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How do you deal with jerks who throw out the word "b****" simply because you know your rights and are being appropiately assertive? I find it VERY distribing that men can spew words like "b****" and "slut" so easily to any female who isn't afraid to speak up. Sexism is alive and's really f*****' sad considering the year is 2010..when is this going to be a dead issue? Why are there so many guys out there who treat women like s***? Or is it just Toronto? Maybe all the gentlemen are elsewhere...yeah, this is why I'm single. Anyways what do you think of this issue? How do you deal with it?

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Consider yourself lucky you were fortunate enough to see that side of him/them so soon with out investing more time. There are good men out there. I'm lucky to have met my husband or I would still be jaded. :)

Idk if it will ever change, but for now, don't let the rude comments disscourage you and get under your skin. Don't tolerate it but don't dwell on it either. You're life, goals, dreams, thoughts and happiness are much more considerable and relevant than to waste your time pondering on jerks and thier boorish actions. You're way too cute to give the likes of them any more time of your day!
Girls toss it out to girls all day long, possibly more than men do in a single day. Why isolate men in the question?

Guys get a******, and jerk from girls just as often but I wouldn't consider it sexist. Hell, I just got called horrible in a thread generalizing men.
I don't deal with this issue. In fact, I think Edson is right, these days we give as good as we get. Sexism is alive and well in both genders. The days of men talking down on women and women taking it are long gone. I use the word b**** and slut way more often then any of the men in my life. And those men that I come across that do choose to use those terms to talk about me or other women, get called a****** in return. If they are using it when a woman speaks up for herself, then it is very obvious that they are dealing with some issues of their own. They most likely aren't really being sexist, just scared.

In fact, some might say that your whole post was incredibly sexist. Maybe your single because you have such a low opinion of men.
Any man who talks to me like that is going to get slapped.
Best short response ever. GOLD STAR!

Bunny Levinson said:
Any man who talks to me like that is going to get slapped.
The term 'b****' is overused and only appropriately so 40% of the time. I completely agree with Edson and Roxy.
What's the difference in that guy (or a girl!) calling you a b**** and you saying this:
"I hate the guys in this city they're always rude jerks."
That sounds like a pretty generalized and completely unfair statement. Calling a man a jerk and him calling you a b**** sounds, by your definition, equally sexist to me. Besides, I'll call any dude a b****.

a. a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person
Sexism has been around for soooo many years. And yeah we woman even get to be sexist to men, but I think majority is used against women. there's also the "woman on woman" crime where we use the words b****, slut, etc which in turn allows men to call us such. It's an endless cycle pretty much. And I'm guilty of the crime too. It's everywhere I'm afraid not just Toronto. Just keep on being an aggressive woman, they're probably afraid of your power, so don't let it bother you too much doll.
I don't find the words sexist I find them hilarious. Women call each other b****, slut, whore, and shoot a lot worse more often then men do. I mean watch a show of Jerry Springer lol or any show on the television and see that. It's crazy. So I just say Thank you when someone calls me a b**** of I will say that is Queen B**** to you. If they call me a slut or a whore I will just say "Yeah but I am not YOUR slut or whore" Being a smart ass about it shows people in general both men & women that what they said don't bother me there for usually ticking them off more.

About the single thing hon where are you looking for men. You have to think you are not going to find mister right in certain places. Good men are hiding from the bad girls just like the Good girls are hiding from bad boys.
AMAZING! No wonder Desi had to be imported from across state lines, Kentucky is where the good girls hide! The secret is out...

Inga Coy said:
Good men are hiding from the bad girls just like the Good girls are hiding from bad boys.
I am sorry Anita that you experienced something like that. I often feel like "the Girl Anachronism " Where are the dating rituals and gentleman of the 40's and 50's. I am not saying all of it...but some of it.

I have quite a few guy friends and I call them out for "Slut" and "B****" behavior allot. I think the terms are becoming derogatory on either side at this point.

Personally when I meet a guy, I "demand" to be treated well. It sounds bad but If I just expect to be treated well it never works out. In fact I only attract that type of guy, the others see that I am serious and just don't try. Guys that do "misbehave" find out real quick I am better at "moving on" then them.

If I can say anything, don't play the game or try to fix or bring down your standards. Figure out the social and the private standards...I have dated some in the past that are complete a**** to other people in public; however in public with or without me public or private are respectful, affectionate, and defensive of me.

If you find out what you need ..then you get more of what you want. =))

Double Kisses
I get called a b**** all the time. I just smile and walk away. I may be a b****, yes, but I'm only a b**** when being bitched at.

There's an important lesson in that....write that down. ;P
Some men feel that their masculinity is threatened by a strong woman. So, they do what they know best; try to make her feel bad about herself by calling her sexist names. These are not real men. They are insecure children trapped in men's bodies!
By the way, this is not a sexist post. And I don't think the reason you're single is because you have a low opinion of men. If you've only encountered immature child-men, you're better off single!


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