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Hey people, why do sooooooo many models and some photogs fail to give credit to the models and photgs and stylists that make soo many imges possible. This a movement and some of us ain't movin' it.

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That's an excellent question, and one that has remained unanswered [for me] for quite some time.

Back in the day, I used to hook up my friend with all her fake hair needs. Everything from pony falls to custom one-of-a-kind pieces. All I ever wanted in return, were a couple of nice photos and some credit. You know, when someone asks the inevitable question of "Where did you get your hair?", it would have been awesome if she could have given credit and in turn promoted my skills.

What makes it slightly irritating, is that nowadays she will pimp those who put effort into making her look good, b/c she knows it will 'further her career' or whatnot.

Also, I find it rather difficult to be motivated in being the Nice Guy and giving people things for free these days, even if part of me wants to just to get some photos and/or a bit of credit.
So you get it. Some people are intellectually unable to use others for their benefit and give the "others"
credit too, or else just thoughtless. Small minds don't do big things.
I *always* try to give credit! Without the fabulous assortment of hair stylists and make-up artists and photographers that I've had a chance to work with, I'm just a girl in a tight dress standing near a hot car. :)
I guess my point is that these retro/pinup images are usually the product of some sort of collaboration,
so why not let all the collaborators share in the credit. It's the professional way to participate and network.
Even if this is a hobby, for want of a better word, it's just common courtesy to give the ones who have
worked on an image credit for their efforts. I cringe when I see a photographer's image and the model's
name is not even mentioned, where would this have all come from without the model???Same goes when models post an image and don't even mention the others involved.
great post! I also do my best to give credit to all parties involved. Sometimes there is a slight delay as I post the pic then a stinky kid comes and pull on my leg and I go change him and the other one is hungry and I dont get back to the comp until the next day but I always get back around to it.

I have been to a photographers site where I am posted but my name or link are not and I get kinda hurt by it..

COME ON PEOPLE share the love and credit
I give all credits whenever I post up stuff... It's only right !!! My shoots are a team effort from the model to H&MU to the locations I use and my sweetie that does props. So all you photographers .... Give credit to those who make it happen !!! there's my 2 cents....
I raise my hand...i was so excited to upload pictures into PL that I skipped all the steps and just upload. REST assure I corrected this and gave her credit. Most of my pictures are self taken....sighs not many pro pictures in my albums

Flat Black Photography {PLA★} said:
I give all credits whenever I post up stuff... It's only right !!! My shoots are a team effort from the model to H&MU to the locations I use and my sweetie that does props. So all you photographers .... Give credit to those who make it happen !!! there's my 2 cents....
Very good discussion, folks!
It's a wonderful thing when someone realizes just how to go about things properly. No, proper isn't the right word... Sharing the love, is really what it comes down to. After all, everything comes back to you in one way or another. Sharing the credits where they are due is only the best part of networking! It makes everyone feel they are appreciated - whether they were paid for their work or not - and stimulates connections that can further your career as well as reputation.
I'm happy to say that I have been slighted only on very rare occasions. My clients have been wonderful for singing my praises to anyone who comes around. I only wish that everyone were as lucky as I have been!
Brian said:
Small minds don't do big things.

Nope, but that's why I know at some point they will narrow themselves into a box they can't get out of, and I will continue to do my thing and promote myself. *heh*
thank you
As a fellow stylist and Photographer as well as a model It's pretty gutting to find images that belong to you with out any credit. I don't mind as a model but when I take a great picture and it ends up in magazines etc advirtising something I get a little another with the lack of photographer credit. My university used to and continue to use my images constantly to advirtise their course. I am flattered that they choose my work but they could at least tell me and credit me.

Models that use my pics and don't credit me I'm not that bothered really as I know I took the picture and I know people will soon come to recognise the style.

I am trying the whole believing in one's self :-)
Keep in mind there are times where credit is appropriate and others where it is not, when given permission to use an image, dont always expect credits. Especially for marketing purposes like advertisements, web design, apparel etc...

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