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Hey Guys and Dolls!
I have written a post on the wonderful world of TIKI KULTURE..It is a beautiful genre of retro style that deserves to be embraced fully. I have included information about the origins of this style and what made it so popular in the 40's til present day. I promise a good read ;)
Click on my banner below for more detailed information. Also a wonderful reminder to all of you Edson and Desiree have put together an excellent TIKI FREAKIE GROUP. Make sure you check it out and join! xoxo

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thanks aubrey
your blog is amazing by the way
i will share it with all my firends

i was also reading you hair rat blog as well
i dont think enought people know about this, and its the perfect solution to thin hair, and saving your own hair from your comb makes sure your working with the same hair colour,
haha but im still trying to convince some that its not as gross as it sounds
Nice post. I didn't know much about how tiki fit into pinup culture, so I learned something new today!
Worth noting in the article or a follow up quick post that this months photo contest hosted by Krafty Kitten is "TIKI" !

Edson {PL Team} said:
Worth noting in the article or a follow up quick post that this months photo contest hosted by Krafty Kitten is "TIKI" !
Thanks Helena, I think it's important to cover all aspects of PINUP culture. We're bound by one common thread and yet in someways different as well. I love that aspect. I appreciate your support. take care!! - XOXO Aubrey

Helena Darling said:
thanks aubrey
your blog is amazing by the way
i will share it with all my firends

i was also reading you hair rat blog as well
i dont think enought people know about this, and its the perfect solution to thin hair, and saving your own hair from your comb makes sure your working with the same hair colour,
haha but im still trying to convince some that its not as gross as it sounds
Thanks Cherry!! I am soo happy that you learned about how TIKI KULTURE fits into the pinup world. It's great to hear this type of feedback. Thanks again and take care- XOXO Aubrey

Cherry Cyanide said:
Nice post. I didn't know much about how tiki fit into pinup culture, so I learned something new today!
If you are a real tiki lover, or even just getting into it, you should check out Tiki Oasis held in San Diego in August.
OMG!! that looks so amazing!!! Have you gone yet??? what's it like?? Thanks for sharin this Kim!!!- XOXO Aubrey

Kim Bombshell said:
If you are a real tiki lover, or even just getting into it, you should check out Tiki Oasis held in San Diego in August.
Hello Aubrey, no, I have yet to go, but some of my friends have gone a few years in a row and absolutely LOVE it. They say it is the most laid back, fun loving, generous crowd at any weekender. There are all night themed parties in people's rooms, and everyone just goes all out.

Aubrey London {Madam} said:
OMG!! that looks so amazing!!! Have you gone yet??? what's it like?? Thanks for sharin this Kim!!!- XOXO Aubrey

Kim Bombshell said:
If you are a real tiki lover, or even just getting into it, you should check out Tiki Oasis held in San Diego in August.
GREAT blog. I really enjoyed reading it and share your oppinions as well.
Hey Aubrey I have heaps of work to do ...BUT... having found the link to your Tiki post I then had to venture even further into the archives. A fantastically well informed post on Tiki and as for the rest ... I'm speechless. Thanks for all your efforts with the blog ... I've signed up for the email so I'll be following closely! x

OHANA Luau at the Lake is also a very fun event, not as big as Tiki Oasis or the Hulikau but close to us so we can actually go ;-)


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