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How do ya'll feel about models who have this done? I feel like it's becoming more common place and I have breast implants, so I'm not going to judge. But I know alot of people feel like it doesn't have a place in pin-up modeling and I do understand why.

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I personally have nothing against pin-ups who've opted for surgery.
I myself have implants. I think it all depends on how the model choses to show their body, some, in my opinion, take it too far.
If surgery is going to make you feel more confident as a person, and indeed, a pin-up, it shouldn't matter.
I have to agree with Christi Invicta when she says keep it tasteful!
lol! I agree 100%!!! having a baby does change your body!! at least some parts! breast implants are fine as long as they look natural,when you breast feed,damn do your boobs look great! but i did have a problem wearing some shirts,then after the boobs go away,you miss that look! I am 34 and the only thing i do is facials!! all the time!! and eat right,try to excirse alot,but hey what ever nip/tuck you need i am all for it,gravity will be your evil friend one day!!

KandyK said:
I think girls with Breast Implants look great, after recently having a baby, and things heading South, I'm certainly considering it!! xox
I am ALL for ladies that have made the decision to alter their appearances via plastic surgery! There is nothing sexier than confidence, and if cosmetic surgery is your particular key to happiness, then go for it, right? Plastic surgery isn't anything less than normal in the "regular" modeling world, so why should it be out-casted in the Pin Up world?
I model and perform, and I also have had my breasts augmented. After having my son, they needed it! I would much rather have people consider me as a "fake b****" due to my breast implants, than to have "ew" come to the minds of those that look at me naked... I love my body and that's all that matters. BUT, that's just my opinion...
LOL I'm sure you will be happy to hear thanks to people like Beyonce, Jay lo, and Kim Kardashian the Brazilian butt lift is the recent crave in California they lipo unwanted fat from the tummy and re graph it in there butt no implants required all natural ..... sort of besides the procedure!

Edson C. {PL Team} said:
Not a boob guy myself, but what is sexy for me isn't size, its not bigger the better, its proportion and lines. I want natural cleavage lines, not a right angle at the chest. No ass? Don't get giant tits just because it hurts less, think about your side profile and not just your view when you look down.

Now, If only more women were hyped up about getting nice ass implants...
i personally would like to do the opposite.. remove fat from my badonka donk, and re graph it onto my boobiesss..but i probably would not end up getting it done..but id like to.
I fully intend to have plastic surgery. I have lost a massive amount of weight via weight loss surgery so there is some extra skin and saggage that I feel detract from my look.

I'm going to have a lil nip-tuck but I want to keep it subtle and classy. At the end of the day, I want to be a curvy girl NOT a Barbie doll.

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