"We Are The New Vintage"
Not sure if this is my color. comments welcome.
Do you have a 'Ruby & Millie' counter where you are? I think they might only be UK but it might be available online. They do a great red that would look fantastic on you called 'Red 420M' (I think :/). It's a deep scarlett colour that compliment your skin really well.
Phylicia Cope said:I love red lips... def classy when when worn right.
On point B, I don't know WHICH red I should get and I know I'll be too annoyed having full tubes of red lipstick sitting around because they didn't work for me. That's something I'm just going to have to get over, huh? lol
Roxie Roulette {★} said:I hate gloss! It's too sticky and slimy, and what kinda guy really wants to kiss a pair of lips he'll slide right off of?
In my opinion the most trashy lip colour is bright pink - especially if it is a gloss ¬_¬
I also never understand it when women say:
a) "You're so brave for wearing red lipstick!"
- Why? It's not that courageous to wear red lips, is it? What's scary about that?
b) "I can't pull of red lips"
- Everyone can pull of red lips! Red is not one colour, there is a whole spectrum of
reds to discover! There's definitely one for everyone woman on this planet.
to pink? maybe a deeper red would do?
Gabrielle G said:No, that color is a bit too bright and trailer trash on you.
richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:Not sure if this is my color. comments welcome.
I've never met a man who didn't like red lipstick. Ever. And even if I did.. so what? Who cares what some a****** thinks!?! I wear my red lips because I love how they look and how they make me feel. Any guy that doesn't like or get that can screw off. Harsh I know, but true.
I don't understand why anyone would do anything for someone else if it's not what they wanted to do. If some guy doesn't like red lips, that's ok, he doesn't have to wear them, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Trashy or classy, makes no difference to me, I'm keeping my red lipstick!!
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