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Does anyone else have a Tumblr account? I recently joined, and am completely hooked.

I'm really random, and don't have a particular blogging "style" per say, but that's what I love most about the site, being that it encourages randomization and somehow manages to keep everything in an organized manner. If you're on there, feel free to FOLLOW ME!

I update daily with photos that I find interesting, as well as a photo
of myself as a part of my new 365 project. Hair and makeup tips along
with product reviews will work their way in as well, from both myself and others I come across on the net and find useful.

For those that aren't already a part of the site, I highly encourage it. =0]

You can "re-blog" other people's posts, which is what I love most. It's a great way to circulate photos of your own throughout the web and gain exposure. I'm already about to explode from inspiration from photos that I've seen posted throughout the world of Tumblr.


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I love watching Edson's tumblr, you never know what he is going to post. But i dont have one personally... maybe soon though.

Haha thanks Goldie! I def am all over the place, BTW there is a SUPER EASY way to post awesome PL photos on TUMBLR, I'll make a video tonight!




Or for full stalker status:

I'm a Tessa follower already!  :D


You can find me at!


Yay for tumbling!



Yeah Edson, you can go ahead and throw full stalker status on me! You keep me very entertained while i am at work! Actually you inspire me as a photographer! :)

@Tessa I'm neck deep in editing, you're way hotter than me, and your voice is too, think if I show you a killer way to post photos to tumblr over skpe that you can make a video?



Fur sure! I think I may have to re-download Skype, but message me next time you see that I'm on!

Edson {PL Team} said:

@Tessa I'm neck deep in editing, you're way hotter than me, and your voice is too, think if I show you a killer way to post photos to tumblr over skpe that you can make a video?



My Tumblr is a mix of everything:

My blog is more model/life related:


I'll look you up on Tumblr!

I'll follow you i'm always looking for new tumblogs to follw and if you want to check out mine's the url is

You're NEVER online! Get you some skypage!

Tessa LeTaunt {★} said:
Fur sure! I think I may have to re-download Skype, but message me next time you see that I'm on!

Edson {PL Team} said:

@Tessa I'm neck deep in editing, you're way hotter than me, and your voice is too, think if I show you a killer way to post photos to tumblr over skpe that you can make a video?



I just got Tumblr and I'm not gonna lie, I'm finding it all very confusing! But, I will perservere and prevail!


Follow me :)

I am now a Tumblr junkie!

I have one as well.. your right ..very addictive !!!

I have an account as well were I post photographs and link to others I like


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