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How do we really feel about online voting contests? What SUCKS about them?

Update: This is an old thread I stated awhile ago so I'm not in the contest anymore. I see the thread is still kickin though, nice!

OK. So I'm currently in an online voting contest and it's one that I REALLY want to win. I won't shamelessly try to promote it this time though :0)
My thoughts these days are, how fair are they really? Doesn't it seem more like a "who you know" contest rather then judged off of your talent, looks, personality, photography, and what not? Plus, it's so impersonal with the internet running the game. And whatever happened to the old school Pin Up contests that are held in public with judges? Let's bring that back! Maybe start a City to City contest kind of Dr. Sketchy's style? Yeeeeah, now I'm thinking! Awww, s***, I'm onto something. You heard it here first!
(DC, Dee, we will talk about this later, lol)
Luckily, the one I'm in is just boiling down to the last 12 contestants and then it's fairly judged by real people face to face on stage. I'm just curious what the outside looking in perspective is. I know that it is an attempt to get the contest holders company promoted without actually having to network to hundreds at a time which I understand is hard. And I understand that is a give/take because the model gets more face time on their sites and promotion out of it too. Sometimes this goes round and around in my head because I feel like my friends are getting worn thin with voting requests and frankly I'm assuming, a bit annoyed with it. Let's hear it PL!

And s***, if you all respond that you love it Seanna will be holding an online "Seanna's Favorite Pin Ups Contest" in March. You heard that here first too. Snap! (no I'm not drunk, I'm just extremely hyper right now.)

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I just had one more thought on the matter. If the contests somehow narrowed it down to the last, say, five gals after many would seem more fair if the contest holder was the final judge of who wins. (And this discussion was absolutely in no way posted because of anyone in particular. Just my rambles!)
One thing I'll say, is that there are a lot of them. And truth be known, if someone posts "vote for me" I will check out the website, but if I have to register for an account or something it's probably not going to happen.
I think site owners like it because it brings new members to their site.

I think it may be a stretch for site owners to be the final judge. I don't think they want to be in a place to say "this girl is the best" and just leave it at that. It's easier to say "hey, the people voted, take it up with them".

And then you get in to the whole thing about the credentials of the judges... Uggh, what a headache
I think it is more of a popularity contest. Whoever has the most friends has the most votes. I hate when someone you've never talked to sends a "vote for me message" (leave that for the forums).
Ditto Dottie.....
Its VERY Annoying at least to me..."I think" the pictures should speak for themselves. Take it to the forum not my e-mail....FYI If anyone sends me one I'm deleting it SORRY! Unless you make an effort to talk to me before you hit me up for a vote I most likely will not be voting 4U. s*** at least talk to me in chat.....sheesh! Is that Asking too much maybe but Ehh?

Dottie Darling said:
I think it is more of a popularity contest. Whoever has the most friends has the most votes. I hate when someone you've never talked to sends a "vote for me message" (leave that for the forums).
Haha thats why we took a different approach with the calendar ;) Are we brilliant or what!? PL 4 LIFE.
That was BRILLIANT! then again EVERYONE wants one and wants to be in IT...heheh ~hint hint~

Daddy Cool said:
Haha thats why we took a different approach with the calendar ;) Are we brilliant or what!? PL 4 LIFE.
Hate the spam mails.. its better as a forum post here on PL or a bulletin on myspace.. i usually dont even look unless i know the person.. like you said dotti
OK so the main concern everyone seems to have so far is getting e-mails about it. Understood! I don't like it either which is why I haven't done it (Except my immediate family because they don't participate in social networks). Plus, I know PL frowns upon people sending out vote for me e-mails which I agree with and I'm pretty sure is followed up with a warning so...hopefully that won't happen too much on here!
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned wanting to see live Pin Up Pageants?! I got all excited inside when I thought about it.
I see Filmmonkey's point too, with the contest holder doing the judging, it would be a pain. I still like the idea though.
Let's hear more from everyone!
For me personally, I would never do them cause I know I'd be dissappointed. My ego is very fragile and little stuff like that does bother me.

I think, for most of these type things, it is all about how many friends you have. I have a very humble, small circle of friends. In a way I guess it isn't fair for those who don't have a large circle of friends. Then again, if you are a person like me, you have a choice not to enter contests. So better off just staying away from them until you expand your social circle, rather then entering, getting dissappointed and griping about it later.

At the same time, if a girl has the means to enter these contests and have a good chance of winning, go for it. I am the last to hate on anyone.
I'm far too shy to get up on stage and try to win any kind of contest, so online voting is the venue for me... but I hate the way that works, too! I don't want to badger my small circle of friends to vote for me, and I certainly don't want them to have to sign up for anything or "friend" someone just to participate.
I should note, the last live contest I watched was populated entirely with girls from one club, and I guarantee that I wouldn't have stood a chance as an outsider, even if I'd had the guts to go up there!
I thought the PL calendar was extremely well executed.

I think most online contests are about how many internet connections you have. There is nothing wrong with that, as part of this career is networking and 65% of networking these days is via the internet. The problem lies when you don't win a contest after you heavily promote yourself and the contest because let's say you get 285 people to go vote for you and you lose. That's 285 people who have visibility to a contest, to your photos, and to the fact that you didn't win. And you may always be "that model that lost such and such contest".

Some contests, like frenchy's kitten koffin girls calendar or miss cherry girl each year I think are okay because they have a ton of visibility and the contest holders promote the S*** out of those things, so you really have a solid core of people that know about the contest and love to participate in it each year for the sake of participating and not because of some myspace bulletin that begged them to vote for an individual.

When I see my inbox I get the same feeling I got walking through the main lobby of my high school during prom queen nominations. For this reason, I do not even check my PL inbox anymore! It is just a list of "HI PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!"
Totally agree, we get loads and though.

I understand the need for adding people, that you may never really speak to, (hell we run a business, the more friends we have=the more people looking at our products=the more customers) and the possible networking (we've found various models this way too). It is pretty annoying getting e-mails saying "vote for me" from some one who is mainly random despite being on a friends list.

Posting on forums with the pictures used for the contest attached, seams like the way to go for me.

Lil_bit said:
Ditto Dottie.....
Its VERY Annoying at least to me..."I think" the pictures should speak for themselves. Take it to the forum not my e-mail....FYI If anyone sends me one I'm deleting it SORRY! Unless you make an effort to talk to me before you hit me up for a vote I most likely will not be voting 4U. s*** at least talk to me in chat.....sheesh! Is that Asking too much maybe but Ehh?

Dottie Darling said:
I think it is more of a popularity contest. Whoever has the most friends has the most votes. I hate when someone you've never talked to sends a "vote for me message" (leave that for the forums).

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