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Lovely ladies,

I am 39 weeks pregnant and keep staring down at my enormous belly wondering what it is going to look like when the baby has evacuated.  I am wondering if anyone has any experience with tummy binding after pregnancy, whether they felt there was a difference, and what they used.  If all goes according to plan (yes, I know what they say about the best laid plans) I hope to have a vaginal delivery, most of what I have read about stomach binding is in regards to c-sections, and have had little luck finding much information.  Also, I’m a bit overwhelmed with all of my options of products! Should I buy something like a Belly Bandit, a good ole ace bandage, or go all out and get a corset? 

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HI Chelsea:)

Congrats on the near arrival of your lil bundle of joy!!  My son turned 2 last week, the time has literally flown by!  I had a natural childbirth and actually did use the belly bandit post-partum.  I slowly got back into yoga, like 4-5 months after my son was born, that helped tighten my core.  But the thing that I really attribute to getting my figure back was breast feeding.  It can be challenging, but as all women before us, you were built to birth naturally and breastfeed.  When you nurse it actually causes your uterus to contract and get smaller, and when that part is done, the baby will be sucking all your calories away.  Although I lost weight pretty fast, be patient with your body, it took about a year for me to feel like myself again.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions...becoming a mother is the single most transformative experience of my life and the most challenging.  It will be amazing!!  Good luck with the birth, just remember you were built to do this and breath!!

Gracie B 

I bounced back into shape pretty well after my first baby, despite 34 hours of labor (24 natural, the rest with sky high petocin and an epi) and a c-section. Seems that my pelvic bones lack the ability to spread, despite the fact that I'm pretty darn flexible. I did breastfeed for 18 months with my first and got back into my prepregnancy clothes at about 6-7 months after delivery, except my breasts were huge lol. It was much more of a struggle after #2 because of age, my thyroid deciding to stop functioning correctly and some other issues. I would wait on bindings for a few months and see how your body does on its own!

Thank you ladies! I will be breastfeeding, the pro's are simply too great not to. Gracie, do you feel that the belly bandit helped in any way? 


Hi Chelsea! First off congrats!

I have had three in four years and there are a lot of variables that need to fall into place to get your belly back. First, try not to worry or think about that too much right now. Just be in the moment bc it all happens and goes by quickly. Yes, vaginal delivery is best but all sorts of things can happen so be open to every option and just think positive. Whats imp is that you and your munchkin will be healthy and fine.


I tried the belly bandit and didnt like it-I use spanx now for belly support while I wk on my post-babies figure. I had my 3rd 8M ago and he was all belly so thankfully I have no stretch marks but my skin is like ridiculous heheh But thats what wking out is for. No corsets-give your body and your belly a chance to rest and for things to go back into place. This all takes time. Around month 2 or 3 ask yourself how you feel and if you feel ready then thats the best time to put something on your belly for support.


Its takes about a year to get your body back on track after a baby but like I said a lot of things have to be in place. One of them is genetics and the other is age. Having a baby in your 20's you are most likely to bounce back faster than your 30's-I had all three bet 31 and 34. And I am finally now able to wk on myself and my figure.


You have to eat well for yourself and your baby-drink lots of water-you will lose about 20 pds very quickly. If breastfeeding wks out for you dont be afraid of how your belly feels-as the baby sucks your belly muscles and uterus all have a wkout so to speak and in the beginning it will be uncomfy or might ever hurt, but its so worth trying.


The belly bandit didnt wk for me but I lent it to a friend and she loved it. Ask some friends to see if they have things you can borrow before you spend 60-80 bucks on something.


Key to all this is to be patient-very patient and be in the moment and just enjoy your little one. They are tiny for such a short time *tear tear* I wish you the best and email me anytime!! Hugs-PinupMama xox

Congrats! How exciting to be a new mommy! :D Breastfeeding works best, I only did it for a month because I did not enjoy it (way too painful) but what helped alot was bed rest luckily I had my mom around to help! But for me what worked best of all was waist cinchers I wore them all day everyday for the first year you start with a not too tight and just keep down sizing as much as you can. Before you know it your tummy should be flat. And after make sure to ask the doctor when it's okay to start working out and get plenty of cardio! I hope that helped.



Hi Chelsea,


I think the belly bandit did help minimally...especially directly after, giving my core some support.  I stopped using it once I got back into my yoga practice and started building my core internally again.  I did find it useful for the first few months tho.  It's really one of those personal preference things.  You can always wait to purchase it until after the baby arrives.  Just make sure you pay attention to the sizing, you want it to fit properly.  Best wishes!!




I had my little one five months ago and I was so worried about it. I gained about 40 pounds in my pregnancy and I dropped about 32 of it with in the first month and a half. It really does melt away. And the way I look at it at this point is I have stretch marks  now, but who cares? If someone can't see how pretty I am or any other woman is through that then they aren't worth it. Just don't indulge when you are done being pregnant. I got weird cravings afterwords. Swimming really got me back into shape, especially sinceI I don't like to actually "work out"


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