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I've noticed that a lot of people like zombies. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE Vampires. Zombies don't appeal to me the way Vampires do. Fast, deadly, beautiful, intelligent - I think everything about Vampires is amazing!

So the question is: What attracts you to zombies?

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LOL, well if I ever get to see the movie, I'll let you all have a copy. It was a cheap b-movie made by a friend of a friend. He needed naked zombies... so I said I'd do it. Got 50 bucks and a cold. But it was so much fun.

Dottie Darling said:
Yeah I'm definitely curious.

Marissa Lily said:
You were a naked zombie?? now everyone is going to be curious about this!
Roxy Tart said:
The interesting thing was that I was the zombie....

Dottie Darling said:
You were naked in a zombie movie and now you have a thing for them... well now that's interesting.

Roxy Tart said:
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.
I'm a zombie fan. I've read the zombie survival guide, and World War Z by max brooks..I'm looking forward to reading recorded attacks when it comes out in spring.. pretty much prepared for a zombie Apocalypse of any kind..
I love zombie films.. no matter what they creep me out!! I have seen every George Romero movie a million times, and every time i get uneasy.. and i love the satirical undertones about our culture.. he's a genius. Oh and FIDO.. great movie!
I really like to watch my b/f play left for dead on 360 too.. it's great.
And for a zombie movie idea... I've always wondered why there are no zombie movies set in the winter.. Wouldn't they just freeze up and not be able to move until spring? or would they migrate south? These are my thoughts on zombies..
vampires.. eh. not so much. :)
ZOMBIES RULE !!! There's something about walking around with part of your flesh hanging off , smashing through wood floors trying to get to some fresh brain.......... YUMMMMMMMMMMM

I actually tried playing left for dead, and it was kinda entertaining!!!.... and i NEVER play video games...about zombies in winter....didnt max brooks touch on this in world war Z...? some people tried escaping to alaska...zombies followed them, froze and then reanimated when the snow melted? movie would definitely be great tho! i and the boy have watched soooo many zombie movies, read soooo many books, i think were prepared in case of a zombie war! haha

PunkGirl_Inc said:
I'm a zombie fan. I've read the zombie survival guide, and World War Z by max brooks..I'm looking forward to reading recorded attacks when it comes out in spring.. pretty much prepared for a zombie Apocalypse of any kind..
I love zombie films.. no matter what they creep me out!! I have seen every George Romero movie a million times, and every time i get uneasy.. and i love the satirical undertones about our culture.. he's a genius. Oh and FIDO.. great movie!
I really like to watch my b/f play left for dead on 360 too.. it's great.
And for a zombie movie idea... I've always wondered why there are no zombie movies set in the winter.. Wouldn't they just freeze up and not be able to move until spring? or would they migrate south? These are my thoughts on zombies..
vampires.. eh. not so much. :)
But why do you like zombies? I just don't understand their appeal.

PunkGirl_Inc said:
I'm a zombie fan. I've read the zombie survival guide, and World War Z by max brooks..I'm looking forward to reading recorded attacks when it comes out in spring.. pretty much prepared for a zombie Apocalypse of any kind..
I love zombie films.. no matter what they creep me out!! I have seen every George Romero movie a million times, and every time i get uneasy.. and i love the satirical undertones about our culture.. he's a genius. Oh and FIDO.. great movie!
I really like to watch my b/f play left for dead on 360 too.. it's great.
And for a zombie movie idea... I've always wondered why there are no zombie movies set in the winter.. Wouldn't they just freeze up and not be able to move until spring? or would they migrate south? These are my thoughts on zombies..
vampires.. eh. not so much. :)
Yeah..I don't really get the zombie thing..although I did participate in the local zombie walk. That was fun! It was just a freak fest! Haha..I LOVE vampires! Always have..I read Anne Rice's books, seen movies..I really wanna see "Twilight" and "Let the Right One in". And I've seen "True Blood" got a free DVD one day..they were just handing them out on the street downtown. So any Lestat fans here? Heh...Well, I think he's sexy. : P
Have you read Twilight? The movie is pretty good but the book is much better.

I don't find Lestat sexy [at least not in the movie Interview with the Vampire] but I am a Rice fan.

Anita Fixx said:
Yeah..I don't really get the zombie thing..although I did participate in the local zombie walk. That was fun! It was just a freak fest! Haha..I LOVE vampires! Always have..I read Anne Rice's books, seen movies..I really wanna see "Twilight" and "Let the Right One in". And I've seen "True Blood" got a free DVD one day..they were just handing them out on the street downtown. So any Lestat fans here? Heh...Well, I think he's sexy. : P're right Tom Cruise did not do it for me. I just have quite an imagination.. : P I did like him in the Queen Of the Damned movie. Stuart Townsend I think? He's pretty fine.
Yes he is much better looking in my imagination.

Anita Fixx said:'re right Tom Cruise did not do it for me. I just have quite an imagination.. : P I did like him in the Queen Of the Damned movie. Stuart Townsend I think? He's pretty fine.
Yeah.. haha.. thats why i wondered why NO ONE made a movie!! haha.. and left for dead.. definately entertaining.. i love how the zombies RUN at you!! haha.. so good.. I think you and me should be on the same team when the zombies come.. hahaha..

Rachel said:
I actually tried playing left for dead, and it was kinda entertaining!!!.... and i NEVER play video games...about zombies in winter....didnt max brooks touch on this in world war Z...? some people tried escaping to alaska...zombies followed them, froze and then reanimated when the snow melted? movie would definitely be great tho! i and the boy have watched soooo many zombie movies, read soooo many books, i think were prepared in case of a zombie war! haha
PunkGirl_Inc said:
I'm a zombie fan. I've read the zombie survival guide, and World War Z by max brooks..I'm looking forward to reading recorded attacks when it comes out in spring.. pretty much prepared for a zombie Apocalypse of any kind..
I love zombie films.. no matter what they creep me out!! I have seen every George Romero movie a million times, and every time i get uneasy.. and i love the satirical undertones about our culture.. he's a genius. Oh and FIDO.. great movie!
I really like to watch my b/f play left for dead on 360 too.. it's great.
And for a zombie movie idea... I've always wondered why there are no zombie movies set in the winter.. Wouldn't they just freeze up and not be able to move until spring? or would they migrate south? These are my thoughts on zombies..
vampires.. eh. not so much. :)
I dont think it is an appeal to BE a zombie.. or be LIKE a zombie.. i think its the appeal of the realism of it all.. Zombies could in fact be real.. they're us, only dead.. and thats scary. Like the reports of the germans reanimating corpses to fight the war... it could happen. And it makes you think about human characters and memories.. like Bub in day of the dead.. it's just so interesting!! It creeps me out and has much more interest to me then something like a vampire i guess.. Vampires are cool.. but just not scary..

Dottie Darling said:
But why do you like zombies? I just don't understand their appeal.

PunkGirl_Inc said:
I'm a zombie fan. I've read the zombie survival guide, and World War Z by max brooks..I'm looking forward to reading recorded attacks when it comes out in spring.. pretty much prepared for a zombie Apocalypse of any kind..
I love zombie films.. no matter what they creep me out!! I have seen every George Romero movie a million times, and every time i get uneasy.. and i love the satirical undertones about our culture.. he's a genius. Oh and FIDO.. great movie!
I really like to watch my b/f play left for dead on 360 too.. it's great.
And for a zombie movie idea... I've always wondered why there are no zombie movies set in the winter.. Wouldn't they just freeze up and not be able to move until spring? or would they migrate south? These are my thoughts on zombies..
vampires.. eh. not so much. :)
I agree. I think that zombies have this understated terror. They are like pug dogs but instead of treats they like flesh and they will stop at nothing to get it. Vampires always seemed so snobby... only wanting the BEST blood and all...

sfphotojournal said:

It's the difference between Seattle and New York.

If you like things damp, rotting and grey. If you like grunge and flannel. You like zombies.

If you like things dangerous frantic. If you like superfly pimpin'. You like vampires.

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