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This is the ONE remake that I can think of that is NOT garbage. It actually made sense for them to remake this because the original 70s one does'nt make sense anymore. For example, her husband moves her to Stepford because she's an AMATEUR photographer. That's right, having a HOBBY was too much for her husband...damn were things really that bad back then? So the remake was worth's funny and dark with a bit of horror mixed in. And the pastel coloured 50s look for the costumes and set completes it. It's too bad it was a flop when it was released.
Did anyone else see this movie? Or the original 70s version? Thoughts?

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Seen them both. Love them both. The outfits in this one are so worth watching it, and I love the ladies attitudes... and the work out! Great movie, worth watching every time.
I love BOTH the original AND the remake. they're totally awesome. Love the wardrobe in the remake!
I love watching the 'perfect wife' bits because of the costumes and set, but i didnt really dig it. i liked the origional story and shooting a bit more but i loved the visuals of the remake.
i love bobbys cherachter but i allmost cryed when she was 'made' perfect. it hurts inside to think that we are not enough, with our flaws. that a fake fantacy would be better. to break a strong creative woman down into a silent complacent house wife. it was sad. i know its just a movie but i feel like that happens in real life too. ladies told to be diff than they are. anyway i just had to pop that in. id love to be a house wife.
The opening scene in the remake is genius..I should've mentioned that before. The music is pretty and creepy at the same time just like the images from real 50s era ads flashing by. Maybe I'm biased because I've used 50s print ads in my zines..they're just perfect in their creepiness and cuteness. It's amazing that women were expected to really act like obsessed housewives back then.

The 70s Stepford Wives I just couldn't get was too drab, slow and depressing. But most of the 70s were like that from what I've seen in movies and other media from that time. That's why punk was born! But I digress I'm glad they remade it, there was nothing I really liked about the original.

Delyssia LaBelle {M} said:
I love watching the 'perfect wife' bits because of the costumes and set, but i didnt really dig it. i liked the origional story and shooting a bit more but i loved the visuals of the remake.

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