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I've always been the fat kid. When I was little, my mom was going through a stressful time in her life and I became her eating partner. Fast-forward 20 years and I'm not the fat kid anymore... I'm the fat guy.

F*** that.

So, with the help of Roxy, I've started counting calories using the Lose It! iPhone app. It's got me on 2,130 calories a day (amazing that to way an average amount one is supposed to eat an average amount of food, lol). I'm also doing cardio 3 times a week using the Couch to 5K app. It's interval training that ramps up every week with longer and longer bouts of running until at week 9 you run for 30 minutes straight. That's the theory anyway. I'm in pretty bad shape so it's going to take me longer than 9 weeks to get to that point, but dammit I will get there.

Not sure exactly what I weigh right now, but it's probably safe to say between 250-260... probably closer to the 260 side, if I'm gonna be perfectly frank.

My plan breaks down into three key rules:
1. Stay under calories, the goal is to have a couple hundred leftover at the end of the day.
2. Eat mindfully, make sure my calories are working for me. Does it have fiber? Is it protein? A fruit or veggie? If not then I probably don't need it. This means as little junk/fast food as possible and soda only on rare occasions.
3. Work out at least 3 times a week. Usually by running but also getting into the gym if I have the opportunity.

All my life I've dealt with being fat. For the first time I really have the drive to do something about it.

The ideal would be 170-180lb and athletic, but I'll settle for decently fit around 200...

Now it's time to catch some z's, I gotta run in the morning!

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I know you can do it babe! And I'm here to keep you honest, and yell at you when you need it. LOL
Kudos and good luck.....I'm on the same road, and it is difficult when the only way you know is food. It's great you guys are supporting each other!
Good luck to you! I know you can do it. My max weight after my son was born was 262, so I've been there!
Good Luck! We are cheering for you!!

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