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Anyone else gotten the boot from Facebook due to a photo???

I did and boy did I see red! First off, someone on my friends list did it because this was my personal site and it's limited to friends. I wrote a fast and furious letter to FB. They then reopened my account and showed me the "offensive" material that was removed. It was a pose I did with another woman and while it's sexy, it's also tastefully playful. I have similar poses with a man and no reports have been made on those. Ok, fine. Some jerk got off by ticking me off. The NEXT day I got a 2nd warning for apparently posting something offensive. I guess telling someone that if they don't want to see it, they should delete themselves instead of being a homophobic ass! I have my other site set to 18+ so if your kid is looking at that site, that's not MY problem! ARGH!!! I hate having to sensor myself.

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I had artwork removed a few times via facebook. Warnings as well needless to say I dont use it as often and try to direct people to my art website in stead of posting there. My original profile was deleted.

Facebook is a free site and they get to set the rules.  One main philosophy of FB is that everything on their site, they want to be free access to as many people as their users will let them.  The only reason there are any privacy controls is because no one would be on FB if there weren't.  I doubt that any plans to create an adult control is in the works for that reason. 


Under the TOS, they state:

You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.


And one might ask, "What is pornographic?"  and if you read further, you find the answer"


If you violate the letter or spirit of this Statement, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of Facebook to you. 


So, in other words, if they think it might get them in trouble, they will take it down.  It might not be clear to you, but it is very clear to them.  It is their site.  They get to decide. 


It is like going to someone's house, okay, ginormous resort hotel, for free, and inadvertently offending several people.  You didn't mean to, but you did.  Maybe other people were doing it, but no one said anything about them.  So, the management asks you not to do that, or you will be uninvited to the party, to which, remember, you got in for free. 


Good manners and, from my POV, common sense, says that one backs off and realizes one is partying at someone else's expense. It is an easy decision, play by their rules or play in another back yard. 



Hmmm...I've read their rules. My very missed point is that it is definitely a cherry picking device that they use. I've reported a well known white supremacist several times and trust me, he is one hateful SOB, but he keeps his site. Yes, he threatens people. My stalker? Oh yeah, I reported that MANY times. I'm not here to debate about their free site. I just think that somewhere along the line, they decided to be the cherry picking morality police. I'm glad I just shut that site down and went back to my old one. Ah well...sometimes people just want to get things off their chest....

The thing is, it isn't cherry picking.  They can't police everything; the site is too big.  So whomever is the loudest in complaining, or whomever's pics have the most potential to cause problems, those are the ones removed.  It isn't personal; the site is too big to be personal.  It is just that yours were caught when others weren't. 

This is hilarious!   What a sense of entitlement.


Facebook is not owned by you, it owned by Mark Zuckerburg.  It's private property.


If you start stripping in a Starbuck.  Does Starbucks have the right to kick you out?  They sure do. 


Do you think they being morality police?  Do you think they're "cherry picking"?  I doubt it.


But it's art!...Who cares.  Starbucks like Facebook has every right to control what goes on in their private property.


Here's some advice - You don't like how Facebook does business?  Leave!


Just getting things off my chest.

Well to answer your comment it may be in your nature to "Push your envelope" just as it will be in your nature to get "Banned" again from FB website.. Your going to get the same fustrating results which is getting banned and most likely permanently  this time so why bother. Its like saying I am going to go topless at the beach because in Europe its legal and I have a right and its my body etc etc...  Well guess what its not your beach as facebook is not your website. You can complain all you want about the website and their poor policies and poor way of defining that the person who flagged your webpage "IS or IS NOT" a stalker.  Yes most likely it was a weirdo stalker guy that flagged your site. But do you seriously think Facebook police agency detective dept gives a rats ass about one person on their website when they have "Millions" on their site? And you are actually expecting them to figure out who is telling the truth and what the real story is or going on with your facebook webpage? They could careless...  Why? because its a "FREE" site that you do not own or have one lousy say in! If you want control or a better way to avoid these problems as many have mentioned "CHOOSE" another site to do it on or create your own with your own domain name... All that said I am not on Facebooks fanboy side I actually can not stand the site.. But to hear people actually complain about a company that provides a service for "FREE" is like people complaining how about their food while in jail...  Dont like it dont go there....  Pretty simple answer and it dont take a rocket scientist to figure that out "Or maybe it does" Honestly I think the more people get things for free the more the complain about them.. Or promote them by using them... 

Hellz Kittehn said:

First of all, I need to proof my posts! OY! I know a friend ratted me out. I shut the site down. It's ridiculous because I'm very open about how VERY open I am! FB can shove their so-called policies where the sun don't shine. They let my stalker roam like a gd free range chicken. I blocked him and he popped back up with another site. This was someone who had stalked me 5yrs before and he found me on FB and started up again. Trust me, this was way before any "sexy" pics of me were on my site. So, in the end, the local PD CSI(no joke)had to come and photograph the emails, tap into my voice mail, and collect his creepy "love" letters. To this day, that creep still has a site and I'm the bad one??? I'm now happily back to my old page. I will probably push the envelope on that page. It's in my nature. It's been a good way for me to keep in touch with photogs and other models. I about wanted to explode when I posted this discussion. Art has no hard and fast rules. Let me pose this question. What type of picture would offend you to the point of reporting it?

Trousseau you put it best... Like I mentioned earlier "Their House Their rules" no matter how much you think its unfair or wrong etc... You dont like it dont go to their house...  Which is why I choose to not go to their site. What fascinates me is how so many "Blind Sheep" just seem to blindly go to Facebook and talk all the time about it.  To me its the worst site ever loads slowly is completely "Clunky" in its navigation and design. Looks like something designed 10 years ago. Is so inconsistent in its posts and way it navigates. But like I said so many blind sheep just go to it and say "Oohhh Ahhhhh...."  Much like cavemen do when a person flicks a lighter in their face.... That should tell most people a message...

The Trousseau said:

Facebook is a free site and they get to set the rules.  One main philosophy of FB is that everything on their site, they want to be free access to as many people as their users will let them.  The only reason there are any privacy controls is because no one would be on FB if there weren't.  I doubt that any plans to create an adult control is in the works for that reason. 


Under the TOS, they state:

You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.


And one might ask, "What is pornographic?"  and if you read further, you find the answer"


If you violate the letter or spirit of this Statement, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of Facebook to you. 


So, in other words, if they think it might get them in trouble, they will take it down.  It might not be clear to you, but it is very clear to them.  It is their site.  They get to decide. 


It is like going to someone's house, okay, ginormous resort hotel, for free, and inadvertently offending several people.  You didn't mean to, but you did.  Maybe other people were doing it, but no one said anything about them.  So, the management asks you not to do that, or you will be uninvited to the party, to which, remember, you got in for free. 


Good manners and, from my POV, common sense, says that one backs off and realizes one is partying at someone else's expense. It is an easy decision, play by their rules or play in another back yard. 



You are beating a dead horse here.. Yes we all get your point you are making how the "Pick and choose at random" to ban some things and not ban other things. That they say your page is this or that but yet not to others. Someone said already above that FB does not clearly list their rules of what is what and they do that "ON PURPOSE" so they CAN change the rules as they see fit when they see fit to do so...  Sure its not really cool they do it this way but they are just doing what they see fit and what is in "THEIR" favor not yours. They dont give a rats ass about you or I.. All they care about is making a ton of money and they can care less how many people kill their highschool rival or cheerleader mother or pick on a gay person etc... All they care about is covering their ass so they do not get sued. SO if that means being VERY VAGUE on what is the line in the sand on their rules thats what they will do be VAGUE on the actual rules of what is accepted or not for photos.  Dont you get it they dont care and they purposely are vague. Your complaining about something that wont change.  You want to change it do not ENDORSE them by using them! I sure do not. I speak badly about FB every chance I can get and when friends ask me to only "FB" Them instead of emailing or calling them I say I guess I wont be speaking to you much then.  But all of this will all be over in 2 or 4 years and everyone will laugh their a**** off saying "Remember when we said FB me" all the time...  Because then we will have recognized FB for what it is a complete "FADE" driven site that is totally lame and only around because blind sheep feed it to exist. 

Hellz Kittehn said:

Hmmm...I've read their rules. My very missed point is that it is definitely a cherry picking device that they use. I've reported a well known white supremacist several times and trust me, he is one hateful SOB, but he keeps his site. Yes, he threatens people. My stalker? Oh yeah, I reported that MANY times. I'm not here to debate about their free site. I just think that somewhere along the line, they decided to be the cherry picking morality police. I'm glad I just shut that site down and went back to my old one. Ah well...sometimes people just want to get things off their chest....

Thank god for some common sense and bringing in a bit of reality for change in this day in age.. You made a perfect clear point.  But P.S. I would not use Starbucks for the comparison as they dont have any were near the B*lls to refuse service to many that should have service refused to. "One of the reasons I can not use a starbucks bathroom" LoL.  Perhaps a better example would be a 5 star resturant refusing service to a fat lady in a bikini on family sunday night. "yes she is legally covered or clothed" but they may want to refuse her service because it may not be good for business to have fat lady in a bikini with families & kids in their establishment.. 

richardwangphotography said:

This is hilarious!   What a sense of entitlement.


Facebook is not owned by you, it owned by Mark Zuckerburg.  It's private property.


If you start stripping in a Starbuck.  Does Starbucks have the right to kick you out?  They sure do. 


Do you think they being morality police?  Do you think they're "cherry picking"?  I doubt it.


But it's art!...Who cares.  Starbucks like Facebook has every right to control what goes on in their private property.


Here's some advice - You don't like how Facebook does business?  Leave!


Just getting things off my chest.

final conclusion so FB does not suck any more "Wasted" time from our lives I end this discussion with this note. 


"Facebook is the equivalent of magic marker hanging on a string from a highschool bathroom stall wall"  and "What you read and get from it is about the same" "Much like those who read whats on the bathroom wall and take it to heart" or "Those who use facebook with more respect than a bathroom wall" 

Wow! This is a great reminder of why don't post or answer discussions on this site. I appreciate the feedback, but there is always somebody to come along with biting, yet not witty, commentary. I don't care who likes or dislikes Facebook, but don't take me for a fool. geez looeez...There are inherent problems with any website you choose to participate with, but some people on here seem to think they know everything. Why put down my reason for using FB???

I give up posting on here as well.  I was not implying ownership of FB. I was hoping for a somewhat intelligent conversation on censorship and FB happened to be the forum that I used. I'm an active user of a private and personal page. It's a great way for someone like me who is broke to be able to talk to my friends who are now scattered throughout the world. Blessed be.
Rafael Vizcara said:

Well to answer your comment it may be in your nature to "Push your envelope" just as it will be in your nature to get "Banned" again from FB website.. Your going to get the same fustrating results which is getting banned and most likely permanently  this time so why bother. Its like saying I am going to go topless at the beach because in Europe its legal and I have a right and its my body etc etc...  Well guess what its not your beach as facebook is not your website. You can complain all you want about the website and their poor policies and poor way of defining that the person who flagged your webpage "IS or IS NOT" a stalker.  Yes most likely it was a weirdo stalker guy that flagged your site. But do you seriously think Facebook police agency detective dept gives a rats ass about one person on their website when they have "Millions" on their site? And you are actually expecting them to figure out who is telling the truth and what the real story is or going on with your facebook webpage? They could careless...  Why? because its a "FREE" site that you do not own or have one lousy say in! If you want control or a better way to avoid these problems as many have mentioned "CHOOSE" another site to do it on or create your own with your own domain name... All that said I am not on Facebooks fanboy side I actually can not stand the site.. But to hear people actually complain about a company that provides a service for "FREE" is like people complaining how about their food while in jail...  Dont like it dont go there....  Pretty simple answer and it dont take a rocket scientist to figure that out "Or maybe it does" Honestly I think the more people get things for free the more the complain about them.. Or promote them by using them... 

Hellz Kittehn said:

First of all, I need to proof my posts! OY! I know a friend ratted me out. I shut the site down. It's ridiculous because I'm very open about how VERY open I am! FB can shove their so-called policies where the sun don't shine. They let my stalker roam like a gd free range chicken. I blocked him and he popped back up with another site. This was someone who had stalked me 5yrs before and he found me on FB and started up again. Trust me, this was way before any "sexy" pics of me were on my site. So, in the end, the local PD CSI(no joke)had to come and photograph the emails, tap into my voice mail, and collect his creepy "love" letters. To this day, that creep still has a site and I'm the bad one??? I'm now happily back to my old page. I will probably push the envelope on that page. It's in my nature. It's been a good way for me to keep in touch with photogs and other models. I about wanted to explode when I posted this discussion. Art has no hard and fast rules. Let me pose this question. What type of picture would offend you to the point of reporting it?

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