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Hi Ladies! I'm new here and I want to ask a question I had in my mind since I discovered pin up. I looked some discussions and I didn't find something explaining this, and If this isn't in the right place I'm sorry :(


My question is: Can a black girl be a pin up? A lot of people told me this cannot be possible because every pin up girl has white skin, and the make up they wear is special for that skin. 


(And sorry for my bad english)


*ADMIN NOTE: Ladies cool it and keep it civil, educate don't hate. We didn't build this worldwide colorless community for anyone to think they CAN'T be a pinup. It exists to show that ANYONE can and that the style is represented worldwide without boundaries.

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Hell yeah.     Here's proof......    We captured this image a few hours ago.

Please, bring Pin Up Girls of all colors. I have been trying to get my friend Megan who is black to do pinup for me forever. Spoiled her with clothes to shoot with, but we never got the photos taken. I am hoping we do something for Halloween. 


There are plenty of brown-skinned pin-ups. I love my Latina sisters who model.


To echo Miss Nikki -- a lot of it has to do with the historic period that pin-up life embraces and the socio-political climate of those times. 


As much as blondes have Betty Grable, Jane Mansfield, & Marilyn Monroe; brunettes Rita Hayworth & Betty Page, black models can forge their own paths or look to Dorothy Dandridge who is as much an icon as all the rest. 


As a photographer, I would love to find more black models to work with in all genres including pin-up. 


It is an attitude. A lifestyle. Embrace it. Go with. Rock everyone's boat and world while you are at it! 

women of color can be pinups - there has been so many of them in the past and even now-

i'm actually doing a art project on this topic -

It's not about the color of the skin. It's about the culture. You go ahead and do your thing.
I'm with the other can be a pin-up regardless of your color/ethnicity/anything.  It's about embodying and glorifying femininity and the spirit of the pin ups who paved the road for us.  You're a beautiful lady, and you shouldn't feel conflicted about doing something that your heart is drawn too. People are just plain dumb and mean! :)

Being a pin-up is not about color skin it's all about the attitude and the passion you put into being one. do whatever you want honey and if anyone gets in the way remember to kick his a** ! ;)

Ummmm being a pin up has NOTHING to do with race or color! Heck have you seen Dorothy Dandridge movies 'Carmen Jones'.... Sexy black pinup looking actress that was friends with the infamous Marilyn Monroe. Being a pin-up has more to do with a culture and a time period if anything.

A pin-up girl, also known as a pin-up model, is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture. Pin-ups are intended for informal display, e.g. meant to be "pinned-up" on a wall. Pin-up girls may be glamour models, fashion models, and actresses.

Of Course you can! I'd love to see a darker person do a pinup w/ a washboard and clothesline in the background...or even a garden picture. 


It would look amazing!! 


In fact, if you lived closer..I'd love to do your makeup. excuse my page..I'm new at the whole web designing thing ;)




If it's what you want to do and you enjoy it, then go for it. This is a modern world we live in now. Anyone can be a pinup :) and great pic by the way ;)
with that main pic you are more qualified to be a pin up girl than me! Those days are over girl... thats like saying a black person can't be president.. Color is beautiful, it makes the world interesting and full of different culture, style, food and languages. Enjoy life, and do anything you want to. If anyone tells you different, they are probably 80+ with one foot in the grave and still riding a horse to go play bingo and insist on paying with checks at the grocery store and can't see two feet ahead of themselves (metaphorically and physically). So go about your business with your head held high because we are all equal human beings.
I think you have a great look....don't pay attention to close-minded people and more importantly don't let anyone or anything discourage you  <3


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