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Does anyone else watch this show? If you don' should, it's rad. It's on FX Wed. nights. Whoot to motorcycle gangs!!

And yes....this does deserve it's own discussion. If Daddy Cool can post about hot sauce...hehe.

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I know! I hope I look even half as good as her when I have a full grown child!

Miss ShadyLayne said:
I stay home wed nights just to catch it!! i gotta say that katey segal looks hot in this show too!!!
HAHA Thats what my man and I talk about every Wed. I'm just like.. you know.. that women was good looking when she was younger.. but she was lucky that she just got hotter the older she got.
Two main reasons I started watching the show was just because of her and Ron Pearlman. He f****** rocks.

Miss ShadyLayne said:
I stay home wed nights just to catch it!! i gotta say that katey segal looks hot in this show too!!!
Okay - I just watched last night's episode on was a lot more mellow then I thought it was going to be. What are everyone's thoughts about Tara and Jax? I love seeing them together...but I have a feeling she's going to mess s*** up big time, with the club or with Jax's head. Gemmma is such a bad ass...I love her.
I was kinda feeling that too - but I think last night's episode turned that all around. There is some serious s*** about to go down in Charming!! I love Gemma....she is one tough kitten. And how about the way it ended?! That crazy ATF woman should know better then to mess with SAMCRO....she got messed up!

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
It's getting to be a bit unrealistic. The boys are getting away with a heck of a lot of messy stuff in that little town. That's a lot of bodies to be turning up. The heat from that would be unbearable. But I still dig the show! I do think they need to shut up and ride more...
ATF woman looked hot with a bloody nose. That was a very entertaining moment.
Gemma is freakin awesome. I love how every episode I have a favorite quote by her lol
There is some serious s*** going on and I'm not quit sure how they are going to get out of it. But its going to get real annoying real fast if everytime the ATF show up or another body found, they find an easy little way out of it every time.

Betty Red said:
I was kinda feeling that too - but I think last night's episode turned that all around. There is some serious s*** about to go down in Charming!! I love Gemma....she is one tough kitten. And how about the way it ended?! That crazy ATF woman should know better then to mess with SAMCRO....she got messed up!

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
It's getting to be a bit unrealistic. The boys are getting away with a heck of a lot of messy stuff in that little town. That's a lot of bodies to be turning up. The heat from that would be unbearable. But I still dig the show! I do think they need to shut up and ride more...
This post got me thinking. The lines of good and bad are blurred....while I find myself rooting for SAMCRO, I would never be able to live that lifestyle and don't agree with 99% of it. It's interesting how they made it so appealing.

I thought for sure Gemma was going to have some words with the little "sweet butt" - I too was kinda shocked that they just let her go.

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Amanda said:
ATF woman looked hot with a bloody nose. That was a very entertaining moment.
Gemma is freakin awesome. I love how every episode I have a favorite quote by her lol
There is some serious s*** going on and I'm not quit sure how they are going to get out of it. But its going to get real annoying real fast if everytime the ATF show up or another body found, they find an easy little way out of it every time.

Betty Red said:
I was kinda feeling that too - but I think last night's episode turned that all around. There is some serious s*** about to go down in Charming!! I love Gemma....she is one tough kitten. And how about the way it ended?! That crazy ATF woman should know better then to mess with SAMCRO....she got messed up!

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
It's getting to be a bit unrealistic. The boys are getting away with a heck of a lot of messy stuff in that little town. That's a lot of bodies to be turning up. The heat from that would be unbearable. But I still dig the show! I do think they need to shut up and ride more...

The ATF woman is no better than the supposed bad guys. She's on an ego trip and obviously is a bit umm, shall we say lonley? The lines are blurry between good and bad, eh? By the way, the little girl friend of the prospect... she's proved herself a liability to the club "I'll Rat!"... I'm surprised she's still standing.
OH....MY......GOD!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOVE SOA!!!!!!

hey betty red.. jax is hot. ok bye.
I love the show. Great cast.
ahhhhh Abel gets to come home!!!! I didn't even recognize crack head till she went to see Abel. Hopefully she stays sober.. I didnt have very nice feelings towards her, just as I don't have any nice feelings towards anyone that will harm a child. But after that episode I'm more tolerant of her.

I thought it was a great episode.. But Clay lacked complete common sense thinking that Opie knew about the bugging
Indeed he is sista!!!

Natalie J. said:
hey betty red.. jax is hot. ok bye.

Last night's episode was good, agreed about Clay...he's usually so on top of things like that. I hate that ATF woman....she is a manipulating b****. And I am not really happy about crackhead coming home either....did you see the look on Tara's face? Anyway, next week's episode is going to be intense....I hope they don't kill Opie.
The show is awesome that's all I have to say.

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