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lately I am kind of lost, my live has changed a lot, not always for the better,
anyhow, I am searching for something new, something I feel ok with. and something that fits me, I want to give my live a positive turn again!
(but meanwhile being very insecure about it)

Pinup is a gorgeous style, and very divers, it seems to me.
I really adore most of the pictures that I see here, so much great work you all have!

I would like to know what the more experienced people opinions are, so I have some questions I hope some of you like to awnser.

how did you come in touch with pinup fashion/lifestyle?
what is it that attracts you to pinup?
how did you know it was the style for you?
do you think everyone can wear pinup clothing?
if not, what do you think someone needs?

I hope these questions are ok,I am just really curious to the people behind the style, and I am trying to find out if it would work for me.
I can imagen the questions look a bit weird, they make way more sense to me in my mother language, but translated in English they seem weird.

thank you so much in advance

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I have been alternative looking for as far as I can remember, I have went through all the obscene hair colors, the facial piercings, the make-up.
which, I primarily still do consider myself alternative verses pin-up today, The glamour of the pin-up look just had always enticed me, a few years back I decided to to cut my bangs, I had always loved the blunt banged look and originally came across the looks of them when I was 13, looking at all the cyber goth photos on a site called vampirefreaks.

cyber goth Pictures, Images and Photos

I was always too afraid, But soon gave in and cut my bangs.
My hair was a solid black when I had cut them so naturally, the iconic Betty Page look was what I rocked.
The rest of the pin-up contour followed naturally, Sundresses, makeup ect.
I have really embraced myself within the culture, I love the feel of looking eccentric and classy.
I suggest it to virtually anyone, Dress/look however you want though. I feel comfortable in my own skin even if I don't wear any make-up and sweats.

Good luck!
I would have to agree with Dolly. You know its for you if when you put on that little wiggle dress/playsuit ect you feel so comfortable and confident.
I got into pinup because Ive always been "alternative". In school I was a goth, for a few years after that I tried to fit in with the popular culture - look a certain way, act a certain way, listen to the music.
the problem for me with that was I've always loved making my own clothing. even just simple customising. My mum taught me how to sew when i was 11. I made my first complete skirt at 12. I couldnt just give that up. 2Years ago (after not sewing for like 5yrs) I bought my very own sewing machine. Barely used it for 18months. Now I'm popping out about a new dress or skirt a week.
I've always loved the vintage look, I was forever watching old films and the like.
I guess from that I kind of stumbled into pin up.
For me its the glamour of it all.
I think as long as the style suits you and you feel comfortable, go for it!

I know i babble on a bit, but i hope it made sense lol.
And whatever you decide, You know you have the support of all the guys and dolls on here

I first came across pinup when I was in high school, I was really into psychobilly music and the like so it just kinda sucked me in. I love the glamour and the classic beauty associated with pinup. Pinup models to me exude confidence and are glorified for their womanly curves. I love that! I knew that it was right for me just like the ladies above said, I feel at home in heels and pencil skirts! I think that anyone can embrace any style as long as they feel comfortable and confident! If feel you like a million bucks in your cute sundress then you will look like a million bucks! It is all about being comfortable with who you are! Good Luck!
Lots of questions to answer! First off I feel that pin up modeling is very diverse too. Nowadays a modern pinup model may sport tattoos, different color hair but they also never abandon the true vintage look of what a pinup model is supposed to represent.

I came into touch with pinup from when I was a young whippersnapper! I always adored the look and attitude of women in the 40's and 50's. I never imagined that I would become a pinup model. I was going to surprise my boyfriend one day by going to take some vintage inspired pictures... he is a big fan of pinup girls. After doing that shoot, I became addicted to the camera and wanted to do another shoot. A year later, hear I am!

Pinup models to me are sexy, innocent and glamorous. In my opinion, they are what it means to be a woman. It doesn't matter what your weight is, your height or if you have tattoos. Pinup is my life!

Everyone can wear pinup clothing!

I hope this helps babe. And keep in touch with me... if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! Check out my other sites if you'd like!

I'm a newcomer to pinup but I've fallen in love. i was a "goth" in high school and my early adult years. I recently got into burlesque, which led me to pinup. I love the glamour and old-world aesthetic of the look. There are so many directions you can take in pinup, so I really do think it's for everyone. Just try some looks and see if it "feels" right for you. Best of luck!
Thank you all so much for your reply!
it is great to read how you all came in touch with pin up.
I will follow your advices and try some stuff out!

thanks again!

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