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How important are "pinup" classes/experiences/for a days ?

Hi everyone,

I would like to know how you all feel about Pinup classes and Pinup experiences.
Where a girl or gals go to a studio,have their hair and makeup done, get taught to pose like a professional pinup and have a pinup style photoshoot to take home at the end of the day,you know the kinda thing right?

I would like to know....

1) how important these things are to you ladies
2) are these sessions just for beginners or do they also appeal to established models and performers?
3) How much would you pay to get your perfect photo shoot?
4) what would you like to see that these places dont usually offer?
5)what dont you like that most of these pinup experiences offer?
6) In this tough time of ressesion,would you still pay to have a pinup experience?

I think thats it for now,lol, im just doing a bit of research,be awesome if you can all give your input.

have a lovely evening

Starla James


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I've actually never even heard of this until now. It sounds like fun though! important? not really, I doubt there's anything they can "teach" you that you couldn't learn from a long study of an Elvgren collection, and a full length mirror-practice-session.

Practice is what makes perfect.
Although I personally have never done a Pin up day or workshop, I think it's such a fun idea. Everyone wants to have a day of glamour, and secretly want the inside scoop of how those models do it! I have a feeling most girls on this website would absolutely jump at the chance to have this experience.
I know more established models do these workshops still, and even participate in being part of the make-over team for the beginners. A lot of models we love to look at have double careers as make up artists, hair stylists, and cosmetologists.
I think the prices for a workshop day (including photos and all), are *completely* reasonable!! A LOT of work goes into setting these events up, providing wardrobe, styling, MUAH, inside secrets, etc! Even in a recession, gals are still's really a great deal, and a great all around experience being part of the scene. We could all use a break from our daily lives, and it feels great to treat yourself to something different like this for an afternoon.
In CA, I would reccommend a Pin Up Workshop day with Mitzi & Co! She and her team, including right hand woman Miss Rockwell De Vil, do workshops in both northern AND southern CA! They give great info, suggestions, and demos during your session, and always have the latest news on where to shop, awesome vendors to buy from, where to go to maintain your look and teach you as much as possible to DIY!
Your money is going to a world of knowledge from the pros you can't find anywhere else! I HIGHLY reccommend everyone do a Pin Up workshop day, at *least* once! Do a few, and you can start to build your own Pin Up model portfolio!! Very cool. ;)
I've never done one, but I think they sound like fun. The girls from Pretty Things Peepshow do one, and I almost did it last time they were in town. I'd love to do one, just for fun, but I don't think they are important at all.
Modeling is rarely as glamorous and fantastical in it's day to day lash glue and garments heading in the wrong direction as it is when you're paying someone else to worry about the final images. (least not for me...)

Just like going to get your make up done by a pro is nice and will give you some tips, it doesn't replace practice and knowing what looks good on you. Especially if you wont be able to afford to pay a team to recreate that when you want to shoot again.

I think it's a great investment and worth the money, but if you're looking to work, it doesn't give a realistic expectation of what your early shoots are going to look like. There is still a learning curve.

I'm not saying don't do it, but I'm saying do it, learn from it and then go on to practice like crazy, work for diversity, seek out looks and recreate them and get as much time in front of the camera as you can.

Doing one of these sessions will give you an idea of what you can do, but by no means will they show you all you can do.
Mitzi is one of the best photographers I know she has the pin up class thing locked down! she rocks!
I do "pin up day" photo shoots around big seasons and when I'm traveling. I think it is usually most beneficial for new models who are new to doing their own hair and make up in a vintage style, so having an expert do it for you makes your photos ten million times better. Plus learning to pose, networking with other girls, and getting strong portfolio images are all positive things.

On the other hand, I HATE when photographers give everyone the exact same photos and sets.. who is that good for? No one but the people making money. I think it's best to switch stuff up for every model and come with you own ideas and your own twist to your shoot.

My best advice would be to check out the photographers, find a few that you REALLY like then maybe hit up some models that have worked with them and see how their experience was. Good luck!
I would love to do a pin-up day,it sounds like great fun! As for cost I'm not really too sure,I'm not much help am I eeek.

Good Luck xx
No no , everyones 2 pennies worth is great! Keep it coming :)

I personally would totally be interested in pinup classes. I noticed online some people offering some that vary from $100 to almost $900. I wouldn't pay $900. I'm pretty broke, but I would probably do anything under $200.
I also think this is more of a beginner thing, but more established models and performers would have fun helping the newbies.
Hi Starla - My name is Joanne (aka Rocket J) and I run Pin Up Finishing School based in NYC. I've only just recently started the school (my first workshop was July 2009), and I've found that you have several different kinds of folks that attend.

You get the gal who IS interested in starting to pin up model and we give her the skills to do her own hair, make-up etc. She also learns how to put together a good wardrobe 'look', gets practice posing in front of the camera (more imporant than some of us think) and a good start to a portfolio that's not a picture taken with a digital point-and-shoot in the bathroom mirror. The reason I say that the actual practice in front of the camera is important is something that those of us who have done it for awhile may take for granted or have forgotten - it's very intimidating the first time you stand in front of that camera, even if you have a supportive and knowledgeable photographer shooting. I look back on my first shoot and marvel that the photog found anything useable in that session!

Then you have the gals who are interested in a day of glamour and fun. They do it for themselves as an ego boost, or to try a different type of look they may never have thought of trying.

The third type are the ones that come for a one-off shoot where they emerge with some sexy shots they can give their significant other.

I've been amazed at how quickly relationships are formed and how supportive all the girls can be of each other in the workshop environment. One benefit I never anticipated when I started PUFS was how I was going to get the chance to meet and interact with so many fabulous and amazing women! It really is a bonding experience for everyone involved!

My 11/15 and my upcoming 1/24 workshops completely sold out and these are only the third and fourth workshops we've done.

I've also started branching out into hair only workshops for the tonsorially challenged ;-) and Mini Pin-Up Makeover Parties.

The cost for the full workshop with shoot is $250 and that includes your high-res proofs and one 8x10 print.

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any specific questions!

Joanne/Rocket J
I agree with what has already been said.

I also think Pinup classes and workshops are most beneficial for beginners, but could appeal to nearly everyone that is interested. It's difficult to develop a blanket class to suit both beginners and those who are more established. Beginners and those who are just casually interested in have a different set of needs than those who are more experienced. There can't be a Pinup 101 for everyone.

With that said, what I don't see offered are different types of classes and workshops. Whether it's basic hair, makeup and wardrobe, posing, or information about contracts, or marketing.

As far as cost for these services; I think that matters on where you live, what your credentials are, what you're offering in comparison with the competition. Is there even any competition?

Hope this helps!
I really like your website and your prices are AWESOME. As someone who got suckered years and years ago when I was a teen by the 'modeling school' schemes and scams put on by the danglers on of decent agencies what you're offering for what you're charging is applicable, it's upfront and spot on for your niche. Even as someone with some hours bending it if you can bend it, I would take your hair class if you were local.

Pin Up Finishing School - Joanne said:
Hi Starla - My name is Joanne (aka Rocket J) and I run Pin Up Finishing School based in NYC. I've only just recently started the school (my first workshop was July 2009), and I've found that you have several different kinds of folks that attend.

You get the gal who IS interested in starting to pin up model and we give her the skills to do her own hair, make-up etc. She also learns how to put together a good wardrobe 'look', gets practice posing in front of the camera (more imporant than some of us think) and a good start to a portfolio that's not a picture taken with a digital point-and-shoot in the bathroom mirror. The reason I say that the actual practice in front of the camera is important is something that those of us who have done it for awhile may take for granted or have forgotten - it's very intimidating the first time you stand in front of that camera, even if you have a supportive and knowledgeable photographer shooting. I look back on my first shoot and marvel that the photog found anything useable in that session!

Then you have the gals who are interested in a day of glamour and fun. They do it for themselves as an ego boost, or to try a different type of look they may never have thought of trying.

The third type are the ones that come for a one-off shoot where they emerge with some sexy shots they can give their significant other.

I've been amazed at how quickly relationships are formed and how supportive all the girls can be of each other in the workshop environment. One benefit I never anticipated when I started PUFS was how I was going to get the chance to meet and interact with so many fabulous and amazing women! It really is a bonding experience for everyone involved!

My 11/15 and my upcoming 1/24 workshops completely sold out and these are only the third and fourth workshops we've done.

I've also started branching out into hair only workshops for the tonsorially challenged ;-) and Mini Pin-Up Makeover Parties.

The cost for the full workshop with shoot is $250 and that includes your high-res proofs and one 8x10 print.

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any specific questions!

Joanne/Rocket J

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