lately I am kind of lost, my live has changed a lot, not always for the better,
anyhow, I am searching for something new, something I feel ok with. and something that fits me, I want to give my live a positive turn again!
(but meanwhile being very insecure about it)
Pinup is a gorgeous style, and very divers, it seems to me.
I really adore most of the pictures that I see here, so much great work you all have!
I would like to know what the more experienced people opinions are, so I have some questions I hope some of you like to awnser.
how did you come in touch with pinup fashion/lifestyle?
what is it that attracts you to pinup?
how did you know it was the style for you?
do you think everyone can wear pinup clothing?
if not, what do you think someone needs?
I hope these questions are ok,I am just really curious to the people behind the style, and I am trying to find out if it would work for me.
I can imagen the questions look a bit weird, they make way more sense to me in my mother language, but translated in English they seem weird.
thank you so much in advance