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Ok so after putting it off for 16 months (no really, my Darling Husband bought me a gift certificate for Xmas 2009!) I went and got a full brazillian. Now that I'm rounding out from pregnancy I was excited to have the area clean for our wedding anniversary since I can't quite see what in the world I am doing! I was super pleased at the lack of pain! My tattoo hurt more and at that the tattoo wasn't bad at all. So if you are on the fence, go give it a whirl! That being said my first time sucked!!! The girl was very quiet and there was no music to distract me from the fact that this woman was seeing all my girly bits in a state I don't even whant hubby seeing. When she finished and I asked about care and up keep I got a very vague "start exfoliating next week" she sugested I come back next week for a touch up as this was my first time and there maybe stray hairs. When I got home there was wax everywhere and more than a few stray hairs. I'm kinda bummed out by this. This spa is top rated here in town and I expected better service. Sooooo anywho, any of you ladies who wax on the regular I was disapointed with how it went but I still want to keep it up, what are some good products to keep ingrown hairs and irritation at bay? I would also love some good advice on how to find a really good waxer.
Thanx so much!

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I used to wax and usually started exfoliating pretty much right away. If you go to like sally beauty there are products that help slow hair re-growth.  The biggest problem with waxing, is it doesn't always get all the hairs, if the wax doesn't stick to them it won't pull them out and you have to wait to you have re-growth to do it again. I grow hair at a fast rate (Italian genes) and would shave between monthly visits to the waxer which the waxer hated. I would have had to go at least twice a month which is crazy expensive to upkeep. I got a great deal through groupon and got lasered instead.
Oooooh laser! That's on my Christmas list for sure! How are the results? How many sessions did you go for? If you don't mind sharing. I always forget about sallys! Thnx for the reminder!
Exfoliate!!!!!! Most high end waxing salons will sell their own shower gel exfoliant.  Being religious about using it on the area every time you shower will really help the problem. Also using Tendskin on the aea immediately after its waxed and after drying off in the shower helps, but it does burn a bit at first :). Gotta love being a woman!
I agree with Lauren, TendSkin is fantastic, and it really does work if you use it once to twice daily afterwards.  Also, I prefer hardwax as opposed to the ole hot wax with the cotton/linen strips method, seems like it works much better and is not nearly as irritating. Not all salons use it though, so you may want to look around if this is not the method/type your salon uses :)
results are great, I'm 6 treatments in out of 8. What little regrowth there is at this point is minimal and easily shaved off as it isn't heavy and coarse anymore. By the end of the next 2 there won't be any. The place I went also has a lifetime guarantee. It cost me 500 by doing it through Groupon which since I was paying 50 + tip for waxing monthly it is costing me less then a years waxing to have it done. I was never really happy with the results of waxing after the first couple of days :(

CupcakeCutie said:
Oooooh laser! That's on my Christmas list for sure! How are the results? How many sessions did you go for? If you don't mind sharing. I always forget about sallys! Thnx for the reminder!
Nymphadora I am loving you so much! Lol! I am looking for the best laser deals around me now ;)
Lauren and Rosalind I am snagging some TendSkin now! I am also looking for a new place to go. I have heard lots of great things about hard wax and am looking forward to giving it a try!
Thank you for being so helpful ladies! You rock!

if you don't already belong to them sign up for groupon in your area and living social or anything like that you have in your area you can get some great deals! I also did laser skin tightening and laser vein work. Because lol I'm old an can use all the help I can get to look glam.



I got my 1st Brazillian done a couple weeks ago and it was the best thing I ever invested in. No more shaving for me. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would be. Then again I do have a high pain tolerance. I do admit being nervous at first because she took me to the room and you just take your pants ago and off you go. Through the process I just keep taking deep breaths and talking to the gal about her schooling, tattoos, nails, you name it. I did buy a in-grown hair serum that I use everyday and it works great.


The whole laser thing I would so do! I would love doing it on my legs!!

the pain didn't bother me when I was having them done it was the hair regrowth so quickly. I had my first brazilian done a few days before my wedding 10 years ago along with legs and armpits. Didn't take a razor with me to Cayman. boy was I glad my hubby had an extra razor packed because before the honeymoon was half over I was shaving again. grrrrrrrrrrr. on one hand I'm happy my hair grows fast on my HEAD on other area's not so much.
My waxer says it takes about 2-4 waxing sessions to determine how fast my hair grows. Just to know how often I need to go back. Lucky thing is it's been 2 or 3 weeks since I got waxed and it's barely growing back slowly. I plan on buying their slow growing lotion.

Hi Doll,


Be careful waxing while you are pregnant.  I have been a waxing fan for a very long time. Since I am due int he next 2 weeks I asked my Doc if I could get waxed this week and she told me that nearing the end of pregnancy there is so much blood in your lady bits that getting waxed at this time could give me horrible bruising!  So just be careful and do what you feel is safe.  As for getting wax off, try a bath oil like Avon Skin So Soft, or if you want to buy a waxing product, try wax off from Gigi.  And I totally agree with the rest of the girls, TendSkin Rocks as well as making sure to exfoliate immediately.


XOXO, Kitty

exfoliate with sugar!!! Its the best thing ever (mums a hippy lol)

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