I know all you iPhone and iPod Touch owners are shaking daily for PL Featured Photo updates right to your devices, now lets see which photo you have set as your wallpaper!
Find a photo you love, hold down the top button and the HOME button together to take a screenshot on your device. Set the photo of choice as your wallpaper, then do the same at your main screen to take a screenshot of it in action like this one:
NolaChick is currently gracing mine and she's made close to a dozen folks ask to look at my phone !
The app live updates from the day you download it. So, in this case, the image of Nola was featured before you downloaded the app. It does, however, included a starter pack of approximately 50 previously-featured photos so you have some amazing content from the start. We feature photos every day though, so update frequently to build your gallery! :)
Also, we would love you forever and ever if you would go rate it in the app store!! Click HERE to be taken directly to the iTunes store to rate! PL NEEDS to be on top!