"We Are The New Vintage"
I am interested in finding out if there are any "plus size" (oh god how I hate that term - sorry!) pin-up models here and how they got started in pin-up modelling.
I got into this discussion kind of late but here I am! I had weight loss surgery too. My weight loss is slowing down on the scale but my body is really changing. I found a friggin fantastic way to gain confidence and overhaul my self-image which is long overdue; I go to pole dancing/fitness classes. I've been doing it for about 8months. I am completely addicted to it and even being a big girl (I'm currently a size 20 working down to size 18), I can do a whole lot of really cool s**t!! It's amazing how much pole dancing has changed me and my confidence level & self esteem :o)
I agree with your statement of wanting to lose more weight but never ever wanting to lose my curves! I still want to have big ol titties and luscious butt lol
Cherry Cyanide said:
I guess I fall into the plus-size category atm; I wear anything between a 8-10, with the occasional 12 being thrown into the mix. I've got a lot of extra skin after weight loss surgery, so that makes finding a good fit a challenge!
I want to lose some more weight because I'm doing burlesque but I never want to lost my curves!
I do need to work on the confidence thing a LOT!
I guess I can still chime in on this subject. Maybe offer some words to give confidence to other ladies.
I come from a family of very tall people. I am slightly over 6' in my bare feet and I have always been on the 'thick' side. I was already this tall in the 8th grade and I paid dearly every day for being different. I played ice hockey almost every day and therefore my ass and legs were highly developed and I faced the horrible reality my leg muscles were larger than most girls waists. Through high school I hated myself so much for being bigger than everyone else. Other kids threw harsh words and eventually fists and feet at me because I was a "sasquatch". So I withdrew further into myself and spend more and more time working on cars, after all, cars don't judge you for being a size 14/16. Eventually I graduated high school and I realized that I was making myself miserable because of other people. My mom sat me down and told me that if I didn't start doing things because I wanted to do them, then I was going to miss out on all life had to offer. So gradually I began to build confidence. Sure it still take the occasional beating (like any time I have to shop for clothes) but now I know that I am who I am, and I am not going to change that because I like me.
I took as job as a photographer and writer for a car online magazine, started playing roller derby [a sport where being 6'3" in skates is a plus] and I started working n the photgraphy world. That is how I got into pinup and vintage styling and eventually was pushed [booze was involved, just a little bit] in front of the camera myself.
However, there in lies the problem. Yes I love the way I look, but the constant barrage of people telling me I am to fat, too tall, or too ugly to be a model is not a fun thing to deal with. I am not out to make myself the victim here, but I am simply stating that there is still a lot of road to be paved in the "plus size" world, hell, in the regular world. People, models and even celebrities are defined in print by their size. They are judged on their look and face harsh criticism if they are found lacking in any way. It is harder for women who happen to be the average in America (size 14 if I remember correctly) to find confidence in their bodies because they are constantly being told, by the world at large, that their appearance isn't good enough.
Now don't get me wrong I have NOTHING against women who happen to be skinny, or petite, or whatever the politically correct term is these days, but I DO have something against the extreme measures taken to achieve a 'perfect' look AND the massive amounts of photo editing that is employed for the majority of fashion photoshoots. And in reply, some photographers shy away from anything out side of the norm and refuse to work with anyone remotely considered 'plus size'. I have actually been called "repulsive" and "gigantor" by a well known photographer in my area when we met at a car show. He consequently canceled our scheduled shoot and refused to work with me because he quote "didn't have the necessary photo shop skills to make me attractive" something he couldn't say to may face, and had to do through email. Is being a 14 really so bad in this culture?!
Oh boy...I'm ranting...back on topic!
I think that the best thing a woman can do is CLAIM HER CLEAVAGE!! Whether she is tall, short, skinny, or 'plus size' (I say thick or jiggly but I don't want to offend anyone), girl OWN who you are, no matter what!! No matter what size you are or what color your hair is YOU are beautiful and you deserve to be treated as such!! You can spend your life starving yourself, or forcing yourself to fit into someone elses idea of who you are supposed to be, or you can own who you are and set about making yourself the best version of YOU! Make sure you are changing yourself for the right reasons, and not because of someone elses ideal.
Well that probably wasn't helpful at all..sorry for the rant! :/
Oh my god, Electra Rose, that photographer sounds HORRIBLE! What a terrible person- and how incredibly unprofessional. Also, not true- I've looked through your photos and you're gorgeous, doll! I WISH I had your figure! Thick or not, you have an hourglass shape that fills out the vintage look perfectly. If he couldn't work with that, that's his loss, and his total lack of imagination. If I were you I'd post the email online along with his name for all to see.
I am enraged by the kind of things people feel like it's acceptable to say to heavy women these days. I have had people yell insulting things out their car windows at me when I'm out walking or jogging (because god forbid I try to get healthier in public), and read all kinds of horrible comments on forums about how lazy and stupid fat people must be, especially women.
Lousia Margarita- Yeah he turned out to be a real j******, and he got his comeuppance in the end. Don't you worry your pretty head ;) ;) I tagged him back pretty good. Thank you for the kind words on my figure. I am pretty lucky to have my shape, I realize that now.
If someone were to yell at me while I was running/jogging/trying to get healthy out in public, I would be damn sure to throw a brick through the back window of their car as they drove away! You bet I would have something to throw and some words to share! People behave worse than animals these days and it is UNACCEPTABLE to treat ANY woman like that!!
Crystal Renn according to her latest comp card from Ford is back to a size 4..
Her last campaign was Spring 2011 for Jimmy Choo. I think she looks great.
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