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For some time now I have wanted to stretch my ears and I'm finally going to do it! Since I have, obviously, not done this before and I'm not a professional I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or advice.

Particularly on proper cleaning procedures, how long I should wait before going bigger, things of that nature.

Thank you bunches.

xoxo Dottie

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don't ever purchase cheap jewelry.
There are many grades of metals be it Niobium, Titanium or Steel. Cheap jewelry can contains enough nickel to cause problems and lots of irratations! Best to purchase jewelry at your local piercing shop rather than some novelty shop.

316L or 316LVM are really the only acceptable grades of stainless steel for the use of body jewelry! They are implant grades.

I would advise 316L or 316LVM steel until you get to the size you want to be! Then get the fun stones, glass, woods, bones, etc

READ THIS---> All About Body Jewelry Materials

Dottie Darling said:
Why are materials important? What is the difference in each?
Dirty Dottie,

My friend is a piercer.. and oddly enough, just recently posted this blog on myspace.. hope it helps!
Zombie Kitten is completely correct.. cheap METAL materials are SO BAD.. thats why i suggested glass stone or bone.. u can buy those at any boutique OR tattoo parlor and u cant go wrong.. its always the same material...and you can find it WAY cheaper!! ESPECIALLY when you start out.. you're buying a new set of plugs every other week!! it gets SO expensive.. again why the long term tapers are awesome.. and the silicone are definitely a comfort issue.. they are light as air, and super squishy so if you sleep in them, they dont hurt your head.. again.. im talking bigger gauges..
But finding the right material in my opinion, is again.. on a person to person basis. I can NOT wear steel of any kind even implant grade.. because it gets VERY gunky, no matter HOW often i wash it.. and it smells.. like.. BAD. Its a chemical reaction or something with whatever enzymes are in my plasma.. it sounds stupid.. but I know people who Can wear steel with no problems.. Im just saying, glass and stone and all of that.. WAY easier to care for, and keep clean.. plus.. if you have a job where you cant go walking around with honking metal holes in your ears.. pretty plugs hide it SO WELL. No one ever notices mine are double zero.. they always think they are real earrings just because they are sparkly!
I would go with what you want... just watch your metal content..
saggy lobes....hehehehe that just sounds funny.
I don't have saggy lobes and I had two stretch holes in each ear. ;)

Lolitadoll said:
I personally wouldnt do it as if you change your mind, lets say in ten years, you will end up with saggy lobes...not a good sight for a pretty pinup lady! And might require surgery to rectify your pretty ears....
Sorry, but thought i should tell you... xoxo
EEEWWWWW SAGGY LOBES.. we should invent a lobe bra...that is silly.. i think unless you take your plugs out when youre 95 and the elasticity in your skin is gone... you'll be fine.

Zombie Kitten said:
saggy lobes....hehehehe that just sounds funny.
I don't have saggy lobes and I had two stretch holes in each ear. ;)

Lolitadoll said:
I personally wouldnt do it as if you change your mind, lets say in ten years, you will end up with saggy lobes...not a good sight for a pretty pinup lady! And might require surgery to rectify your pretty ears....
Sorry, but thought i should tell you... xoxo
They say your ears are fine to close up until you reach size zeros. Anything bigger, double zeros and above, don't close. I currently have twos in my ears, and haven't gotten around to going bigger, but maybe someday. Here's some advice though :) when stretching your ears, once you reach a size 4, any size beyond that, wait a month before you stretch them bigger. You'll be making your lobes a lot more sussceptable to ripping if you go really fast ( I mean surely people have done it, but don't take the risk!! haha :P ) Also, for cleaning, H2Ocean is pretty good, and what I'd recommend, but certain places like to over charge you for it, so another simple solution for cleaning, is hot water & salt. mix them together, NOT BURNING HOT haha, but just warm/hot and use a q-tip to get around it.

It's not really that horrible and scary. I used to be quite not for it then one day I was like oh man, thats actually pretty cool. Just prepare for your ear lobes to stink ;P

Also if you need any further help, I don't mind answering anymore questions. :)
"THEY SAY" isnt always true.. i have double zeros.. and they've closed before.. i restretched them.. my boy toy had 1/2 inch and they closed.. honestly.. like i said before.. unless you get a dermal punch or have horrible elasticity in your skin.. youll be fine!!

Miss Tassi B. said:
They say your ears are fine to close up until you reach size zeros. Anything bigger, double zeros and above, don't close. I currently have twos in my ears, and haven't gotten around to going bigger, but maybe someday. Here's some advice though :) when stretching your ears, once you reach a size 4, any size beyond that, wait a month before you stretch them bigger. You'll be making your lobes a lot more sussceptable to ripping if you go really fast ( I mean surely people have done it, but don't take the risk!! haha :P ) Also, for cleaning, H2Ocean is pretty good, and what I'd recommend, but certain places like to over charge you for it, so another simple solution for cleaning, is hot water & salt. mix them together, NOT BURNING HOT haha, but just warm/hot and use a q-tip to get around it.

It's not really that horrible and scary. I used to be quite not for it then one day I was like oh man, thats actually pretty cool. Just prepare for your ear lobes to stink ;P

Also if you need any further help, I don't mind answering anymore questions. :)
oh yes the lobe stink!~hahahaha dead skin cells trapped between jewelry and skin.
the bigger you go the stinkier it gets! (washing jewelry while in shower helps!)

Miss Tassi B. said:
They say your ears are fine to close up until you reach size zeros. Anything bigger, double zeros and above, don't close. I currently have twos in my ears, and haven't gotten around to going bigger, but maybe someday. Here's some advice though :) when stretching your ears, once you reach a size 4, any size beyond that, wait a month before you stretch them bigger. You'll be making your lobes a lot more sussceptable to ripping if you go really fast ( I mean surely people have done it, but don't take the risk!! haha :P ) Also, for cleaning, H2Ocean is pretty good, and what I'd recommend, but certain places like to over charge you for it, so another simple solution for cleaning, is hot water & salt. mix them together, NOT BURNING HOT haha, but just warm/hot and use a q-tip to get around it.

It's not really that horrible and scary. I used to be quite not for it then one day I was like oh man, thats actually pretty cool. Just prepare for your ear lobes to stink ;P

Also if you need any further help, I don't mind answering anymore questions. :)
Well then I'll take your word for it

PunkGirl_Inc said:
"THEY SAY" isnt always true.. i have double zeros.. and they've closed before.. i restretched them.. my boy toy had 1/2 inch and they closed.. honestly.. like i said before.. unless you get a dermal punch or have horrible elasticity in your skin.. youll be fine!!

Miss Tassi B. said:
They say your ears are fine to close up until you reach size zeros. Anything bigger, double zeros and above, don't close. I currently have twos in my ears, and haven't gotten around to going bigger, but maybe someday. Here's some advice though :) when stretching your ears, once you reach a size 4, any size beyond that, wait a month before you stretch them bigger. You'll be making your lobes a lot more sussceptable to ripping if you go really fast ( I mean surely people have done it, but don't take the risk!! haha :P ) Also, for cleaning, H2Ocean is pretty good, and what I'd recommend, but certain places like to over charge you for it, so another simple solution for cleaning, is hot water & salt. mix them together, NOT BURNING HOT haha, but just warm/hot and use a q-tip to get around it.

It's not really that horrible and scary. I used to be quite not for it then one day I was like oh man, thats actually pretty cool. Just prepare for your ear lobes to stink ;P

Also if you need any further help, I don't mind answering anymore questions. :)
Here's to stretching ears.....This is really me on location working for cold Case...

I have stretched ears...they're both 5mm now but they were 10mm each last year. I took them down and they've shrunk back just fine and dandy. I'd probably make them bigger again but it's a bit too much effort! I heard that up to a certain size they'll shrink back to normal again...mine will but I don't want them shrunk just yet...

What size in mm is 00?

My advice is to just start slowly and don't get carried away by jumping sizes. It might take a while but it'll be worth it!
If you do start stretching. It's best to start with glass plugs. It's very smooth and easy to do yourself. Also clean with a sea salt solution. Use non-iodized sea salt. Heat up a cup of water thats good for you, then add 1/8 of a teaspoon. Oh and get a good liquid anti-microbial soap. I'm a piercer, and thats what everyone I pierce does! Don't stretch fast either. It's best to wait a month each time you stretch so your not killing your ears!

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