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So after reading Roxy's post, she has really inspired me to start my own weight loss journey thread.


First of all I am new to PL and I love having such a wonderful group of people to interact with!  Everyone on the site has been so welcoming and I look forward to getting to know as many members as possible!  So let me introduce myself.  My name is Kitty Pratt and I am a Texas girl!  I work as an Artistry and Sales trainer for a cosmetics company and I am on the road 42 weeks a year.  So restaurants and fast food are a way of life for me.  I also recently got married... and with that got reallllllly comfortable... and gained 30lbs in a year!  I have already lost 7lbs in the last 3 weeks.  I booked a shoot with Roy Varga to motivate me to jumpstart my weight loss.  Well I finished the shoot last Friday, the pics turned out great because Roy is amazing, but I also really noticed how much weight I have gained in the past year.  In addition to that my husband just left for Baghdad on Wednesday and I have been an emotional eating machine ever since!  So now is the time to re channel my emotional energy and turn it into something good.  My hubs will be back in July and I have my 10 year high school reunion that month as well.


So here is the plan:


Big Goal: Lose 25lbs (Get back to my pre wedding weight)


Short Term Goal- Get back to the 130's (11lbs)

Starting Line Stats

Size: 10
Weight: 150 (eee just got on the scale and gained 2lbs since Wednesday! put down the cheetos Kitty!)
Bicep (flexed) 12 1/2
Bust 40 1/2
Under bust 35
Natural Waist 32
Belly Button 36
Hips 48
Butt 41
Thigh 22 1/2

The Plan:

-Eat around 1200 calories a day. I am doing Nutrisystem with a twist. I travel 5 days a week and am always around bad food choices, I am packing Nutrisystem food, but I am realistic and know I won’t be religious with it
J.  2 lbs a week would be a perfect number to lose per week.
-Workout, Doing something everyday… I have a few workout vids that I can do in a hotel room and just got a gym membership to use at home.
-Eat less fast food and cut down on my Diet coke intake.. (I drink at least 4 a day!!!) So I will be giving it up soon for Lent
-Drink at least 80oz (or ten glasses) of water a day.

Alright, so week one starts tomorrow.  Wish me Luck!

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Alright Kitty!!! We can totally do this!

Have you thought about hooping as your on the road workout? has travel hoops that come apart so they are easy to pack. Also, as far as emotional eating goes, I read a great piece of advice on how to tell if you're really hungry if it's emotional, if you would eat an apple, you're truly hungry, if you wouldn't, and you want something else, it's emotional. Just this little thought has helped me so much, I hope it works for you too.

Can't wait to do this together!

Kitty... where are you??

Lets get an update on how your doing. Good or bad, that's what a support group is for, to cheer you on.
Okay... so this week is not going so well for me. I am at home, not traveling... but I am training other trainers this week and these girls have never been to Texas, so I have to give them the full Texas tour, IE Mexican, BBQ, Steak full total foodie tour.... and to make things worse everyone is staying with me at my casa! Sigh.... Tomorrow is another day. Me and the two other girls staying with me have vowed to be good tomorrow.

Also, this weekend I am going to do a jumpstart 2 day detox cleanse to get me back on track. I also have a call into my trainer...Saturday starts bootcamp for me.... I gotta keep reminding myself this weightloss thing is not a sprint, it's a marathon!
Awesome! It's so hard when you have guests. But I have faith that you can do it! What detox are you doing?
I am doing the quick trim 2 day. I did the 14 day right before my last shoot and it was amazing, so I am excited to do the 2 day. For me, doing quick weekend detoxes are great for getting my mind back in focus.

Roxy Tart {M} said:
Awesome! It's so hard when you have guests. But I have faith that you can do it! What detox are you doing?
I've been looking for a good 2 day cleanse. Let me know how the quick trim is.
I looked at your pictures and there is no way you have 48 inch hips! Do you mean 38?

Good luck to you! I know you can do it and it's smart to set a small term goal. That's what Weight Watchers does, your first goal is 10%, then you can start thinking of your ultimate goal.
Yes Kim, Sorry 38. :-) Thanks. I have not been so great this week but I am getting back on the horse starting tomorrow... that is when I am starting my detox. I will be sure and let you know how it goes!

Kim Bombshell said:
I looked at your pictures and there is no way you have 48 inch hips! Do you mean 38?

Good luck to you! I know you can do it and it's smart to set a small term goal. That's what Weight Watchers does, your first goal is 10%, then you can start thinking of your ultimate goal.
Okay, I am finally in the mindset… I have been talking about it for a week, but I am finally focused. My Week long company is leaving tonight so I will purge the house of all the girly junk food that has stacked up and get back to being good. I stepped on the scale this morning and all the weight that I had lost for my last shoot has crept back up on me… so here we go again...l let’s start from square one.

I will start my detox at 8pm tonight. Then tomorrow morning the real fun starts. I am doing a 2 day juice cleanse so that should be good times. I’ve got yoga at 10am tomorrow and then afterward I will meet with my personal trainer. My goal for week one is to lose 4lbs. I am starting the clock on that on Sunday. Normally I would only set the bar to 2lbs… but I think that with all the crap I have eaten in the past week and a half I will drop the first 4 pretty easy.

I have been thinking about what I can do to really motivate me… so what I have been thinking is, my hubs come back for R&R from Baghdad in July. I am going to set a weight loss target date to the end of June 1st (14 weeks to lose 25lbs.) I am going to do a military inspired shoot. I saw one that Roy Varga did that was sooo adorable. So that is my goal and my prize at the end of the rainbow!

Hey cutie,

You said the cleanse went well, tell me about it. Was it pills? What did you eat? Were you hungry? Maybe we should start a thread on cleanses....
The cleanse went great, I lost 4lbs!

For the 2 day cleanse I really don't eat much, mainly the juice and a ton of water. If you get really hungry you can do low sodium chicken broth or jello. Bur that is only for those 48 hours.

I really like the 14 day cleanse from quick trim. That one is some serious stuff though! No carbs, sugar or dairy! Around 1000 calories a day and 2 a day workouts. Thank god ir is only 14 days, nearly killed me! I lost about 9lbs. I did it for a photoshoot and went back to my naughty wAys and gained most of the weight back. I can only imagine how good o would be doing if I had stuck to healthy eating afterwards.

We should do it together! And I think a cleanse thread is a great idea. There are so many of them and some are kinda confusing.

I need a good cleanse after all the me Mexican food I ate today!!!

Roxy Tart {M} said:
Hey cutie, You said the cleanse went well, tell me about it. Was it pills? What did you eat? Were you hungry? Maybe we should start a thread on cleanses....
So I just got back from my first week of trainings on the road by myself. No girlfriends around to tempt me to eat super naughty, and I was a good girl! I am back on my Nutrisystem and doing good. I will admit, I didn't workout much this week, but the biggest challenge for me if what I eat. But I promise... I will be poping "Slim in 6" in before the end of the day! :-)

I have a girlfriend who really wants to do a post baby photoshoot for her hubs and she asked me if I would be her partner in crime in her weightloss. So six weeks from now we will be going together to do her first pin up photoshoot! I am so excited for her, and super excited for me cause now I have someone to whip my ass when I don't go to the gym!

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