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ok, so it was more of a stroll by insult but random and mean all the same! out of no where 2 guys start talk about me like i was invisable - "she would be really pretty if she wasnt so fat".... really? really???? I was only 5 feet away from them AND i had just come back from a 5 km walk which just felt like salt in the wound. This is not the first time i've received a backhanded compliment ("you would be the whole package if you were thinner") or a flat out insult (i was told by a photog that it was going to be really difficult to get good pics of me cuz pin up models are thin. needless to say it hung in my head the entire shoot).

hey guess what??? A) i KNOW what i look like, i dont need you telling me and B) i still think i'm hella sexy!

its hard to shake such random insults but im working on it (and yes, i am an active person) anyone else have a drive by insult moment?

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yeah i've had people comment on my teeth and my hair, saying that i was beautiful but my teeth are "jacked up" or my hair is "crazy". i know that comments like this really hurt especially when they pretend like your invisable. obviously the photographer had no idea what he was talking about because i've seen "plus size" pin ups before and even when pin up was at its peak the girls were not nearly as skinny as models have to be these days to be mainstream! don't worry sweetie!! i think your beautiful! =)
I don't think I've ever had a moment like that that I can remember. I don't pay much attention to people. But Lacy is so totally rock, look at this site. There are women on here of every shape and size. These guys were probably losers who you wouldn't have given the time of day anyways. We all have moments when we look in the mirror and go you know what I'm not that pretty. We also have moment's what we look in the mirror and go hot damn I am one sexy b****! I have an ex husband who made me feel so insecure I wouldn't even watch movies with nude scenes because I thought he was checking out the chicks in the movie and that they were prettier than me. Also he would find it funny for him and his friends to make fun of my high forehead. They even had a nickname. I think I would have rather had the backhanded insult from a total stranger than one to my face from my husband and friends Now I have found my confidence and love posing for sexy pics. It took me a long time to reach this point and I'm still not 100% happy with my body buy I'm working on it. So good ahead and do your thing and don't worry about anyone else. You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different!
I cannot see anything wrong with any of the ladies here, what the hell is WRONG with people?!
You'd think with the whole globalisation thing going on people would find it easier to embrace diversity but sadly I fear all it does is make it easier to spread the current fashion stereotype to every corner of the world.
Personally I get silly comments all the time, I'm not graced with the most features in the world (high forehead and serious case of buckteeth, that's what you get for NOT sucking your thumb as a toddler!) and a rather androgynous body along with an occasional limp due to an accident, but I have come to the point where I don't care about rude remarks. They help sort out the idiots rather quickly!

Agreed though, if you get that kind of comment from a family member or "friend" and they keep doing it even if they notice that it bothers that is REALLY low. Good to hear he is an "ex" now, Nina!

Personally I would probably have walked away from a shooting with a photographer making comments like the ones Lian got. Might sound bitchy but if a photographer starts shooting with that attitude AND tells the model so she starts feeling bad about herself the results CANNOT be good and you might as well use the time doing something you actually enjoy.
All the men you talked about here need a good nut shot with a bat. I hate a*******.

Remember that no one can make you feel bad if you don't let them. You are beautiful, and I looked at your photos, you're not fat, just nice and curvy, nothing wrong with that! Screw the people who don't like it!!
I can image it is hard to hear stuff like that but as long as u believe in yourself and those true friends love for you no matter what or who you are. Then it is the others who can go get lost

don't let them get to you Hun. If I can be honest right now, I think you look a gorgeous woman xx

Hahaha - this has happened to me multiple times. I am a pretty confident person (much as you sound). I know what my flaws are, but overall I am pretty damn fabulous! And so, I have the attitude that the ignorance of these idiots is quite entertaining. Thus, I developed this technique....

I confidently walk over with a very sincere smile on my face and say something that catches them totally off-guard. In this instance, I would have gone for something like, "You wouldn't be so bad either if the things you said didn't make you sound so stupid" or "men often have a hard time in the presence of a woman whose size draws attentention to how small their penis is" Then I smile and walk away.

It is amazing how people who are so careless with their words, are so quick to feel ashamed. Quite entertaining. I highly recommend it!

Oh... and a realy good photographer, can make anyone look good! Especially a pretty gal like you!

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