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Brittany's Blogs (31)

Wedding planning, etc.

I literally haven't been on PL for over a year! It feels good to be back... It feels even better to have a computer with Internet access in my life on a regular basis :)

While living at my old apartment down town Louisville, I focused a lot on getting my name out here - the new pinup girl in town! It's been a journey, for sure, but worth it. Being 5'9" I get a lot of criticism, but this is not something I plan on giving up any time soon!

Shoots have been picking up for me… Continue

Added by Brittany on October 16, 2011 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Finally Back!

It's been a while since I've seriously logged into my account!

I am finally all moved in to my new apartment in Louisville (minus a coffee table and some other odds and ends), and am loving it! I ended up finding this ADORABLE couch and chair from the Eames Era that have a bright green and yellow pattern, and have lucked out at a couple vintage shops with other decor.

It feels so good to have a place of my own!

And, now that I'm settled and also finally have **internet…


Added by Brittany on April 21, 2010 at 11:03am — 2 Comments

Pinup Parkinglot Pinup Contest!!

I have entered a NEW pinup contest from PinupParkinglot!

All you have to do is send a friend request to PinupParkinglot on MySpace ( and comment on my photo to win!

Click this direct link to my photo!

Please cast your vote for me and help me win!

Voting starts Oct 1 and ends Oct 31! So,… Continue

Added by Brittany on September 30, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

NuclearGirl September 2009 Pin up Contest!

I have been selected as a participant in NuclearGirl's pin up contest for September!

I need YOUR help to win!!

Simply go to and cast your vote!

You can only vote once, so get going and vote for me so that I can be September's NuclearGirl for 2009!!

Added by Brittany on September 6, 2009 at 6:50pm — 1 Comment

Book Signing with the Ghost Hunters!

Yesterday was the official book signing for the Roto Rooter book! What a fun and absolutely crazy event! There were hundreds of people there! Obviously, they were mostly there to see Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from Ghost Hunters, but a couple of people enjoyed meeting me too! ^.^;

Those guys were really great, though. I had such a blast working with them and joking around with them. It definitely made the time just seem to fly by! I hope as the campaign continues I will get to work… Continue

Added by Brittany on August 8, 2009 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Chilling Tales book cover release date: June 25th!

For Immediate Release

Editor’s Note: Hi-Res Image of Book Cover available for download at:

Roto-Rooter Unveils Cover of Upcoming Book

Ghost Hunters, Model on Toilet Grace the Cover of “Chilling Tales from the Porcelain Seat”

Cincinnati, OH – June xx, 2009 — Top plumbing and drain cleaning service provider Roto-Rooter today unveiled the cover art for its upcoming book project,… Continue

Added by Brittany on June 23, 2009 at 6:41pm — No Comments

Finally, back to normal ... or something like that

So, finally! The fashion show is DONE AND OVER! For the past 3 months, my free time has been consumed with designing and sewing my little toosh off! My business partner and I made about 30 pieces total. A couple pieces I made I don't plan on selling just yet.. they're totally cute and rockabilly, and I want to shoot in them! :D

I'm still in the process of finding someone to fix my car... so internet is unfortunately still limited to when I make it to see my parents. I've been staying… Continue

Added by Brittany on May 26, 2009 at 10:43pm — No Comments

Cincinnati Woman to Grace the Cover of “Chilling Tales from the Porcelain Seat”

Cincinnati, OH – April xx, 2009 — Top plumbing and drain cleaning service provider Roto-Rooter today announced Cincinnati native and resident Brittany Everitt as the new face for its upcoming book project, Chilling Tales from the Porcelain Seat. The 23 year-old model was selected out of hundreds of potential candidates to grace the cover of the quirky, vignette style bathroom reader that includes commentary from Ghost Hunters stars Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson.

The book cover, along… Continue

Added by Brittany on April 28, 2009 at 8:13pm — No Comments

I'm going to be on the cover of a book!

I met with Rodger Thursday, the man that is making it all happen for me! I worked with him in the past for All American Joe Apparel, and I'm excited to be working with him again on this project!

This will be a national campaign for Roto-Rooter. I forget the title of the book (oops!!) but it is a book about crazy plumbing stories. I'll be posing on the cover as a pin up girl sitting on the toilet!! HAHA! I think it's awesome.

They are going to be making a big deal… Continue

Added by Brittany on April 11, 2009 at 9:27pm — 2 Comments

I've been busy as a "bzzzzzz" bee!


I hate that I have not been on here in months!! I think I can say it as a plural now.. Ugh!

Well, my plans for moving out fell through... My ex-future-roomie Katie had to get her own place last-minute, which kinda worked out for me since I was having financial issues which lead me to get 3 freakin jobs. And, Jesse and I will not be moving out together anytime soon since we had a huge miscommunication that lead to him signing another year's lease with his bandmates.… Continue

Added by Brittany on March 24, 2009 at 6:34pm — 1 Comment

Designing and making, designing and making...

So, I think I have ultimately decided that instead of spending all my time (and money) on cute pieces for my 1950s / rockabilly wardrobe, I am going to design and make my own. It would more than likely prove to be a lot less expensive, and I would be wearing original pieces that no one else has :)

By the way, Anna and I had our faerie shoot on the 15th. We designed and made 10 different costumes and wings (although two models didn't show up .. thanks guys), and got some outstanding… Continue

Added by Brittany on February 26, 2009 at 9:21am — No Comments

Model*Space Lounge by COPA Talent

Vote for me for Model of the Month! :D

Added by Brittany on February 23, 2009 at 4:31pm — No Comments

I've been everywhere but *here*!!

I feel bad I haven't been able to get on PL at all! This is the first day in a week or so that I've had time to really write anything. Mostly, I can get on long enough to check messages, but that's it!

I picked up a 3rd job. As if two weren't bad enough, I now work 3 freaking jobs. It's so far not as bad as it sounds. Kay Jewelers is part time, and Bebe is a set schedule with part time hours, and now I've started picking up shifts at a local bar whenever I can. I am not a stable… Continue

Added by Brittany on February 2, 2009 at 9:08am — No Comments


Cincinnati Taste Magazine has postponed the shoot until further notice. In fact, there's a possibility of canceling the magazine altogether! I am really hoping that something pulls through and they're able to keep the magazine afloat. :(

Added by Brittany on January 24, 2009 at 8:12pm — No Comments

I had a shoot today

My photographer and I decided to do some old CK ad inspired shots.. I uploaded them, so let me know what you think! :)

Added by Brittany on January 21, 2009 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Know what sucks?

Two jobs.

Two jobs suck ass.

I just got hired today for my second job since Kay cut my hours back now that holiday season is over. I don't want a full-time job because I hate the obligation. I don't want two jobs because .. well .. it's two jobs. But, I can't afford not to work them both.

It just makes it *that* much harder for modeling gigs. I mean, obviously modeling comes first. It's always been my #1, and I have walked out on jobs who don't give me my way… Continue

Added by Brittany on January 19, 2009 at 7:36pm — No Comments

That was fast...!

I just got confirmation that I'll be in the Cincinnati Taste Magazine shoot!


Added by Brittany on January 14, 2009 at 10:51am — 1 Comment

Cincinnati Taste Magazine

...might be including me!!

I got offered the opportunity last night! I hope I get chosen! It's not a paid job, but it would be publicity and more tear sheets for my portfolio!

Keep your fingers crossed, everyone! :)

Added by Brittany on January 14, 2009 at 8:09am — No Comments

New Year's Resolution...?

Yes, I am one of those people who believes in New Year resolutions. And, so far I have been sticking to the promises I've made myself!

I've already quit smoking. It's been a rough back-and-forth battle, but I haven't had a cigarette in over a week! And -- I don't want one! I feel GREAT! I even suppressed my biggest temptation. While drinking my flask of Jack, Jesse sat right next to me drinking his beer and lighting cigarette after cigarette.. I was tempted to use the excuse, "well,… Continue

Added by Brittany on January 13, 2009 at 8:12pm — No Comments

So, maybe I'll try to meet with another agency?

It seems Tennessee isn't really panning out for me. After weeks of waiting for a phone call or email response and receiving nothing, I suppose that means they didn't think I would fit in with their agency.

Which is fine. I can't be bummed out about it. I've been rejected by MANY agencies. They're a tough crowd to please!! And, I can't blame them. The only thing they're thinking is dollar signs. And, if they don't think they'll make money off of me, then I don't want to be a part of… Continue

Added by Brittany on January 8, 2009 at 6:28pm — No Comments

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