me a lot of "free time" to analyze the writing styles of others.

Now…. Just because I can't write a song that anyone would want to buy, or that anyone would ever want to hear on the radio in mass rotation doesn't mean that I don't know what a good song sounds like. It's not that I can't do… Continue

Jimmy Buttcheeks and The Case of the Double-Wide Strip Club (As Promised to SF, Des, and DC.)

Posted on August 2, 2009 at 2:59am 5 Comments

So... I'm helping DC with the breaks on his car today, and somehow the topic of strip clubs comes up. (I think this was after his boy stole my cigarettes) anyway... I started to tell this story of the best/worst strip club i've ever been too. But the story is long, and we wanted to be done with the car, so.... i told him I'd blog it.

So here it is... copied straight from an email that I sent to Wink a year or so back... Enjoy!

Well now Wink,

As the story…

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At 11:27am on August 7, 2010, Edson Carlos said…

At 11:04am on August 2, 2010,
Betty Red {PL Team / Madam}
Happy, happy birthday Mister Buttcheeks!!! Hope you have a radical day!
At 8:51am on August 2, 2010, Aubrey London {Madam} said…
Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! - XOXO Aubrey

At 8:21am on August 2, 2010, Red Hot Kitten's Boutique said…
Happy Birthday!!
At 8:18am on August 2, 2010, Ellie Monster{★} said…
Happy Birthday!
At 7:15pm on June 6, 2010,
Miss Rockett Girl (*)
hey jimmy!! how have ya been? long time no chat. hope all is well with you!! xoxo
At 3:29am on June 6, 2010, Miss Lizzy D. Vine {★} said…
Hey there you. It was great to see you at Swing Time. You should come out more often. :P
At 12:02pm on April 13, 2010, Ally Katt said…

At 5:56pm on March 22, 2010,
Lacy Lane
See you in Vegas really soon!
At 2:37am on January 19, 2010, Kitty Romano said…
Thank You! I do rather well in the enjoy myself department! Looks like you do as well!! Love your tattoos! Maybe someday I will get my sleeve done and my chest started on!
At 1:17pm on December 30, 2009, LisaLuxx said…
Just dropping a line Mr. Buttcheeks. Hope you have a great New Year!!
At 12:43pm on December 15, 2009, Robert Hatch Photography said…
BUUUUTTTCCHHHEEEEEEKS!!! That first parts not a cut and paste! I'm having a big art show @ 111 Minna in SF if you can make it, come check out my full size photos of classic dashboards I'd love to see ya there!. There'll be cool people, cool photos, fashion show, Sneek preview of a soon to be released feature film, and a full bar. Get the low down here:
At 9:53pm on December 9, 2009, Ruby-Rose Rex {★} said…
heya Jimmy? Come round so I can bust yer balls will ya? And bring yer lady-friend - Miss ya both!
At 12:40pm on November 29, 2009, Edson Carlos said…
Hey bro, you owe me a phone call. Don't forget!
At 7:33am on November 25, 2009,
Wink Holliday
I'm thankful for you and everything you bring to my life, Hon.
At 11:49pm on November 18, 2009, Chaddy Danger said…
whats up uncle buttcheeks?! just droppin a line. it's nice to hear from ya every now and then. hey swing by my profile i just posted some sweet new pics from my portfolio i took at the goodguys car show last weekend. Hope everything is going good. I got a new number now in case you want it. it's (707) 290-6134. i'll see ya around!
At 9:46pm on November 13, 2009, Pinupcutie said…
At 4:32am on November 12, 2009,
Trevor Race
At 7:14pm on November 11, 2009, Ruby-Rose Rex {★} said…
meh - hanging in...but better now that you're checkin in on me! What's new with you?
At 9:36pm on November 10, 2009, Pinupcutie said…
hey thanks! im doing pretty well myself how about you?
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