The Below is re-posted from an email and as such does not contain images. Whilst Coney Island itself remains open, and elements won't close, many are being priced out and it faces the VERY real threat of closure. These latest developments are a little disturbing, especially for a landmark destination, not only historically, but culturally; both in the Americas and worldwide for what it represents, contributes and upholds both historically and Artistically. For more info on how to help please check out:
There isn't much time left to care, so start now! I think it's something important whether you know it or not within the Pin-Up, Rockabilly and Burlesque and Cabaret societies. I say this as a Scottish lass who visited it once or twice and was honoured to be there for the final Astroland weekend.
Perilous Days for the People's Playground
ruby's for lease
Thor Exiles Queen of Coney Island, Lola Staar
It breaks my heart to tell you that, as a result of some pathetic bargaining game with the City, Thor Equities is evicting me from my shop on the boardwalk.
Nine years ago, I opened my fabulous Lola Staar Souvenir boutique on the boardwalk in Coney Island. For nine years I have worked with every bit of energy and passion inside me to grow my business and to contribute in a positive way to the community of Coney Island. Owning my shop on the boardwalk has been the most challenging and extraordinary experience of my life.
A few days before Christmas, Thor Equities (the developers who have bought most of the property in the amusement area of Coney Island) began evicting longtime tenants by cutting off locks, asking for triple the rent, or refusing to discuss 2009 leases. On Christmas Eve, huge custom-sized "Space For Lease" banners were put up on Ruby's Bar & Grill, Nathan's Boardwalk store, Cha Cha's, and others businesses on Thor's property in Coney Island.
I was evicted from my shop because of my involvement in Save Coney Island and my opposition to Thor's plan to build condos, high rises and shopping malls in Coney Island's historic Amusement District.
no high rises
Thor Equities Kills Coney Island-
Mayor Pays for Funeral
Thor Equities acquired most of the property in the Coney Island Amusement District because they speculated that they would be able to change the zoning and then flip the property for a considerable profit.
In order to appease Thor, the City severely compromised its zoning plan, amending it to allow high rises, generic retail, shopping malls and hotels in a large portion of the Amusement District. Despite the concessions, Thor has continued to repudiate the City's plan, forcing the City to try to buy back the land. Those negotiations are at a standstill because the City refuses to pay the exorbitant amount that Thor Equities is demanding for the land.
In response, Thor Equities has set out on a campaign to destroy what remains of Coney Island, sacrificing small businesses such as mine in order to use the prospect of a shut down Coney Island as leverage against the City in their negotiations.
In addition to evicting Lola Staar, Thor Equities has:
- priced out their other tenants by tripling their rent;
- forced the iconic Astroland, the largest and oldest remaining amusement park in Coney Island, to shut down by not renewing their lease;
- needlessly caused over 500 people to loose their jobs and senselessly shut down dozens of thriving businesses.
- forced most of the businesses in Coney Island to sign a confidentiality clause that prevents them from criticizing Thor's plan;
- prematurely bulldozed large sections of the amusement district, leaving a blighted landscape of boarded up empty lots of debris where there was once color, light and amusement attractions.
The Botched and Shameful Plan to Redevelop Coney Island...
The City of New York set out to redevelop Coney Island but instead has destroyed it. The City's contemplated rezoning is a full capitulation to Thor Equities. It virtually abolishes the amusement district for the sake of generic retail and high rise condos disguised as hotels. Currently, Coney Island contains 61 acres zoned for amusements; the City's new proposal reduces the amount to 9 acres. This reduction of the Amusement District will destroy Coney Island's legacy as "the People's Playground" and defeat the goal of creating a world class amusement and tourist destination.
The City has embarked on a redevelopment plan for Coney Island without any concern for the existing community, without regard for the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who use Coney Island, without any idea of how to bring its plan to fruition, and without an interim plan to keep Coney Island going during its redevelopment. As a result, Coney Island now looks like a vacant wasteland, five hundred working people in the amusement industry have lost their jobs and many of the businesses that give Coney Island its color and flavor have been needlessly shut down.
It is an enormous a tragedy for all of New Yorkers and a shame to Mayor Bloomberg, City Councilman Domenic Recchia and the Coney Island Development Corporation (the CIDC) that they have caved in to Thor Equities' demands and allowed Thor Equities to destroy Coney Island.
Love is a Battlefield! The Fight To Save Coney Island....
The clock is ticking and time is running out to Save Coney Island.
I began the Save Coney Island Organization (which now has over 3,000 members) to preserve the Spirit of Coney Island, this special magnetism that makes billions of people hold Coney Island so dearly in their hearts. My role as a community activist began in the fall of 2006 when I objected to a Confidentiality Clause that Thor Equities demanded that all of their tenants sign. In January of 2007 I was evicted from my boardwalk store because I objected to this Clause. I organized a "No Condos in Coney" demonstration at New York's City Hall. This demonstration created an extraordinarily colorful spectacle which succeeded in preventing Thor Equities from building condos in the Amusement District. It also resulted in my getting my boutique on the Coney Island boardwalk back (the very same store which they are now senselessly evicting me from once again). Since that first demonstration Save Coney Island has spread information about the redevelopment, given people the opportunity to discuss and express their opinions and ideas about Coney Island, and organized events, protests and demonstrations which publicly express these convictions.
Coney Island has been known throughout it's history as "The People's Playground" because it provides accessible and affordable recreation for the city of New York and for the entire world. It was created by small business owners with big dreams of creating a magical land of amusement. Coney Island should be transformed into the fabulous amusement wonderland that it deserves to be. It should be redeveloped. But in a cautious and conscientious way that preserves its history and the magic that makes Coney Island this extraordinary place.
Save Coney Island says
YES to Revitalizing Coney's World Famous Amusement District!
NO to 26 New High Rises of up to 30 stories each in the current Amusement District!
NO to Retail, Malls or "Entertainment Retail" in the Amusement District!
NO to shrinkage of the Amusement District from 61 acres to 9 acres!
YES to preserving Amusement Zoning in the Amusement District!!
YES to keeping Coney Island the People's Playground- providing accessible Amusements for ALL to enjoy!!
Learn More About Save Coney Island!!
future of coney island
The Future of Coney Island
Today Coney Island looks like an apocalyptic wasteland. All of our colorful signs are covered by Thor Equities ugly "For Lease" signs. I am afraid that very soon there will be nothing left.
I believe that unique, creative businesses that capture the essence of Coney Island, like Lola Staar, are the true future of Coney Island. That is what has made Coney what it is: creative entrepreneurs with elaborate ideas that stretch people's perceptions of reality. Instead of appreciating this fact, the City and Thor Equities are crushing the very businesses that have defined and sustained Coney Island for decades and draining Coney Island of all of it's essence.
Especially in this economy, the City should not allow Thor Equities to displace an entire community of successful, thriving businesses who are contributing tourism dollars and tax revenue to the City. This is the type of economic climate in which Coney Island, the People's Playground should thrive because it provides accessible and affordable recreation for all during tough times. Instead, they are allowing it to be senselessly destroyed.
This transitional time will determine whether Coney Island will remain "The People's Playground" and a world renowned Amusement Park or if it is fated to become another generic, soulless shopping mall of high rise buildings, hotels and luxury condos. At the moment the future of Coney Island is looking very dismal.
We need your help.
You've Gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT to CONEY!!!
Save Coney Island is going to take back Coney Island by making our voices heard at City Hall. We are organizing a "Save The People's Playground- Preserve the Amusement Zoning in the Amusement District" event. We need people to join our Save Coney Island group for scheduled appointments with your specific City Council Member. These meetings will be followed with a vibrant and colorful demonstration on the steps of City Hall topped off with a fabulous parade culminating in a surprise visit to the doorstep of one of key player in the this redevelopment debacle.
Please email if you would like more information about participating in this event. If you are unable to attend please send us an email so we can put you on our email list and keep you informed about upcoming Save Coney Island events, demonstrations and news about the redevelopment.
Please help us Save Coney Island!!!!
burning ruins
Admission to the Burning Ruins: 10 Cents
In 1907 the breathtakingly fabulous Coney Island Amusement park, Steeplechase, burned to the ground. The following morning the owner of Steeplechase, George Tilyou, hung this sign outside of his destroyed amusement park:
"To inquiring friends: I have troubles today that I did not have yesterday. I had troubles yesterday that I have not today. On this site will be erected shortly a better, bigger, greater Steeplechase Park. Admission to the burning ruins: 10 cents." -George C. Tilyou
Again, in 1911 another horrific fire raged in Coney Island. It completely destroyed the spectacular Dreamland Amusement Park. The following morning, as embers still rose from the charred ground, showmen set up makeshift stalls. They displayed their merchandise and sold their fantastical spectacles with the same enthusiasm and pizzazz as they had the day before the fire.
In the true Coney Island spirit, Lola Staar will continue to shine in Coney Island. We will continue to have our fabulous Dreamland Roller Rink inside the historical landmarked Childs Building on the boardwak. In addition to this, we will be opening up a new shop inside the fabulous Gateway to Coney Island, the newly renovated Stilwell Avenue Subway station.
As you can see, throughout it's history Coney Island has gone through many drastic and dramatic changes. Hopefully the changes that are taking place right now will make Coney Island into the fabulous amusement wonderland that it deserves to be. I hope, with all of my heart, that Lola Staar will continue to contribute to the redevelopment of Coney Island.
Admission to the Burning Ruins: 10 Cents!!!
Be a Staar.... Live FOREVER!!!