Just been thinking about a certain issue lately...bitchy girls, what's up with them? It's something that I'm thinking about because a cousin of mine is coming to Toronto to visit after having stayed with another cousin of mine in British Columbia. Now for some reason this B.C relative was a real b**** to me when I went to visit her. It was strange because I was in a good mood, looking forward to spending time with her and she gives me the shittiest treatment ever. And by that I mean she did'nt even let me stay at her place while I was there...what the hell? Honestly, I'm just miffed by the treatment I get from some "women" who attack me for NO reason what so ever. And they say women are naturally more caring and nurturing? I don't see it...I REALLY don't. I've seen alot of petty behaviour and insults directed at other girls when it was completely UNCALLED FOR. Gee...why can't we all just get along? Really, would being nice kill you? It seems like that for alot of these b******. It seems like their goal in life is to just to be b****** no matter what the situation. Really, I have tried smiling, making compliments, being nice, NOTHING works on them.
I can't wrap my head around how they can find husands, boyfriends, any kind of friends! Misery loves company I guess...
I wonder if sometimes it has to do with the "see all other girls as competition" attitude that's so pervasive in this culture. My cousin for example is overweight even obese...maybe her problem with me is that I'm tall and relatively thin. Maybe it really gets to her even though she'll never admit that. She's been such a twat to me that I really want to tell her to take a long walk instead of sitting around talking s*** all day. That would help her more. And believe it or not I take my own advice. Yes, I'm human..Yes, I have bad days, PMS days, days when I feel bitchy and anti-social but instead of taking it out on innocent bystanders I go for a long walk. Or I write or draw or paint ot anything else that's useful or productive. If you really have nothing better to do then throw verbal bile at others then get yourself a hobby!! How about playing drums? It helps me when I get mad. Really, it's just so f****** sad that women STILL treat each other in such a crappy way..
I hope for their own sake they get over themselves one day and quit the schoolyard bully act. Because it's a pathetic way to act as you get older.
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