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So, I know there is a thread similar to this (or at least there used to
be) in the hair/makeup/dress section...but I thought it would be cool
to have one that we could put the AWESOMELY RAD little (or big) things
we pick up along the way.

I happened to pick up this little piece of amazingness while in Hollywood at the hustler store. It was so
random, and only $16! i was stoked.

What did you pick up?

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Those trays are AWESOME! I love vintage trays, signs and such like that (even some repros are pretty cool too), but if i bought all the ones i want, i'd have no wall space :) lol
Oh my GOSH! that is awesome! does it still work?

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:
i got this from my cousin..................................................................................................................

A family friend of our's owns a business were she restores and sells vintage caravans and airstrams and her whole office and show room is decked out in vintage findings! I love it there, especially when she has her themed parties!
theres a hair salon/ "chop shop" in Ocean Beach called "Seth's Chop Shop" and inside are TONS and TONS of vintgae stuff. Theres this little pedal car that's an airplane and the propeller spins when you pedal.
Here's a picture of my friend on it after a fashion show.

Great stuff you guys! Chop, I love those trays, but I have the same problem as Tabby, I'd have no wall space left if I bought all the ones I wanted. LOL. Great idea for another "what I got" thread, I LOVE seeing people's stuff!!!

Looks like all the stuff so far is vintage or vintage inspired, so I'm gonna move it to the "Vintage" forum. That way we can keep all the "stuff I got" threads separate.

*BTW, the thread for new wardrobe purchases can be found here:*
Sweet, thanks Roxy!
Keep showing us your OLD STUFF! hahaha
you have all the best toys!

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:

are those what i think they are?!?!
Richie, Those bikes are beautiful! :)
and yes, i meant the deck of cards
your such a "do-gooder" nice work... i love nifty gifty's for something you did from your heart!

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
Got this metal coke carrier from my neighbor. I mowed her grass when I mowed mine. When she moved she gave it to me along with some other cool stuff.

My aunt has a TON of old coca-cola stuff. she used to be an avid collector...i should go take pictures of all the things she has!
Who would throw a Big Boy in the trash? That's just wrong! My grandparents had one like that, too. I wonder if my grama still has it!
Speaking of my grama, she had a tenant who left a whole bunch of stuff behind so she sold it at a yard sale. I got this for free:

Coca-Cola vintage tray
I'm not sure exactly how old is, if it's original or repro, but it was free, so I'm not too worried about it!
My grama also gave me some old AVON perfume bottles her mom had kept from the 50's and 60's. They're packed away, so I don't have pictures.

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
I hear ya, I have a lot of stuff in boxes tryin to figure out how to display them.

Had to post this Big Boy bank. Found him in the trash.

Riot Doll-Tabby v.{SGC} said:
Those trays are AWESOME! I love vintage trays, signs and such like that (even some repros are pretty cool too), but if i bought all the ones i want, i'd have no wall space :) lol

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