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I was surfing the "cloud" for various charities that pinups are involved in and I came across this list. It has some valid points and it's someones matter of opinion. I thought I'd share as it may be beneficial to some who are interested in modeling or "making a name" for themselves.
It was created by: Lucious Kane

Enjoy or not

Top 10 Pinup Qualities

       Since the days of pinup artists like George Petty, Rolf Armstrong, and Gil Evgren, many artists and adherents have become fascinated with
the genre. As a result, there had surfaced some very interesting, and
sometimes, downright strange adaptations. Nevertheless, one fact had
been made certain; men love pinups. Modern day pinups reflect the
beauty and class of their past counterparts, while adding a new flare
and boldness that comes with the evolution of style. As popularity
grew, there has become a more increasing interest in this type of art,
thus creating a broad spectrum of future talent. Today's modern pinup
has to have certain qualities to catch a fan's attention and stand out
from the competition. Here, I have composed a list of the top ten key
qualities that I believe will set you apart:

1)    Personality~

       While it's perfectly fine to be influenced by someone, be sure not to completely imitate them. Uniqueness and originality is what will
grab attention. Otherwise you'll blend into the background.

2)    Class~

       Do not be trashy. If you want to be taken seriously keep it classy. Though the envelope can be pushed at times, there still lies a
fine line between art and pornography. Be careful not to cross it and
people will respect you more.

3)    Beauty~

       Yes, beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder. However, make sure you maintain yourself. If you don't feel beautiful it will reflect in your

4)    Style~

       This is something you have to develop and constantly refine. Find out what works for you and go with it, but be sure to keep things interesting.

5)    Creativity~

       Experiment with different props, poses and costumes. This has proven to be paramount in the development of the pinup style. Artists,
photographers and models creativity are what drove the genre to it's
ever increasing popularity, and will always play a key role.

6)    Patience~

       Nothing happens overnight. As with any hobby or profession, it takes a whole lot of practice and patience to get to where you want to
be. Don't worry about becoming an overnight sensation. If you are
dedicated your hard work will pay off.

7)    Respect~

       Respect the art, the artist and yourself. Don't do what your uncomfortable with. Be sure to tell artists or photographers what you
don't do, but be polite about it, they're working too, so be respectful
to them and understand they're job is not easy and they want the
finished product to look great just as much as you do. 

8)    Poise~

       Times will come when you have to hold a position, balance carefully, or stand with a heavy prop. This is why you must have poise.
Workout, keep your muscles strong, develop your equilibrium, and be
sure to stay in character while posing. 

9)    Sex appeal~

       This is not to be confused with nudity or beauty. Sex appeal would be the attitude you bring to the art. Let's face it, as a guy I can tell
you first hand that men look for this in everything. We would rather
see a woman with clothes on, that has sex appeal, than a completely
nude model who just looks like she's not into it. Once again, don't
confuse this with beauty. Sex appeal is  not how you look, it's how you

10)  Sense of humor~

       Most pinup art is funny or cute, particularly in the cheesecake styles, so having a sense of humor is very important. If you are considering this as a career or
hobby and you're a generally crass or unpleasant person with that
"diva" attitude, find a modeling agency and try for some other styles
that are more serious, this probably is not the genre you should be
aspiring to pursue.

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Replies to This Discussion

I think this is a great list. In fact, I think it should be applied to life, not just Pin Up. This is my favorite part, "Modern day pinups reflect the beauty and class of their past counterparts, while adding a new flare and boldness that comes with the evolution of style." Perfectly stated!
Love this post, very cute and true
Yep, that's all very true. There's so many people that think they can be 'over night' pin up sensations... it takes work :)

nice post,but the one thing that makes me laugh is the 'DIVA ATTITUDE" what dumb broad thinks that? i have not yet met a pin-up model like that,but if i did,i would put her ass in place like quick! I mean c'mon,this is not "hollywood" this is just are little pin-up culture!!!
Great list, and I also agree these points should be applied to daily life! Like anything else you work hard for, you should be innovative, motivated, and dedicated. That is what makes modeling, and the final product of a collaborative effort enjoyable, believeable, and fun!
Great find! This list really encompasses so much that we should always remember. Hard work and determination can get you anywhere in this world!
Sounds like this should be a daily reminder for ALL women, not just pinups!
I have to agree with Kandy! It takes hard work and passion over time to be the perfect pinup! Or to succeed in any area of life!

KandyK said:
Yep, that's all very true. There's so many people that think they can be 'over night' pin up sensations... it takes work :)

And originality! There can be only 1 Kandy K, only 1 Miss Rockwell and so on. It's taken me many-a-years and I'm sure you as well. Hard work prevails in all areas. This was a great random find.

KandyK said:
Yep, that's all very true. There's so many people that think they can be 'over night' pin up sensations... it takes work :)


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