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Do you think pin ups are unpopular girls? Is that why we're all here on a message board socializing and networking instead of doing it out there? I mean I have friends but not too many and usually I'm just at home chilling around doing nothing or working.

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The first thing I have to ask regarding this question is how long have you been in this scene? The reason I ask is because the pinup/rockabilly scene is incredibly social. We have events all over the world, all year long, and they range from small group meet-ups to huge events like Viva ( 

PinUp is a subculture, and most subcultures have websites/message boards/forums where like minded people can come together from all over the world and connect. It has nothing to do with being unpopular, it's about connecting with people that you wouldn't be able to connect with if it wasn't for the internet. 

This site, and most others like it are absolutely about networking, but the point of networking is to make contacts that you can use in real life. And as for socializing, heck yes we spend time online socializing! Because of this site I have met my best friends, been invited to weddings, been made a god mother, and found a family that I never imagined I would have...... and all those people I just talked about, I have met in real life. We make an effort to hang out with each other in real life, even if that means traveling to other states and countries. 

The simple answer to your question.... no, pinups are not unpopular. We are the most popular girls in our social groups. We're pretty, sweet, fun, sexy, outgoing and awesome. Truth be told, if you don't have those qualities, you're not going to be a successful pinup. And lets be honest,those qualities ensure that a person is going to be popular in any social situation. 

There is a demand to have a place online due to the fact that there are so many people "out there" doing it. Otherwise we wouldn't be approving so many new members daily.

I think that pinups would be the most popular in any group.  Heck, even when I'm not hanging out with my friends, I'll be the lone pinup in the grocery store and people come up to me and comment about my style.  I'd say that that is popular. 

About being online instead of actually socializing in public, I don't agree. I agree with Roxy, we are here to communicate during our down times so when we do go to these events like Viva and whatnot, we know who will be there and we can all plan to meet up.

I love PinupLlifestyle. Unlike facebook where all of your friends/coworkers/family are together in one place, PL has all of your rockabilly family together in one network where we can talk about upcoming car shows, to our wardrobe, to the kind of makeup we use, to connecting with other awesome artists that have the same interests as us.

So to answer the question, do you think pinups are unpopular? No, if anything, pinups are the most fun, confident, and sassy ladies of them all. Everyone loves a pinup girl!!


Hello Bettie,

look around and you will have the answer: Yes they are unpopular. All the girls are outside looking more and more like men. Which girl wants to show his feminine side? All the men think about the 'one thing' and do not respect the human beauty.

So I want to ask you: Is it important that you have many friends or is it more important to have only some, but real friends?

I also do not have many friends perhaps less than you expected. Also nobody shares my pin-up hobby. They say: it is to suppress women.

They do not see, with how many love and engagement these women show there own beauty. So I am sitting here as well as you and chilling around, writing these columns.

But thank you that you are thinking about it.

I agree I went with my hubby to be to our stylist and I had so many of the stylists there ask me who did my victory rolls and were shocked when I said I did. They wanted me to teach them! 

Pinup I'm seeing more and more girls interested in it every day.

I think pin ups aren't unpopular at all! I've found everyone very sociable both online and in real life. Plus I've had nothing but lovely responses to my style and interests (apart from the odd "but why don't you wear modern fashion?" which I just view as inquisitiveness) when I'm out and about with anyone, whether they're in the scene or not.

I think we're just few and far between, unlike other alternative scenes, so it's hard to get groups of people into it, and it can be hard to find 'suitable' events (car shows, gigs, weekenders) for people from long distance to get together to celebrate their awesomeness.

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