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Two jobs.

Two jobs suck ass.

I just got hired today for my second job since Kay cut my hours back now that holiday season is over. I don't want a full-time job because I hate the obligation. I don't want two jobs because .. well .. it's two jobs. But, I can't afford not to work them both.

It just makes it *that* much harder for modeling gigs. I mean, obviously modeling comes first. It's always been my #1, and I have walked out on jobs who don't give me my way with castings or paid shoots. I figure working retail is not my dream, and there's PLENTY of retail jobs out there. Not many chances to model.

I'm trying to be as positive as possible. I'll be working at Bebe, so sweet discount and cute clothes! Well, suits anyway .. And, I need to stock up on those for working at Kay. Especially since I've decided to become a certified diamontologist so that I can sell engagement rings and have a better chance of transfer for *when* I decide to get out west -- where I really want to be!!!

Anywho.. My detox is going great so far. Tomorrow I start my workout and I'll be done with my liquid diet. In about 12 more days I'll be completely done detoxing, and back on my all-organic, practically vegetarian diet and work out schedule. And, I've got a friend to do it with!! That makes it SO much better!

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