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How do you deal with jerks who throw out the word "b****" simply because you know your rights and are being appropiately assertive? I find it VERY distribing that men can spew words like "b****" and "slut" so easily to any female who isn't afraid to speak up. Sexism is alive and's really f*****' sad considering the year is 2010..when is this going to be a dead issue? Why are there so many guys out there who treat women like s***? Or is it just Toronto? Maybe all the gentlemen are elsewhere...yeah, this is why I'm single. Anyways what do you think of this issue? How do you deal with it?

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I have a fantastic husband now, 3 great kids, and I have a pretty decent sense of self. I didn't let abuse bring me down. I moved on, got over it. I don't let my past control my future. If I did, I would have told my husband to screw off when he asked me out in the first place.

Anita Fixx said:
Violence and abuse is NEVER ok. And I can;t believe anyone would justify it. I'm glad you got out of that relationship ok. I went throught too many..and that's why I have these traumas. And hearing people say it's ol to punch me is not going to help.

Honey B Hooligan {M} said:
As far as men being abusive....well....from personal experience, even the sweetest talkers can be brutal behind closed doors. With my ex, I hid many a bruise with makeup..."oh, I hit my arm on a door jam"....yadda yadda....

But I also realize that I allowed him to do that crap. Finally enough was enough, and now never again. But I won't let a few rotten bananas ruin the whole bunch.

I just toss the bad bananas in the garbage, and focus on the ripe ones. ;)
Thanks, I hope that's really true.

Alice Cat said:
Ah I know you do get areas where there seems to be more unpleasant people than nice ones, but there's surely some nice blokes knocking about! They're somewhere doll, just ignore the ones that upset you, smile to yourself with the knowledge that you're a strong woman who's happy in your own skin, and the lovely men will soon start popping up, or the nasty ones will start treating you better! :)
I'm tired of the pointless arguing..Thank you to those who were non-judgemental and supportive. That's what really helped. Thank you!


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