"We Are The New Vintage"
This hella made me laugh. It's ridiculous, but semi-informative..... ok really it's just ridiculous, but I love the tip about the wig glue.
As a dedicated tightlacer it has to be corsets for me, Ive been wearing them since I was 16 (Im 32) and it never gets old. They aresometimes a pain though, the tip about wearing spanx over the top is something I do too, it really does help to hide it under tighter dresses. Though I do that more often with a plain waist cincher than a steel boned corset myself. It looks so much better.
My favorite girdle ever! I love the underbust style zipper open and the style girdlebound.com also does dye jobs so you can get i in almost every color. OBGs are the best I love that you get the support and waist definition but I find them more comfortable less movement restricting and more easily hidden under clothes than corsets plus are perfect for the summer too
I think if you wear that you could have another baby before you might have planned for one ;-)
All of them! I'm a curvy girl so, I have an under bust corset, for those extra-curvy moments. Ultra-not-sexy shorts type pants that smooth it all in. And a whole list of other shape ware, that can be almost painful (but worth it). Mostly vintage, thanks to Ebay, and the local thrift shops (mom of 3 on a budget).
I think we have the same thought pattern. Open bottom girdle & always a corset. With pants, skirts,dresses it doesn't matter. The corset, that is.
I couldn't live without my open bottom girdle and cinchers. Thanks for the insight to what other lovely ladies are wearing because honestly, I have no idea what I am looking at.... And to those who write about not buying without trying...I so hear you on that. I have been looking for a long line bra with little to no luck. Anyone out there with any suggestions? Same with good girdles. Seems like the Rago is the way to go?
I wear a waist training tight laced corset under most anything, can't beat it, and it has garters for stockings.
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